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Melissa Woodland
Instructor Jonathan Lord
EDUC 201: Foundations of Education
Fall, 2013

Autobiographical Essay
I have always known what I was interested in, but never knew what I wanted to be when
I grew up. Not until the last couple years at least. What I want to be when I grow up is an
educator. I want to have a part in the education of the children in my community. Moving to
Twin Falls in the spring of 2011 has enabled me to continue on a path to do what I want to do
with my career. My dream has finally been able to align with the practical side of me and I
jumped at the chance to follow it. I really feel this is my life calling and Ive been preparing all
the years to be here, now. To be able to do this, at this point in my life, is an adventure that will
guide me to become a better person. To become an educator is one position I can think of that
has no greater reward than molding our children to become better adults than we ourselves are.
Educational Background
I attended elementary school in Texas, first at Mae Stevens in Copperas Cove, then
Nolanville Elementary in Nolanville. I enjoyed school from the beginning and was in an all-day
kindergarten class which was unheard of at the time and in the area. I thrived under the teachers
I had, especially under Mr. Grissom who I had for 5
grade. He pushed us all, but I felt he was
the first teacher I had who really made a difference to me. He had a love of science, especially
space, which he shared with me. We had a class campout on his property in the middle of
nowhere. He had friends from NASA who brought telescopes and they opened the skies to us. I
still remember the constellation I researched for the semester project.
I attended Eastern Hills Middle school, in Harker Heights, and Copperas Cove Junior
High, in Copperas Cove, both in Texas. I dont remember much about this time in my life other
than a bitter divorce from my parents. I still loved school but I was horribly awkward and made

fun of a lot for symptoms of BEALS Syndrome. I became an introvert and kept to myself a lot.
In 8
grade I met two of my best friends; they helped to draw me out of my shell. My teachers,
if they noticed me, never said or did anything. I was a good student, never in trouble, on the
honor roll, Im sure they felt like there was nothing wrong.
High school was entirely in Texas, at Copperas Cove HS, McGregor HS, and then back
to CCHS. My mom moved us during my freshman year to live with her boyfriend. I was
miserable at MHS as I had just finally started to feel included in school again at CCHS.
However there were other issues and we ended up only being in McGregor for a short time
before moving back to Copperas Cove. High school was fantastic; I found my love for
journalism and found teachers who really cared for me. I even worked in the scholarship office
my senior year which paved the way for me with experience in offices. I feel I really started to
bloom during my senior year and was offered substantial scholarships to three different
universities for academics. To Abilene Christian University, Texas Tech, and to Texas A&M
where I chose to attend. I graduated from high school in May of 1995 and started college in June
of 1995.
During my years of schooling, including my years at TAMU, I had many teachers who
would influence my life. Though I never thought I would go into education until long after I was
out of TAMU, they shaped my life in other ways. Both those who werent the best, teachers who
I knew didnt really care, sat and gave us worksheets and sat at their desks doing whatever. Of
course by those who I connected with, I saw them at games, dances, and on awards night. I had
one teacher I especially credit to my desire to become a teacher, her name is Mary Torres. I had
her junior and senior year for a class called PAL (Peer Assistance and Leadership.) She was the

mom I always wanted. She cheered me on and encouraged me to apply to colleges even though I
had no idea how I could afford to go. My mom would sit in the chair and clap politely kind of
person, I knew she was proud of me, but she would never say it. Mrs. Torres told me all the time
and I believed her.
Working in the education system for so long I also have worked with teachers Ive
admired and those Ive wondered why they are teachers. Now that I have decided to go back to
school to become a teacher I know what kind of teacher I want to be like. I want to be
empathetic to my students needs, I want to cheer them on and lend a shoulder to them. I want to
go to their games and chaperone dances. I want to push them further than they think they can go,
to show them the great possibilities I know they are capable of.
Work History
I started working when I was sixteen years old at a Sonic by my house. My mom was a
single mother and I had 3 siblings. She considered school my job, but I wanted to help so she let
me get the job. It was a great feeling to know that I had the ability to help my family, but also to
be able to get the extras I wanted but couldnt afford before. My mom helped to instill a great
work ethic for me, one I still remember. She always told me to work harder than I am paid for,
to make sure I was a valuable employee. I have taken this to heart and apply it in all manners of
my life and activities.
When I went to college, I quit Sonic and my new job was in TAMUs day care facility. I
really enjoyed my job because I was able to be there during the fun times. I was assigned to the
toddler room. Half the time I was there to help get them down for naps and the other half I was

there when they were outside playing and parents were starting to pick them up. I worked in day
cares from college until midway through my pregnancy with my son.
I started working again after my divorce and moving back to Texas at our local Wal-Mart
because the hours allowed me to be home with my then 18 month old. I stayed there until I
remarried 4 years later. My marriage and move to Idaho started me on the process of deciding
that I wanted to go back to school and become a teacher. I have worked in 3 school districts
since 2004 as a substitute, tutor and currently as on onsite online learning coordinator. I have
been managing my own classroom for 8 years. Currently I am managing a classroom of a
section of 6
graders and six sections of 8
graders; my largest class is 30 students. My most
recent job, and move to Twin Falls, helped to solidify that I did want to go back to school to
All of my life experiences have shaped me into who I am. While I am older than most
who are aiming to become teachers, I feel that I am more sure of my desires now than I was in
my early 20s. I know that I can make a positive impact in my school and in the lives of students
I come in contact with. I have worked with the public for half of my life and those experiences,
even when they havent dealt with the education system, have helped to round out my
knowledge. Being a parent has also shaped me into a better person. I have empathy for my
students and I have pride in watching them succeed. I know that I have had well-rounded life
experiences that will help me become a successful teacher.
Service and/or Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activities I am in are mostly related to church, my family and my job. I
am involved with the PTA; at the high school my son attends. I work with the young children,

ages 3 to 11, at my church. I also am the coordinator for Helping Hands Day where I work
where all of our 7
and 8
graders participate in a half day of service in the community. I use to
be involved in more, but with me going back to school and my son being older, time doesnt
allow it. One activity I miss is my work with the Childrens Cancer Unit in Boise. I over saw a
quilt drive and contest and each October we would have a goal to donate 100 quilts.
I feel that it is important to have something outside to participate in. No person, I feel,
can reach their greatest without giving of themselves. I use this as my motivation, for my family,
and also at school. I always encourage my students to show up for the activities to cheer on their
friends or to participate and to be a part of our school. Its nice to feel a sense of belonging to a
community, whether it is where you go to school, where you work or where you live.
Reasons for Choosing Education as a Career
I honestly can say I never set out to be an educator. When I say that and add in that I
want to be now, I get a lot of odd looks. I wanted to go into Psychology. I minored in Political
Science because it fascinated me, but I didnt know what I wanted to be when I grew up. Now,
Im almost thirty seven, and I know I want to teach. Part of me wonders if I waited too long, but
the other part thinks this is the right time. I have watched my son grow up in the system; I know
what worked for him and what worked against him. I went to school so long ago, but I also have
good memories or what I enjoyed and what I wish could have been different. Ive also been able
to witness our education system in practice as a faculty member. I get to see more of the behind
the scenes work that I wasnt privy to before. I know exactly what is expected of me from my
supervisors, from parents and from students. I am not coming into this career with rose colored
glasses; instead I am coming in knowing what I am doing.

I see weekly, if not daily, what I can do for a childs future. I have always wanted to help
others and to feel like I made an impact on something or someone. Being a teacher is doing just
that. I think its a thankless job at times with all the drama and politics of the profession.
However, no one can take away the moments where I observe a students first A in a class,
when a student finally grasps a concept theyve been struggling with all week, or to lock eyes
with them as they run past your check point for the cross country meet. I know those moments
dont happen often, but I know that when they do occur nothing can beat that feeling.
Professional Goals
My short term goal is to finish the basic courses that werent required my first time in
college here at CSI. Then to transfer to a university to fill in what I am missing there as well. I
havent decided on where yet, though I do need to soon. I am hoping to find a university that
will take into consideration that Ive been managing my own classroom for a while. That way I
can keep my job and have an altered student teaching experience. I am not certain our family
can afford for me to not be working fulltime if I cannot have an altered experience, which
worries me.
My long term goals are up in the air as we are currently renting in Twin Falls and we
arent sure if we want to stay here permanently. My husband is willing to move for me, since
Ive moved so much for him. I would like to live somewhere there is more of a connection to
city life as Ive always lived within 35 minutes of huge cities such as Austin. I know that larger
cities have opportunities for everyone to experience that small towns dont. I want to live in an
area with museums, programs for all ages, and constant community events. I know that those
kinds of communities help open the doors to people from all walks of life. I couldnt believe,

when we lived 2 hours from Glacier National Park in Montana, how many students and faculty at
my school had never been there! I want to be in a place where I can open up doors like that for
students who for one reason or another have never had the door opened.
I have been able to work with all grade levels over the years and found I enjoy middle
school the most. I feel like my strengths would work better in a school that is more need based
than well to do. I would not like to work in private or prep schools as I feel I would be out of my
element. I dont think I could relate to the students of that environment as well. I want to reach
out to students who I can relate to, who I feel as if I walked in their footsteps.
In conclusion, I believe I have found what I want to be when I grow up. I know I am
older than most brand new teachers, but I also know that the experiences Ive had along the way
will do nothing but make me better as an educator. I want to use what I have learned throughout
my life to enrich the lives of the students I come in contact with. I know that the experiences
Ive had, both positive and negative, will be an asset to whatever school district I work for. I
look forward to seeing where this journey takes me.

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