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Cayla Ryan Ryan 1

Mrs. Tiemen
College Prep English 12
February 10, 2014
Beowulf Analysis Paper
In the epics about Beowulf we learn about how a strong hero, who protects people.
Beowulf kills monsters using his strength and by out smarting them. To the people in the
epics Beowulf is seen as a hero, but into todays society would we still see someone like
Beowulf still be seen as a hero?
The definition of hero means a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic
qualities or has performed a hero act and is regarded as a model or idea person. So in
todays world a hero can be seen in many different viewpoints all around the world.
Different countries and religions even have their own idea of what a hero really is. When it
comes to what people think are heroes depend on what you believe in and what you think
are heroic qualities.
In Beowulf, people believe Beowulf is a hero because of his strength and his abilities
to use it against monsters to defeat them. For each, till the bracelet-wearing queen had
carried the mead-cup among them and it was Beowulfs turn

Ryan 2
to be served. She saluted the Geats Great prince, thanked God for answering her prayers
(Epic 3 355-359) this quote tell about how the queen praises Beowulf and says he was the
answer to her and the whole kingdoms prayers when it comes to the slaying of Grendel.
Also in the last two epics, Beowulf is proved to be more as a hero because he all of a
sudden is fighting Grendels mother and a dragon, without anyone having to ask. In the last
two epics Beowulf is trying to save his reputation by fighting these last too monsters
without anyones help or even without anyone asking him too. Beowulf ended up losing his
life to fight the last monster, just by going out of his way to be that hero.
Today vs Beowulf time what a hero is has changed. Today we know that a person
with super strength, goblins, dragons, etc. dont exist. A hero now could be said to be a
parent, made up character, someone in the armed forces, or even cops or firemen in
everyday life.

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