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I cannot believe that this is my last year as a Waynesville student! The feeling of being a
senior is unlike anything that I have ever experienced. I have made so many memories from
being a student at Waynesville. It is crazy to think that it all started when I moved here from
ayton during the summer before the start of fifth grade school year. The memories of being in
Waynesville started off horrible! but as I have lived here longer and longer! the memories have
grown better and better. I am proud to be a Waynesville "partan.
I hate the start of a new school year. It always stresses me out and I usually have
difficulty sleeping for the first two weeks. #ut the night before a new school year starts is the
worst. I check my backpack again and again. I ask myself $o I have all of my supplies%$ &fter
messing with my school supplies! I finally try to fall asleep and then on the morning of school! I
am rudely awaken by my alarm. uring the moment that I first open my eyes! I am instantly hit
with the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I feel sick. I'm not ready for summer to be over.
I can recall my first day of the (th grade very vividly. I woke up very downbeat. I didn't
want to be at a new school. I didn't want to live at a new house. I didn't want to start school at
)*+( a.m.. I wanted to start a new year at my old school. I wanted to start school at ,*+- a.m.. I
wanted to be at my old house. In this new town and new school! I had nothing. The only thing I
had was fear! and that was something I most certainly did not want to have.
.ventually I got dressed and had breakfast. /y mom walked me to the corner where the
bus would pick me up. I was heartsick and my mom could sense it! so she said to me $I love you
as much as the sky is high! as much as the sea is deep! and as much as the sky is blue.$ /y mom
is known for her powerful words of wisdom and with her saying this! I felt a little less fearful.
0n that morning! the sky was beautiful. The birds were chirping. There was a calm
breeze. .verything was good and beautiful! but I was afraid. #us six slowly drove down the
street and stopped in front of me. I boarded the bus with a neighbor boy who was starting the
fourth grade. I sat down next to him and as the bus slowly pulled away from the curb! I said a
prayer to 1od asking 2im for the courage and strength to make it through the day. I was terrified
of what this new place held! but I trusted that 1od would make everything ok. When the bus
finally got to school! I stepped off the bus! took a deep breath! and slowly found my way to class.
The first day... 2033I#4.!!! 5li6ues. 7opular kids. "hy. #lushing. "cared.
8ncomfortable. 4ots of homework. #ooks to be covered. 7apers to be sighed. &fter what felt
like forever! I was relieved to go home. I missed ayton.
I knew no one in my grade. 9ew kids are always sized up and the other students try to
figure out what cli6ue they belong in. I had been sheltered all of my life at a private catholic
school by parents and teachers that loved me so much. Waynesville was very strange. There
were no school uniforms and kids acted and said things I hadn't ever seen before. Waynesville
changed me and opened my eyes to the realities of this difficult world that we live in.
4ife in Waynesville was difficult when I initially moved here! but things got better later
in my fifth grade year. It was the winter of the fifth grade. I made my first friends through
basketball. We were the $# Team$! more towards a rec:league team. We didn't win very many
games! but I really en;oyed getting the chance to meet other kids my age.
Waynesville has made me into the person that I am today. I am proud of who I am and
work every day to make myself better. .ven when things do not look like they will work out!
man up and face them. If you have confidence and the desire to succeed you will. If you don't
believe in yourself you will fail. In life nothing is given to you. <ou have to earn it. I love who I
am. I am excited to see what the next chapter of my life brings me to.

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