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Jazmin Gonzalez

English 2010
Like I said before in my last reflection; it is hard to reflect on ones writing b!t also
"ery essential# I ha"e definitely grown as a writer this semester# I ha"e learned many
things that ha"e hel$ed me im$ro"e my writing# %ne of the things that I foc!sed on and
did an &'( assignment on was r!n on sentences# I ha"e learned how to s$ot them and
fi) them; e"en writing this $iece I st!mbled !$on a few that I had to change# Little
assignments like that hel$ed me im$ro"e my writing# *he key thing that I fo!nd to be
hel$f!l in writing better $ieces was re"isions# Re"ising o!r works hel$ed me im$ro"e so
m!ch b!t it was also something that I had to get !sed to# I ha"e ne"er really had to go
back and re"ise my works before so with all the re"isions we had to do in class I had to
$!sh myself to go back and fi) things# I fo!nd this really hard and fr!strating at first b!t it
soon became second nat!re# I lo"ed re"ising my memoir# *hat $iece changed the most
o!t of all my other $ieces; I went from +!st telling a story to act!ally showing yo! my
e)$eriences# (eer re"iew was the most hel$f!l tool we had when re"ising o!r $ieces#
*he $eo$le that re"ised my works had great feedback that hel$ed me im$ro"e so m!ch
like with memoir they told me that I didn,t ha"e "ery m!ch showing b!t I had a good
story# *hat hel$ed me b!t after talking to the teacher he ga"e me some better ad"ice on
what I needed to do to im$ro"e my $iece# I had to go back and change it m!lti$le times;
$en in hand my $a$ers were marked with notes on what I sho!ld im$ro"e on#
I like getting ad"ise on how to im$ro"e my writing# I take all the criticism I get and
really try to work on it# -hen I recei"ed feedback from my re"iew like; be more s$ecific
and if I really want to gi"e !$ the ending +!st st!ff like that really made me think# I went
back to my re"iew and changed !$ the whole ending and was more s$ecific when
talking abo!t .at &te"ens and his m!sic infl!ence thro!gho!t /0arold and 1a!de/# I
don,t think I can stress it eno!gh that I think re"ision and $eer re"iew are the keys to
become a better writer# I ha"e also noticed how m!ch of a better writer ha"e become +!st
from going back and reading my reflection from the midterm $ortfolio# I am a lot more
confident in my works# I think that what I ha"e written is good# I know it co!ld always be
better b!t I en+oy reading my works# I can see how m!ch I ha"e im$ro"ed from the
beginning of the semester to right now#
&ome things that I still str!ggle a little bit on is so!rces; I ha"e a hard time
incor$orating them into my works in the research $a$er I had tro!ble with smoothly
transitioning the so!rces I had fo!nd b!t I ha"e tried working on it as m!ch I as can# I
think I had the hardest time with the research $a$er beca!se we had to find a lot of
so!rces and tho!gh I liked my to$ic I fo!nd it hard# *here was +!st so m!ch information I
had to $rocess to make a good $a$er# *hat $iece is something I wo!ld still like to work
on It wo!ld +!st be nice to ha"e more time 2b!t what can yo! do34
*hro!gh and thro!gh I ha"e become a better writer by taking this co!rse# I know I
will take what I ha"e learned and incor$orate them in my f!t!re classes and daily life;
es$ecially !sing so!rces# I know that is something many of my teachers are going to
stress and I am "ery glad to ha"e $icked !$ on the skill# I still ha"e things that I need to
work on as a writer b!t it is all a learning $rocess so it will take some time# *here is still
so m!ch I need to learn#

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