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How To Be Successful With Women © 2007

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How To Be Successful With Women © 2007

How to be Successful with Women

2007 Ver sio n

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How To Be Successful With Women © 2007


As any man will tell you, women are incredibly complex creatures! If you find that
you feel lost at times, perhaps you should seek the expertise of another – after all,
it's not rocket science, and women are far more complicated than that!

Men and women are so very different and require handling in specific ways,
especially when it comes to matters of courtship.

I'm sure you would all like to think of yourself as a sophisticated James Bond-type
who finds scantily clad women literally falling at his feet. Of course you must
remain realistic because we don't live in a world created by Ian Fleming. However
there is no reason why we can't conduct ourselves confidently and worldly-wise
while enjoying successful, fulfilling relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Being successful with women is a statement open to interpretation and has a

different meaning for each individual. Many men believe success lies in the number
of women they have encounters with, while others actually want a meaningful
relationship. Whatever the case may be, in order to take the "next step" with any
woman you must first know how to approach and speak to her.

Once you have read and thought about the content of this guide, I'm sure your self
confidence will know no bounds and your technique, once practiced, will be fine-
tuned to the point where you will truly believe that you cannot fail!

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This question has totally wiped out many a man's mind since the dawn of time.
Knowing what women want and how they like to be treated is the key to your

Women can be fickle creatures and their moods are easily changed. Luckily for
men, most women are greatly impressed by the smallest gestures of sincerity and
sensitivity from men. The old cliché of a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates will
nearly always work for you in terms of setting the scene and creating a receptive

The ways that men and women think are completely different from one another.
Even if we arrive at the same conclusions we will most likely have taken very
different paths to get there. This must be understood and accepted by you if you
intend to have any success.

The first major concept you must acquaint yourself with is EMPATHY - "putting
yourself in another person's shoes".

While a lot of men would love the idea of standing in a nightclub while women
throw themselves at them, women usually do not feel the same way. To
understand, maybe you should imagine a bunch of women you find very
unattractive approaching you - not as whimsical, is it? It is important to be
respectful when you approach someone and treat her how you would want to be

Women do appreciate the fact that men can be very intimidated by the pressure of
having to make the first move. Unfortunately even in today's "women friendly"

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society, generally women do prefer that men approach them in the first instance.
This is the first flattering step to success.

On the other hand, don't be put off by women who may want to approach you;
again, this is the finest form of flattery and takes confidence and courage to carry

Let's assume that you will be initializing contact. You must be aware of the "A B C"
of successful dating:

A = Appearance.

B = Body Language.

C = Conversation.

*** RECOMMENDED SITE *** - Do you like to have plenty of

options? If you do, then is probably for
you! One of the most popular dating sites on the
Internet, has over 4 million singles
from which you can choose. Are those enough

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Within the first seven seconds of seeing someone, we have formed an opinion
about him or her. Obviously our appearance tells others many things about us like
if we are interested in fashion, if we have a sense of occasion, if we are neat, tidy
and clean and so on.

If you want to make a statement about yourself you'll say it loud and clear by the
way you look. It can work for you as much as against you. For example, if you are
pretending to be something you're not it will only result in you appearing at best,
false, perhaps ridiculous and, at worst, untrustworthy.

Even if you do not have a keen interest in clothes, you must try to ensure that
whatever you wear is clean, tidy and coordinated. Look in catalogues or around
clothes shops for ideas about what is deemed as acceptable and unacceptable.
You can always ask the opinion of salespeople in stores; they are there to help!

Pay attention to everything about your hygiene from the top of your head to the tip
of your toenails. Personal hygiene is a big issue on the dating front. Women find
bad hair, bad breath, body odor, dirty finger/toe nails, dirty clothes etc. extremely
offensive and such things are difficult if not impossible to overcome. Always ensure
that you are clean and presentable. If you are fortunate enough to have a close
friend, be they male or female, ask their opinion about your appearance and
personal hygiene standards. You may be surprised at their response! A man who
takes pride in his appearance is a definite turn-on for most women.

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Body language is a vast minefield of a subject that cannot be covered in any depth
in a guide of this nature, but we will discuss awareness and basic signals. This
should give you a foundation to build on.

Body language has a massive bearing on how you are perceived by people-
particularly those who don't know you. It is a strong form of communication that
occurs without a sound being made, and more often than not it is done

The major points to bear in mind are:

• Keeping open hand gestures to signify honesty and sincerity.

• Maintaining eye contact to gain confidence.

• Not placing any physical barriers between yourself and whomever you wish to
make contact with i.e. tables, chairs etc.

• Trying not to fidget around too much as it displays insecurity and lack of

These are fairly self-explanatory points, however I feel a little further explanation is

Open hand movements are important when communicating honesty because tight,
closed-type gestures suggest that we may have something to hide or we may be
intimidated. Should you wish to attempt more subtle gestures, you may try

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ensuring that your foot/feet is/are pointing towards the person you are attracted to
whenever possible. Also, should you be fortunate enough to be sitting next to your
potential mate you should cross your outer most leg over your inner leg towards
them. This signifies both friendship and attraction.

The eye contact issue is again very important but can easily be used incorrectly.
To maintain a suitable amount of eye contact symbolizes sincerity and confidence.
Over use of eye contact may lead to unnerving your intended mate and leave them
feeling intimidated and uncomfortable, so be careful. Lack of eye contact often
implies deceit and dishonesty or even a lack of confidence.

When we place barriers between ourselves and other people it may infer that we
don't like people getting too close or that we are intimidated in some way. By sitting
and standing without barriers in the way, it allows you to practice the open hand
gestures and positive body language so that you can promote sincerity and

Fidgeting or restless behavior denotes nervousness or perhaps boredom. In any

event, is very off-putting for those in your company. We can easily send out sub-
conscious signals to those around us by the most innocent of gestures. For
example, if you touch your nose whilst speaking it could be interpreted as meaning
that you are trying to cover your mouth because you are telling an untruth and your
body is stopping you from doing so. It may also signify that you are really
embarrassed about speaking. Another example of this type of sub-conscious
communication is touching your ear whilst someone is speaking to you, this may
be because you are attempting to cover the ear so that you don't listen to what you
are being told.

Many people are naturally very demonstrative with their hands and signals like

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those mentioned above. Some of these could be easily misinterpreted, but in

general terms we all tend to touch parts of our upper bodies- our hair, face, the
back of our neck etc- when we are socially uncomfortable. When you are out in a
social environment, observe groups of people and look at how they interact. You
will find that with practice, you can read a lot into body language and will eventually
be able to use it to your advantage.

For example, if you watch a predominantly male group you may find that any
female will be the focal point as far as sub-conscious signals go. Those that are
attracted to her may face her or point their foot/feet towards her. If she is interested
in any male she may do the same. If she is smoking she may expose the bare wrist
of her cigarette-holding hand to her prospect or display other subtle positive
gestures. Women often play with their hair in an attempt to preen themselves or tilt
their head slightly as part of the courtship ritual. The interpretation of body
language is a complex matter, but if you stick to the basics it really boils down to
common sense.

*** RECOMMENDED SITE *** - Looking for a serious relationship? boasts an impressive number of
marriages per year as a result of their online
dating services. Not only can you meet someone
special, you can enjoy community social
events throughout the year.

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This is a major feature of successful courtship and a contributor to lasting

relationships. Making a woman feel like she is the only woman on earth will ensure
positive results every time in my opinion. Of course it can work against you if you
ever sound insincere.

When you initially approach your intended mate, you should have a structure in
mind to follow in order to achieve your goal. Never lose sight of what you are trying
to achieve, but try not to concentrate too hard either - you may appear a little too

The structure you should follow will vary depending on your preference, but may go
something like this:

• Introduction.

• Information gathering.

• Assessment of interest.

• Goal.


Introducing yourself can be an extremely intimidating experience. We all fear

rejection of any nature and would much rather avoid confrontational situations that
may result in rejection.

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Again, it is always helpful to think how you would like to be approached yourself.
The things you find off-putting are the things others will also find off-putting, like the
over enthusiastic welcome or the timid, whispered introduction that you strain to
hear. The main thing to bear in mind is to always be yourself. There is no point in
pretending to be something that you're not, or assuming any airs and graces
because behavior of that nature is totally transparent to others and extremely off-
putting. When somebody says, "just be yourself", it is difficult to understand what
that means as we all act a little differently in certain situations- particularly when
under pressure.

Introductions, like everything else, can leave a lasting impression and women can
easily be very critical about people and make unfair generalizations. Women need
to feel "special". Attention and flattery are very powerful tools to use in the
courtship process.

The following are suggested openers for a first approach:

"Hello, I couldn't help noticing you from over there and I wondered if I could,
perhaps, buy you a drink?"

"I wondered if I could ask you to dance?"

"I know this will sound really corny but I think you are really attractive and I
wondered if...etc."

"Look, I've been wanting to come over and speak to you for ages, but I always feel
embarrassed about doing it. The thing is, I think you look really nice and I
wondered if...?

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"I know that in our equal, non-sexist society that it is just as appropriate for women
to ask men out as vice versa but I'm afraid I am a bit old fashioned and I saw you
from over there and I wondered...?"

"I know I don't know you very well, but I've been wanting to ask you out for a long
time and haven't had the courage. I wondered if you...?"

Of course these are only suggestions and are by no means cast in tablets of stone.
You may want to try a humorous approach if that befits your personality, as it can
be a great icebreaker. A sense of humor in a man is a great turn-on for women but
can equally work against you if it's not naturally you.


Once you have made your introduction and have been accepted into a
conversation, you can start to gather information about your potential mate.
Information is a powerful weapon when used correctly. Listening intently and
remembering what is said to you will win you great favors with women, as they
often feel uninteresting and unimportant to the male society. When women are
listened to and talked to as an "interesting equal" they assume a sense of
importance and value from the other party. Unfortunately some women can be
oversensitive to sexism and can feel easily patronized by men.

In order to obtain information, it is necessary to ask "open" questions. These are

questions in which an explanatory answer must be given without resorting to "yes"
or "no". For example:

"What do you think about so and so...?"

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"Why did you decide to do so and so...?"

"That is interesting. What inspired you to do so and so...?

While you are extracting all of this valuable information, you are not only endearing
yourself to your prospective mate but you are gaining an insight into her personality
and psyche. The information can be used at the later closing stage to your
advantage by turning it around as follows:

"Well you said earlier on that you had a liking for films. Would you like to go and the cinema this week?"

"You said you hated cooking some time ago. How would you feel about letting me
treating you to a meal?"

Again, these are just an illustration of how to use information in a positive way and
are by no means instructions to be followed verbatim.


By now you should easily be able to assess the interest of your prospect. Is she
smiling? Are you getting eye contact? Is her body language open and receptive?
Do you feel positive about the whole situation'?

If the answer is yes to all or any of the above questions, you may feel sufficiently
confident to progress to the next stage. If you don't feel confident and you're not
sure of the signals you're receiving, then remain in the conversation and

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information gathering stage until you do feel confident enough to move on.

The main things to always remember are- be yourself, be honest, talk and listen to
your potential mate and above all, relax.


"The Final Frontier".

It is at this point that you have to make a choice as to what you want to happen
next. Do you want to see this woman again? Do you want to continue the current
situation? Do you not want to continue?

If you do want to make a date, remember what you read in the information
gathering section and think about what would interest your potential date.

If you want to continue with your existing situation but you feel that your prospect is
looking awkward or restless, it may be wise to invite them to stay or go on
somewhere else. For example:

"I hope I'm not keeping you. I've really enjoyed our conversation and I didn't want
it to end. If you've got to be somewhere please say so."


"Look, I don't know about you but I'm really enjoying myself. How would you feel
about moving on somewhere else?"

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Obviously if you're not interested then you make your excuses and leave politely.
But be sure always leave the door open- she may have a friend!


Double Your Dating We recently discovered a

great book called "Double Your Dating" by David
DeAngelo. In our opinion, it's the best place for a
guy to start who wants to become more
successful with women and dating. We're really
excited about it, because these days it's definitely
not easy for a guy to find dating advice that
works. So what makes this book different than
everything else out there? Well, mainly David
DeAngelo himself.

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