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Chapter 7 Multidimensional Arrays

1 int[][] m = new int[4][5];

2 Yes. They are ragged array.
3 array[0][1] is 2.
int[][] r = new int[2];
Answer: Invalid
int[] x = new int[];
Answer: Invalid
int[][] y = new int[3][];
Answer: Valid
Why does the is1To9 method need to copy list to temp? Because we
need to sort list. Sortin list will chane the contents o!
list. This will chane the contents o! rid a!ter invo"in
What happens i! you replace the code in lines ''()* in +istin
).4 with the !ollowin code,
The contents in rid are chaned. -onse.uently/ you cannot chec"
columns and small 0o1es usin the altered rid.
6. int[][][] m = new int[4][6][5];
#2ot in this edition& ). 3alse. 4ere is an e1ample,

6 5


This input is valid/ 0ut there is no way to put 1 in the !irst 5
0y 5 0o1.

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