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W L L C C M L 1 C

lL's a celebrauon of whaL's greaL

abouL resLon, by nlghL.
We're proud of our clLy and we
wlsh all vlslLors a safe,
en[oyable and fun nlghL ouL.
1ake a look aL Lhe followlng
gulde Lo nd ouL whaL's on and
resLon ls an exclung and
vlbranL clLy wlLh Lradluonal
values and a culLurally dlverse
populauon, lLs nlghLllfe caLers
for every age, LasLe and budgeL.
WlLh culslne from every corner
of Lhe world and a greaL laLe
nlghL culLure feaLurlng
Lradluonal pubs, sLyllsh cockLall
bars and llvely nlghLclubs,
resLon ls a clLy LhaL never sLops
llvlng. WlLh LheaLres, comedy,
an annual programme of evenLs
and a range of hoLels, resLon ls
a key nlghL ume desunauon for
resLon ls one of only a handful
of Lowns and clues ln Lhe
counLry Lo be awarded Lhe
presuglous urple llag
accredlLauon, demonsLraung
Lhe clLy cenLre's achlevemenL ln
creaung a safe, easlly
accesslble, llvely & vlbranL nlghL
lLs dlverse cllenLele and
abundance of soclal acuvlues
valldaLes resLon's
deLermlnauon ln malnLalnlng
hlgh sLandards.
1h|nk you know about reston's
r|ch her|tage, I bet there's more
we can te|| you. Io|n us as we
meander acoss the c|ty centre
w|th ce|ebr|ty tour-gu|de and
famous Lancastr|an, S|mon

Nobody de||vers a tour ||ke
S|mon. 1o [o|n us, met us at the
Cenotaph on the I|ag Market at
8.00pm on Ir|day 23rd May.

1h|s tour |s su|tab|e for a|| ages!
resuesL ls funded by Lhe clLy's
8uslness lmprovemenL ulsLrlcL
(8lu) and organlsed ln
parLnershlp wlLh Lhe resLon by
nlghL group, made up of
represenLauves from bars,
enLerLalnmenL venues, nlghL
clubs, resLauranLs and hoLels
across Lhe clLy cenLre.
A 8 C U 1 U S
!"#$%&#$% ()* + (,)-./-01
-2* 3,42.0 5//),
!"! $%& '(% )*%)+*, )+-. /01 2&345.
6%-78*& $%& 9-.' /:; )*& &%%<=
6 7$2889) + (889) 7
8//), -:-4;-<;) /8, 1=) > 24?=10@
>1?23.7%-4' %4 @'A42A&2 A26*&'3.*2 &A'*.B
C++ 23.7%-4'.DE%%534F. '% E* )A32 $%& 34 A26A47*,
E%%534F 23&*7' (3'8 8%'*+ G-%'34F HI&*.'$*.' HB
J*&<. A42 7%423'3%4. A))+KB
1he 8ank of 8ID safe w||| be |n
the c|ty centre on Saturday 24th
May between 8pm - 12m|dn|ght.

I|nd |t, enter your chosen IN
number and |f the safe opens,
you'|| w|n S0 |n reston ounds
to spend |n town!

Where w||| the safe be, you'||
have to keep an eye on for c|ues!
!"#$%&'( **+&,'(
!!"# %&'&(&)* +,-. / +#-01# 2"033"
4*53, 6** / 7-*3 2"033"
Drinls Promo, Hclj Price Iood &Lite cndl
4(#8))9 :)"3, / ;&(#305<"3
:oDjj ed & recljcst (Normcl Rcte)l
=<,-5< =<0 > +,-. / +#-01# 2"033"
CIRDC join cluc jor : niht. We uill ite cuc z
ottles oj jlctour CIRDC cnd hcte c specicl CIRDC
cocltcil, Menu uhich uill be z - ( -: bejore midnihtl
=<0 ?@ > A30B31" ?@C( / 7-*3 2"033"
ottles oj Ccrlsber z.o. Coors Liht .ool
=0)8*( =<0 / D,)'30( +)-0"
Iree entr until :zcm. u : et : jreel
=-BB3"EA03(")* / ;0&<05<"3 =0)8
:ojor Adult ujjet All dcl
=-,, > F)G<, / +#-01# 2"033"
Iree VK jor cnbod uecrin purple
+)0* HI1#<*53 / 7-*3 2"033"
z - ( - : on selected Cocltcilsl
%)5 > A<0"0&953 / ;0&<05<"3
Quiz Nihtl
%-J A)*9 / +0)(( 2"033"
Lite Music Q Dul Pond & Dul odecl
H<(" K H<(" / +#-01# 2"033"
:Djj jood ill Dnll
;&(#30( / ;&(#305<"3
Iood serted :z - ppm. Selected Drinls :.ol
;LFMN/ O&*1J,3G 2"033"
z Cocltcils jor :o.ool
;-(&)* F))P / ;0&<05<"3 =0)8
Ecrl ird on jixed price menu cll dcl
D),93* +0)(( / 7<*1<("30 F)<9
Kcrcole uith Gspot jrompmtill closel
D,)'30( / D,)'30( +)-0"
Selected cocltcils z jor .oo All nihtl
D03GB0&<0( / ;0&<05<"3
Curr club cnd drinl .pp, jor .oo on selected
bottles, z jor .oo on selected bottles, z jor .oo on
:),&9<G 6** / F&*58<G
z people ed & recljcst = :o.oo drinls toucher
p.oo per roomper nihtl
Q)0)'< 40"( > +<BR =<0 / +#<0*,3G 2"033"
A niht oj interdisciplincr etent oj Perjormcnce, crt,
Lite crt, Video instcllction, Medic perjormcnce &
Contemporcr dcncel
7<P. > A<1J3"
ottle oj house uine jor .oo uhen buin z meclsl
735<1G 6*" :)"3, / N<0(# 7<*3
Snooze & ooze Djjer ctcilcble jor nihts. zo
discount on stcndcrd cdtertised rctes. All
discounts,oolins to be pcid jor in cdtcnce boolin
direct uith the Hotel quotin "PrestIest"l
N4+( / ;0&<05<"3
"Pound Pcrt" D1 1cmmie Dounstcirs plcin cll
our chcrt, hits. D1 Lule Wilson Upstcirs plcin R N
& Hip Hopl
N<0J3" S<'30* / N<0J3" 2"033"
Grect selection oj Recl Ales, Lcre selection oj Iorein
beers includin one oj the uorlds, stronest beers
"Scmichlcs - :(cbt. Erdiner on drcjtl
N)J< +<BR =<0 > F3("<-0<*" / ;&(#305<"3
z Dsihes & c Side 8.p Per Personl
L,9 =,<1J =-,, / ;0&<05<"3 =0)8
Selected ccsl cle :.pp c pintl
A)T8)0,9 / +#-01# 2"033"
z - ( -: on All Cocltcilsl
F3'),-"&)* / N<&* 2T0&" O3&*9
Iree entr , lcss oj bubbl. z - ( - : cocltcils pm-
ppm, Pizzc & urers .oo til :opml
F))P UV / D-&,9#<,, 2"033"
Iree entr & Shot. shots jor :o.oo (cn shot)l
F)T30 :<,,
z Mecls jor ;.oo. Kcrcole til cmDL 1cer or
Vodlc Redbull onl .ool
2T&13 W&,,<53 / +#-01# 2"033"
Course Mecl :o.ool
2"<*,3G 40P( / 7<*1<("30 F)<9
Picl cn courses jromour Specicls menu jor just
:o.oo, Add c bottle oj uine jor just .oo l
S#3 41<93PG / +#-01# 2"033"
Vls, Ccrlsber, Vodlc & Mixer, Archers & Mixer
:.z, Stronbou, Stellc bottle, Wld, ecls bottle,
Ccrlin :.o, Selected Shots :.ool
S#3 493,T#& / ;G,93 2"033"
Quids - drinls jrom:.oo. Pcrt uith the Pil
S#3 =3<0( A<8/ +#-01# 2"033"
z - ( - : on selected drinls. Iree bino quiz uith
S#3 =,<1J :)0(3 / ;0&<05<"3
: Iree scmple oj recl cle :, pint (excludes Dld
S#3 +<B3 =<0 / O&*J,3G 2"033"
A Selection oj Pizzc,Pcstc (.p All dc, A Selection oj
Tcpcs Tcpcs jor (l
S#3 +#&*3(3 =-BB3"
ottle beer z jor .oo, z Shots jor (.o. :o
Discount on jood jor pcrties oj cnd oterl
S#3 2"<"&)* :)"3, / =-",30 2"033"
ottle oj house uine ;.o. ( Shots jor (.oo selected
S#3 O3,,&*5")* / D,)'30( +)-0"
z Mcin Mecls :o.ool
S&55&( / D-&,9#<,, 2"033"
An Pizzc or Pcstc uith either c bottle oj beer or c
smcll lcss oj uine :o.oo per personl
S&*)( / 2339 2"033"
z Course set menu :o.p ( pm- ;pm)l
S033#)-(3 / ;)I 2"033"
cocltcils z jor 8 cll nihtl
X<"3(Y( / +#-01# 2"033"
z mecls jor .p cll dc eterdc, z cocltci pitchers
z jor :ol
-./012 *3$&,'(
41!5.012 *67" ,'(
!!"# %&'&(&)* / +#-01# 2"
ino & Artistl
4*53, 6** / 7-*3 2"033"
Drinls Promo, Hclj price Iood, D1 & cndl
4*53,)Y( / 4'3*#<P2"033"
z Courses jor ::.po , ;.po Pizzc or Pcstcl Atcilcble
until .oopml
4(#8))9 :)"3, / ;&(#305<"3
:oDjj ed & recljcst (Normcl Rcte)l
=<,-5< =<0 > +,-. / +#-01# 2"033"
z - ( -: Cocltcils until :opmuhen our specicl uests
uill join us cnd perjormlite. Keep posted jor more
=<0 ?@ > A30B31" ?@C( / 7-*3 2"033"
ottles oj Ccrlsber z.o. Coors Liht .ool
=0)8*( =<0 / D,)'30( +)-0"
Lcdies jree entr until :cm. u : et : jree until
:cm, Iree bubbl uith ticletl
=,&"Z / D03<" 2#<8 2"033"
Rciders est oj o's ;o's 8o's po's oo's jolloued b
YD, Ajter pcrt to .o cml
=-BB3"EA03(")* / ;0&<05<"3 =0)8
:ojor Adult ujjet All dcl
=-,, > F)G<, / +#-01# 2"033"
Iree VK jor cnbod uecrin purplel
+)0* HI1#<*53 / 7-*3 2"033"
z - ( - : on selected Cocltcilsl
%)5 > A<0"0&953 / ;0&<05<"3
Quiz Nihtl
%-J A)*9 / +0)(( 2"033"
Lite Spcnish GuitcrQ Dul odec, Wine Ilihts
& Tcpcs zo per personl
%)5 > A<0"0&953 / ;0&<05<"3
Shots Djjerl
H<(" K H<(" / +#-01# 2"033"
:Djj jood ill Dnll
;&(#30( / ;&(#305<"3
Resident D1 Mile Mcrtin jromppm- cml
;LFMN / O&*1J,3G 2"033"
Specicl Prestjest Cocltcils cll .ool
;0)5 > =-1J3" / 7)09C( O<,J
crrel oj lcuhs our jlcship shou, top clcss
comedicns, : jcbulous jro compcre & cjtershou
disco until zcm- Quote Prestjest uhen boolin jor c
bottle oj uine cnd z ticlets jor onl o
;-(&)* F))P / ;0&<05<"3 =0)8
:oDjj totcl bill (not in conjunction uith cn
other ojjer)l
D),93* +0)(( / 7<*1<("30 F)<9
Kcrcole jrom8pm. Specicl purple drinls on
ojjer, Wecr purple to et c jree shotl
D,)'30( / D,)'30( +)-0"
Selected cocltcils z jor .oo until ::pml
D03GB0&<0 / ;0&<05<"3
z jor .oo on 1cerbombs, jor .oo on
selected bottles, z.zo jor Guest Alesl
:),&9<G 6** / F&*58<G
z people ed & recljcst = :o.oo drinls
toucher p.oo per roomper nihtl
Q)0)'< 40"( > +<BR =<0 / +#<0*,3G 2"033"
KorotcKlectic :st irthdc Specicl. A Specicl :st
irthdc electric mix oj thectre, comed, poetr, mcic
& music. It's ter hcrd to not jind somethin ou'll lile
cnd it's held toether z( hour plc. uriters,
Directors, z( Actors, etueen themthe hcd z( hours to
urite, direct cnd perjorml
7<P. > A<1J3" / ;0&<05<"3
House Double z.ol
735<1G 6*" :)"3, / N<0(# 7<*3
Snooze & ooze Djjer ctcilcble jor nihts. zo
discount on stcndcrd cdtertised rctes. All
discounts,oolins to be pcid jor in cdtcnce boolin
direct uith the Hotel quotin "PrestIest"l
7)B"GY( / D,)'30( +)-0"
Iree entr bejore cm. Cocltcils z jor :o.oo,
"Time ombs" z.ol
N4+( / ;0&<05<"3
Iree Purple Cocltcil quote " PrestIest" D1
1cmmie dounstcirs plcin chcrt hits. D1 Ilix &
D1 Lule Wilson plin R N AND Hip Hop, z
jor .oo on Cocltcilsl
N<0J3" S<'30* / N<0J3" 2"033"
Grect selection oj Recl Ales, Lcre selection oj
Iorein beers includin one oj the uorlds
stronest beers "Scmichlcs - :(cbt. Erdiner
on drcjtl
N)J< +<BR =<0 > F3("<-0<*" / ;&(#305<"3
z Dishes & c Side jor :.p Per Personl
L,9 =,<1J =-,, / ;0&<05<"3 =0)8
Lite music jromp.opmIreebird (rocl,blues)
LC[3&,,( / ;0&<05<"3
u one et one jor : on cocltcil pitchers jrom
pm-8pmplus cn cmczin ctmospherel
A&ZZ< HIT03(( / O&*1J,3G 2"033"
courses jor :.( (set menu)l
A)T8)0,9 / +#-01# 2"033"
UV Pcrt jree LED cton Iree UV Icce pcintinl
F3'),-"&)* / N<&* 2T0&" O3&*9
Iree entr,todlc jlctoured shot. z - ( -: cocltcils
pm- ppm, PestIest Mojihos .oo Dter o
jlctours to choose jroml
F))P UV / D-&,9#<,, 2"033"
Iree entr & Shot b( :z. shots jor :o.oo (cn
F)T30 :<,,
z Cocltcils jor .oo All Dc,Ccrlin, Stronbou
cnd ecls ottles Dnl
2T&13 W&,,<53 / +#-01# 2"033"
Course Mecl :o.ool
2"<*,3G 40P( / 7<*1<("30 F)<9
z Iloors , z D1s . Northern Soul upstcirs,
Chcrt,;o's,8o's,Soul dounstcirs. Iree Entr open
til z.oocml
2\-&03( / N<0J3" 2"033"
Iree entr & drinl ( Midnihtl
S#3 41<93PG / +#-01# 2"033"
Vl & Stellc bottles z ( , Iishbouls ,
1cerbombs ( ( 8, Dbl Vodlc & Redbull .pp,
Cclsber :.pp, Selected Shots :, Ajtershocl,
Tequillc,Goldsch Lcer & Scmbucc ( ( , All
ojjers jrompm.
S#3 =3<0( A<8 / +#-01# 2"033"
Disco Niht until :cmplus drinls promos cll
S#3 =,<1J :)0(3 / ;0&<05<"3
: Iree scmple oj recl cle :, pint (excludes Dld
S#3 +<BR =<0 / O&*1J,3G 2"033"
A Selection oj Pizzc ,Pcstc (.p TIL .oopml
S#3 +#&*3(3 =-BB3"
ottle beer z jor .oo, z Shots jor (.ol
S#3 2"<"&)* :)"3, / =-",30 2"033"
Plent oj Iish - Sinles Nihtl
S#3 O<03#)-(3 / 2"] ^)#*C( A,<13
Iloors oj Music Indie, Rocl & css Anthems
z.oo entr b( ::pm- .oo Ajterl
S#3 O3,,&*5")* / D,)'30( +)-0"
z Mcin Mecls :o.ool
S&55&( / D-&,9#<,, 2"033"
An Pizzc or Pcstc uith either c bottle oj beer or c
smcll, lcss oj uine :o.oo per personl
S&*)( / 2339 2"033"
Iree purple cocltcil - Quote Prestjestl
S033#)-(3 / ;)I 2"033"
Iree entr. :oDjj drinls (excludes Cocltcils)l
X<"3(Y( / +#-01# 2"033"
z mecls jor .p cll dc eterdc, z cocltci
pitchers z jor :ol
4*53, 6** / 7-*3 2"033"
Drinls Promo, Hclj price jood & D1l
4*53,)Y( / 4'3*#<P 2"033"
z Courses jor ::.po , ;.po Pizzc or Pcstcl
4(#8))9 :)"3, / ;&(#305<"3
:oDjj ed & recljcst (Normcl Rcte)l
=<,-5< =<0 > +,-. / +#-01# 2"033"
Gin Etent. 1oin us & our suppliers jor c Gin loters drecm.
Tcste cnd lecrn cbout oter :o Gins then enjo themuith
our jctourite mixerl
=<0 ?@ > A30B31" ?@C( / 7-*3 2"033"
ottles oj Ccrlsber z.o. Coors Liht .ool
=0)8*( =<0 / D,)'30( +)-0"
Lcdies jree entr until :cm. u : et : jree until :cm,
Iree bubbl uith ticletl
=,&"Z / D03<" 2#<8 2"033"
litz presents Reclless V Rculus V Rcmpce V
Mctis, Preston's iest Rocl Club Niht oj the Yecrl
=-BB3"EA03(")* / ;0&<05<"3 =0)8
:ojor Adult ujjet All dcl
=-,, > F)G<, / +#-01# 2"033"
Iree VK jor cnbod uecrin purplel
+)0* HI1#<*53 / 7-*3 2"033"
z - ( - : on selected Cocltcilsl
%)5 > A<0"0&953 / ;0&<05<"3
Shots Djjerl
%-J A)*9 / +0)(( 2"033"
Lite Spcnish GuitcrQ Dul odec, Wine Ilihts &
Tcpcs zo per personl
H<(" K H<(" / +#-01# 2"033"
:Djj jood ill Dnll
;&(#30( / ;&(#305<"3
Iood serted :z - ppm. Selected Drinls :.;l
;LFMN / O&*1J,3G 2"033"
Specicl Prestjest Cocltcils cll .ool
;0)5 > =-1J3" / 7)09C( O<,J
crrel oj lcuhs our jlcship shou, top clcss
comedicns, : jcbulous jro compcre & cjtershou
disco until zcm- Quote Prestjest uhen boolin jor
c bottle oj uine cnd z ticlets jor onl o
;-(&)* F))P / ;0&<05<"3 =0)8
:oDjj totcl bill (not in conjunction uith cn
other ojjer)l
D),93* +0)(( / 7<*1<("30 F)<9
Kcrcole jrom8pm. Specicl purple drinls on ojjer,
Wecr purple to et c jree shotl
D,)'30( / D,)'30( +)-0"
Selected cocltcils z jor .oo All nihtl
D03GB0&<0 / ;0&<05<"3
Iish Iridc .op uith clccholic drinl, z jor .oo
on Drcjt beerl
:),&9<G 6** / F&*58<G
z people ed & recljcst = :o.oo drinls toucher
p.oo per roomper nihtl
Q)0)'< 40"( > +<BR =<0 / +#<0*,3G 2"033"
KorotcKlectic :st irthdc Specicl. A Specicl :st irthdc
electric mix oj thectre, comed, poetr, mcic & music. It's
ter hcrd to not jind somethin ou'll lile cnd it's held
toether z( hour plc. uriters, Directors, z( Actors,
etueen themthe hcd z( hours to urite, direct cnd
7<P. > A<1J3" / ;0&<05<"3
House Double z.ol
735<1G 6*" :)"3, / N<0(# 7<*3
Snooze & ooze Djjer ctcilcble jor nihts. zodiscount
on stcndcrd cdtertised rctes. All discounts,oolins to be
pcid jor in cdtcnce boolin direct uith the Hotel quotin
7)B"GY( / D,)'30( +)-0"
Iree entr bejore cm. Cocltcils z jor :o.oo,
"Time ombs" z.ol
N4+( / ;0&<05<"3
Pre cr Ship & Giles. D1 Chris plcin cll our
jctourite tunes Drinls jromz.ool
N<0J3" S<'30* / N<0J3" 2"033"
Grect selection oj Recl Ales, Lcre selection oj
Iorein beers includin one oj the uorlds stronest
beers "Scmichlcs - :(cbt. Erdiner on drcjtl
N)J< +<BR =<0 > F3("<-0<*" / ;&(#305<"3
z Dishes & c Side jor :.p Per Personl
LC[3&,,( / ;0&<05<"3
u : Cocltcil pitcher et cnother jor :.oo extrc,
Lite music Yulon ill (Loccl Preston Act)l
A&ZZ< HIT03(( / O&*1J,3G 2"033"
TERMS: All ofers are subject to availability, management reserve the right to alter or withdraw their ofer, although this is unlikely, patrons should check the validity of all ofers before visiting/purchasing. No cash alternatives are ofered and these ofers cannot be used in conjunction with any other ofers.
courses jor :.( (set menu)l
A)T8)0,9 / +#-01# 2"033"
UV Pcrt jree LED cton Iree UV Icce pcintin, ottle
oj house uine ;.o. ( Shots jor (.oo selected shotsl
F3'),-"&)* / N<&* 2T0&" O3&*9
Iree entr. ;pmcocltcil mclin clcss. pm- ppm
hcpp hour, z - ( - : cocltcils & eers. Iree ccncpes &
Vodlc itcucsl
F))P UV / D-&,9#<,, 2"033"
Iree entr & Shot b( :z. shots jor :o.oo (cn shot)l
F)T30 :<,,
:.o drinls jrom:opm. Attic open Q ::pmuith D1
Kcrl plcin cll the lctest trcclsl
2T&13 W&,,<53 / +#-01# 2"033"
Course Mecl :o.ool
2"<*,3G 40P( / 7<*1<("30 F)<9
Northern Soul l Iree entr Dpen until zcml
S#3 41<93PG / +#-01# 2"033"
Vl & Stellc bottles z ( , Iishbouls , 1cerbombs (
( 8, Dbl Vodlc & Redbull .pp, Cclsber :.pp,
Selected Shots :, Ajtershocl, Tequillc,Goldsch Lcer &
Scmbucc ( ( , All ojjers jrompm.
S#3 493,T#& / ;G,93 2"033"
z - ( - : Cocltcils. Dpen Micl
S#3 =3<0( A<8 / +#-01# 2"033"
Soul & Motoun Niht. z - ( - : on selected drinlsl
S#3 =,<1J :)0(3 / ;0&<05<"3
: Iree scmple oj recl cle :, pint (excludes Dld Tom)l
S#3 +<BR =<0 / O&*1J,3G 2"033"
A Selection oj Pizzc ,Pcstc (.p TIL .oopml
S#3 +#&*3(3 =-BB3"
ottle beer z jor .oo, z Shots jor (.ol
S#3 2"<"&)* :)"3, / =-",30 2"033"
ottle oj House Wine &.o & ( Shots jor (.oo selected
S#3 O<03#)-(3 / 2"] ^)#*C( A,<13
Iloors oj Music Indie, Rocl & css Anthems, z.oo
entr b( ::pm- .oo Ajterl
S#3 O3,,&*5")* / D,)'30( +)-0"
z Mcin Mecls :o.ool
S&55&( / D-&,9#<,, 2"033"
An Pizzc or Pcstc uith either c bottle oj beer or c
smcll lcss oj uine :o.oo per personl
S&*)( / 2339 2"033"
z Course set menu :o.p ( pm- ;pm)l
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Iree Entr . :oDjj drinls (excludes cocltcils)
z - ( - 8.oo on Cocltcils betueen 8pm- p.opm.l
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z mecls jor .p cll dc eterdc, z cocltci pitchers z jor

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