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Sarah klima

Dee Dee Cole
CHDV 100 sec. 40528
Observation ssi!nment" Domains o# $evelo%ment.
&or this assi!nment ' observe$ m( niece )*(nneth+ she is three (ears ol$ an$ one month.
Domain: Physical Development
1. Appearance and growth:
)*(nneth looks a lot taller than the ki$s her a!e+ she is three #eet an$ t*o inches
tall+ an$ she *ei!hs #ort( %o,n$s. She looks ver( health( an$ still has a sli!ht bab( bell(+
b,t that is slo*l( $isa%%earin! as she !ets ol$er.
2. Gross and Fine Motor Skills:
)*(nn loves to %la( %reten$. -hile ' *atche$ her she %la(e$ *ith her blocks+
stakin! them an$ arran!in! them. She %la(e$ *ith her $ollho,se an$ ' %la(e$ *ith
her. Her #avorite thin! to $o is %la( o,tsi$e+ she loves to $i! in the $irt an$ %la( on
her s*in! set.
Gross Motor SkillsFine Motor Skills
1. -alkin! ,% an$ $o*n stairs 1. .atin! (o!,rt *ith a s%oon
/0eas,re 18" )ross 0otor 0ovement2 /0eas,re 40" &ine motor skills2.
2. 3ickin! a ball #or*ar$ 2. Dra*in!
/0eas,re 40" &ine motor skills2
1. -alkin! on a line 1. Co%(in! a circle
/0eas,re 14" 5alance2.
4. 6i$in! a tric(cle 4. 7sin! one han$ consistentl(
/0eas,re 18" )ross motor movement2
!. Pre"erence o" Gross or Fine Motor Activities:
' $o not think )*(nn %re#ers the !ross motor skills or the #ine motor skills. On
certain $a(s she %re#ers one over the other+ it 8,st $e%en$s on her moo$.
#. Gest$res and Facial Feat$res:
-hen )*(nn is irritate$ or tire$+ her #ace !ets scr,nch( an$ she makes a %o,t(
#ace *hile crossin! her arms. -hen she $oes not *ant to talk to a ne* stran!er
beca,se she is tire$ an$ *ants to act sh(+ she !ives a hal# smile an$ b,ries her #ace
into the %erson she is near.
%. # &ndications o" good health:
' believe )*(nn is a ver( health( chil$. She $oes not have an( asthma. She is
able to slee% *ell thro,!h the ni!ht+ an$ she $oes not have an( in$ications o#
,n$erno,rishment or malno,rishment.
'oncl$ding tho$ghts:
' believe )*(nn9s $evelo%ment *o,l$ be consi$ere$ t(%ical beca,se her $evelo%ment
seems to #ollo* the milestones that the te:t in$icates. Her #ine motor skills are *ithin the ran!e
that the te:t book states" ;,rns sin!le %a!es+ hol$s cra(on *ith th,mb an$ #in!er /not #ist2+ co%ies
circle+ eats *ith a s%oon+ ,ses one han$ consistentl( in most activities /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+
%.2502. Her !ross motor skills #all into the same ran!es" r,ns #or*ar$ *ell+ kick a ball #or*ar$+
ho%s on one #oot /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+ %.2502. ;here are a #e* thin!s that ' *o,l$ sa( are
at(%ical in her $evelo%ment. -alkin! ,% an$ $o*n stairs+ thro*in! a ball overhea$+ catchin! a
bo,nce$ ball+ ri$$in! a tric(cle+ those are !ross motor skills that she $evelo%e$ earlier on than
the te:t book s,!!ests.
Domain: 'ognitive and (ang$age Development
1. )ow does child show c$riosity:
)*(nn is al*a(s c,rio,s as to *hat other %eo%le are $oin! an$ *ill sometimes
have a con#,se$ look on her #ace i# she has never seen that task bein! $one
be#ore. -henever she sees me %,ttin! on make=,%+ she *ill %,t $o*n *hat she is
$oin! an$ *atches closel( an$ asks >,estions abo,t *h( ' am $oin! $i##erent
thin!s. She ,s,all( *ants me to %,t make=,% on her as *ell+ an$ ' let her %la(
*ith m( ol$ make=,% br,shes #or %reten$.
2. *+ample o" child,s attention span:
)*(nn9s attention s%an varies. She can sometimes be easil( $istracte$ #rom a
task+ normall( *hen a #avorite movie is on. ' *as %la(in! *ith ?Stack C,%s@+ an$
aske$ i# she *ante$ to learn ho* ' $o it. She looke$ e:cite$ an$ *ante$ to tr(.
She *atche$ care#,ll( as ' $emonstrate$ an$ then trie$ it #or hersel#. ;he #irst
time *as *ith m( hel%. ;he ne:t t*o times she $i$ it b( hersel# an$ !ot better
*ith each tr(. 't took her three min,tes to move on to a ne* activit( b,t came
back to it ever( once in a *hile. ;his *o,l$ be an e:am%le o# the D6DA 0eas,re
10" C,riosit( an$ initiative+ )*(nn *as c,rio,s as to *hat it *as ' *as $oin!+ an$
she took an$ she *ante$ to tr( it hersel#.
!. Pro-lem Solving:
)*(nn *as %la(in! *ith a ?Ala( School@ to(. 't has %lastic balls that !o insi$e the
to( an$ *hen a b,tton is %,she$+ m,sic %la(s+ an$ air blo*s the balls back o,t.
-hen she *as %la(in! she notice$ the( *ere st,ck insi$e the to( an$ starte$ to
!et ,%set that the( *eren9t comin! o,t. She came to me an$ aske$ *h( it *as not
*orkin!+ ' tol$ her there *ere to(s st,ck in there an$ she ha$ to !et them o,t.
&irst she trie$ stickin! her han$ in to %,ll them o,t an$ >,ickl( realiBe$ that *as
not the *a( to !o. She then ti%%e$ it ,%si$e $o*n an$ the( still *ere not comin!
o,t. ' shook it+ since it *as too heav( #or her. She ,se$ trial an$ error to solve this
%roblem b,t she nee$e$ a little !,i$ance. ;his is an e:am%le o# the D6DA
0eas,re 28" Aroblem solvin! an$ 0eas,re 11" .n!a!ement an$ %ersistence.
)*(nn trie$ hersel# to solve her %roblem to !et the %lastic balls o,t o# the to(+ she
trie$ over an$ over a #e* $i##erent *a(s. -hen she *as !ettin! too #r,strate$ *ith
her %roblem she came to me to hel% her #i!,re somethin! o,t.
#. Sym-olic .epresentation:
)*(nn ,ses man( ob8ects that have the sha%e o# a cell %hone+ as %hones. -hen
she %la(s *ith ?Stack C,%s@ she hol$s one ,% to her ear an$ han$s me the other to
talk into. She is ver( ima!inative an$ can ,se one to( #or man( ob8ects.
%. 'lassi"ication and Seriation/
)*(nn !ets e:cite$ *hen she sees one or more %erson *earin! the same color
shirt. She loves to *alk aro,n$ stores #in$in! the shirts that match the color o#
hers. ;his is an e:am%le o# the D6DA 0eas,re 14" Classi#ication. )*(nn *as
i$enti#(in! an( ob8ect that matche$ the color o# the shirt she *as *earin!.
0. *+ample o" 'entration:
' took a s,!ar cookie that ha$ #rostin! on it an$ broke it in hal# #or me an$ )*(nn
to share. 5oth halves o# the cookie *ere e>,al an$ ha$ the same amo,nt o#
#rostin!+ b,t one hal# ha$ the #rostin! %,she$ to the si$e so it looke$ like it ha$
more. She o# co,rse *ent #or the hal# that looke$ like it ha$ more #rostin!+ even
tho,!h it *as an e>,al amo,nt. ;his is an e:am%le o# the D6DA 0eas,re 15"
0eas,rement. )*(nn *ante$ the cookie that a%%eare$ to have more #rostin! on it
than the other+ she *as ,sin! a #orm o# meas,rement to $etermine that one cookie
ha$ more #rostin! than the other.
1. *+ample o" *gocentric 2hinking:
)*(nn *as hol$in! m( te:t book+ ' le#t the room #or a min,te+ *hen ' came back
she *as hi$in! her #ace behin$ the book+ an$ tho,!ht that ' co,l$ not see her
/e!ocentrism2 /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+ %.2712.
3. )ow does the 'hild Descri-e 4-5ects:
-hen )*(nn is $escribin! an ob8ect+ it ,s,all( so,n$s like this" ?0a( the %lease
%la( %o%9s track *ith the cars+ ,nt Sarah.@ ;his is an e:am%le o# the D6DA
0eas,re 15" .:%ression o# sel# thro,!h lan!,a!e. ' *o,l$ sa( that she is in the
$evelo%in! sta!es o# this meas,re.
6. *+ample o" 4vverreg$lari7ation:
Overre!,lariBation is an a%%lication o# lan!,a!e r,les *hen the( $o not a%%l(
/&abes < 0artin+ 2008+ %.2842. )*(nn sa( thin!s like+ ?Alease ' hol$9s that@.
18. *+ample o" 9oca-$lary and Sentence (ength:
0ost o# )*(nn9s vocab,lar( incl,$es no,ns+ verbs an$ a$8ectives. ?0omm(9s at
*ork makin! %ennies.@ ?;e:t (o, later+ !ran$ma+ !ran$%a+ an$ Sarah.@
'oncl$ding 2ho$ghts:
' believe )*(nneth9s co!nitive/lan!,a!e $evelo%ment *o,l$ be
consi$ere$ more t(%ical. Cot bein! able to ,n$erstan$ seriation is common #or a
three (ear ol$ /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+ %.1D42. )*(nn *as not able to ,n$erstan$
seriation *hen ' aske$ her i# there are more %,r%le shirts or more !reen shirts in
an area. Chil$ren this a!e are ,nable to ?conserve@ /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+
%.2712. )*(nn sho*e$ this *hen she *as ,nable to tell that both halves o# the
s,!ar cookie ha$ the same amo,nt o# #rostin!. Chil$ren this a!e ,se s(mbolic
re%resentations+ *hich is *here the( ,se one ob8ect to re%resent another /&abes <
0artin+ 2008+ %.2702. )*(nn sho*s this *henever she ,ses ob8ects as cell
%hones. nimism is t(%ical amon! (o,n! chil$ren+ it is a #orm o# e!ocentric
thinkin! /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+ %. 2712. )*(nn $oes this *ith her $olls.
-henever it is time #or her to take a na%+ she makes ,s tell $oll( it is time #or a
na% also. .:am%le9s 8+ 4+ an$ 10 sho* that )*(nn is in the $evelo%in! sta!e o#
the D6DA 0eas,re 15" .:%ression o# sel# thro,!h lan!,a!e.
Domain: Social and *motional Development
1. *+press intense "eelings with words:
-hen ' cannot ,n$erstan$ *hat )*(nn is tr(in! to sa(+ she *ill raise her voice
an$ e:ten$s her arms to*ar$ me to tr( to !et me to ,n$erstan$.
2. 2ypes o" play the child spent time in:
Sometimes )*(nn *ill en!a!e in onlooker %la( *hen she is *atchin! her t*o
co,sins %la( b,t isn9t s,re (et i# she *ants to 8oin in. -hen )*(n an$ her co,sin
are %la(in! in a %la( ho,se the o#ten %la( ne:t to each other an$ en!a!e in %arallel
%la(. ;he t(%e o# %la( that )*(nn en!a!es in most is coo%erative %la(. )*(nn
an$ her co,sin love to %la( *ith $olls an$ cars to!ether. ;his is an e:am%le o# the
D6DA 0eas,re 8" Coo%erative %la( *ith %eers. )*(nn is in the $evelo%in!
sta!es+ she is %la(in! *ith another chil$+ b,t *ill also %la( alone at times.
!. 2hree traits o" temperament:
)*(nn is more o# a lea$er than a #ollo*er. Her activit( level /&abes < 0artin+
2008+ %.2142+ is %rett( intense an$ she is constantl( movin! aro,n$. ;he re!,larit(
o# her basic #,nctions+ r(thmicit( /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+ %.2142+ is ver( constant.
)*(nn is ,s,all( h,n!r( an$ tire$ at the same time $,rin! each $a(. Her >,alit(
o# moo$ /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+ %.2142+ is ,s,all( ver( !oo$. )*(nn seems to be
a ver( ha%%( chil$+ an$ is not ,s,all( ne!ative to*ar$ thin!s.
#. &nitiative and G$ilt:
-hen )*(nn *as aske$ b( her $a$ to take a na%+ she re#,se$ an$ starte$ to thro*
a #it. Her $a$ then tol$ her i# she $i$ not take a na% that she *o,l$ not be able to
%la( *ith her co,sin later on in the $a(. She a%olo!iBe$ to her $a$ an$ *ith little
resistance+ she la( $o*n. ;his is an e:am%le o# the D6DA 0eas,re 4" 'm%,lse
control. )*(nn *o,l$ be in the e:%lorin! sta!e o# this meas,re beca,se she *as
sho*in! #r,stration b,t acce%te$ that i# she *ante$ to s%en$ time *ith her co,sin+
she ha$ to take a na%.
%. Dramatic play:
)*(nn loves to %la( an$ reenact scenes that ha%%en in her ho,sehol$ *ith her
$ollho,se. ;his is an e:am%le o# the D6DA 0eas,re 4" Socio=$ramatic.
0. Gender awareness:
)*(nn 's a*are that she is a !irl an$ there#ore mo$els the other #emales is her li#e
an$ their behavior. She loves to %reten$ to %,t on make=,% an$ e:%resses that !irls
are ?s,%%ose$@ to *ear make=,%. ;his is an e:am%le o# the D6DA 0eas,re 1"
'$entit( o# sel#+ an$ 0eas,re D" *areness o# $iversit( in sel# an$ others.
1. Accepting responsi-ility:
-hen )*(nn is aske$ to %ick ,% her to(s+ she ,s,all( resists ,nless someone is
*atchin! her or hel%in! her+ com%liance /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+ %.1152.
3. *mpathy:
)*(nn an$ her co,sin *ere %la(in! in the %la(ho,se. -hen )*(nn9s co,sin #ell
$o*n an$ !ot h,rt+ she came r,nnin! in to come !et ,s. -hen *e !ot o,tsi$e
)*(nn ha$ some tears rollin! $o*n her e(es beca,se her co,sin *as h,rt. ;his is
an e:am%le o# the D6DA 0eas,re 1" .:%ressions o# em%ath(.
6. Prosocial development:
-hen )*(nn sa* me #ol$in! m( la,n$r(+ she came ,% an$ sai$ ?' hel% ,nt
Sarah.@ ;his is an e:am%le o# the D6DA 0eas,re 7" 6elationshi%s *ith a$,lts.
)*(nn *as attem%tin! to establish a relationshi% *ith an a$,lt b( askin! i# she
co,l$ hel% *ith somethin!.
18. Avoided:.esolved a con"lict:
-hen )*(n9s t*o co,sins *ere #i!htin! over a to(+ she *ent over to them an$
sai$ ?-e take t,rns.@ She her han$ on her co,sin9s sho,l$er an$ the( all share$.
;his is an e:am%le o# the D6DA 0eas,re 11" Con#lict ne!otiation.
'oncl$ding 2ho$ghts:
' believe that her $evelo%ment *o,l$ be consi$ere$ t(%ical. $evelo%ment o#
%rosocial behavior is common #or chil$ren her a!e /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+ %.1112.
)*(nn sho*s this behavior *hen she hel%s o,t one o# her #amil( members *ith a
task. .m%ath( is also common #or chil$ren to $evelo% $,rin! this a!e /&abes <
0artin+ 2008+ %.1112. She sho*e$ this behavior *hen she crie$ #or her co,sin
*ho *as h,rt. Chil$ren start to $evelo% com%liance /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+
%.1142. )*(nn sho*e$ this behavior *hen she onl( %icke$ ,% her to(s *hile
bein! *atche$. Eo,n! chil$ren en!a!e in %reten$ %la( /&abes < 0artin+ 2008+
%.1282. )*(nn loves to %la( %reten$ *hen she acts o,t scenes *ith her $olls.
&nterrelationship o" Domains o" Development:
;he activit( that sho*e$ the three $omains o# $evelo%ment *as *hen she
*as colorin! at the table *ith a co,sin. Her %h(sical $evelo%ment *as sho*n
*hen she consistentl( ,se$ her le#t han$ to color an$ $ra*. Her co!nitive skills
*ere sho*n *hen she *as able to #oc,s her attention #or a lon! time on a
$ra*in!. Her social an$ emotional $evelo%ment *as sho*n *hen her co,sin *as
!ettin! #r,strate$ *ith his $ra*in!. She tol$ him she *ante$ to hel% him.
'oncl$ding 2ho$ghts:
' reall( en8o(e$ this assi!nment. ' ta,!ht a lot more abo,t m( niece9s
$evelo%ment that ' *o,l$ not have %ai$ m,ch attention to be#ore. Some
si!ni#icant conce%ts ' learne$ thro,!h this assi!nment" ;he $i##erent t(%es o# %la(+
onlooker solitar( etcF ' learne$ the !ross an$ #ine motor skills an$ the $i##erent
a!es chil$ren $evelo% them. ' learne$ abo,t seriation an$ class incl,sion. ' am
e:cite$ to ,se the skills to %a( better attention to m( niece9s $evelo%ment an$
ho%e#,ll( learn more b( observin! m( (o,n!er co,sins to hel% im%rove m(

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&abes+ 6ichar$.+ 0artin+ Carol. /20082 Discoverin! Chil$ Develo%ment. /2
Cengage Learning.

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