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Foundation of Personality

Aspects of an Individuals Personality

a. Mental
b. Emotional
c. Social
d. Physical
e. Moral
f. Spiritual
Mental aspects- this refers to his intellectual capacity. It depends upon the intelligence.
! months a child can profit from his previous activities and can point to picture.
" years can name letters in alphabet.
can point to picture of animals.
#-$ years mental abilities develop rapidly
Fastest rate of I.% development
& years can 'rite and read almost all letters of alphabet
(rite his o'n name
) years can recogni*e 'ords li+e stop and go
,ot and cold signs in faucet
$ years read on his o'n and read aloud
Prefer silent to oral reading
-he childs efficiency in reading 'ill depend on the follo'ing.
. /isual and auditory acuity
". Mental ability
#. Environmental condition and stimulation
Emotional Aspects- a persons emotional ma+e up is sho'n in his li+es and disli+es0
'hether he is aggressive or docile0 ho' he responds 'hen things becomes difficult0 ho'
1uic+ly he is given to anger0 or 'hether he can ta+e a 2ob or not.
Social Aspects- this is seen in ho' 'ell a person conducts himself 'ith other people and
ho' 'ell he observes the rules of eti1uette that govern the society.
-rends to'ard Social 3evelopment
$ months ta+e notice of other children
" to 4 years plays cooperatively
Spea+s to other children
5oins them at play
As+s another for help
(aits for his turn
Ma+es friendly advices
3efends small children
Initiates activities
6 years observes the rudiments of team'or+
Factors affecting Social development
. Socio-economic status
". 7evel of maturity
#. Family cultural bac+ground
Physical Aspects
,eredity and environment determines the entire physiological system of an individual.
. A8S 9autonomic nervous system:
<espiratory apparatus
=rinary bladder
Sensory neuron- e>tends to the s+in and mucous membrane and to the special sense organ.
Motor neuron- functions 'ithin the musculate of the head0 nec+0 trun+0 and e>tremities.
Association neurons- deal more directly 'ith perception and association of ideas0 memory0
languages and ideations.
". ?rain
At birth greater proportion to the total 't.
year childs brain is appro>imately 'eigh !6@
year A6@
#. ,eart and circulatory system
&. 7ungs

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