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Apple Human Rights Serina Kidd

Apple takes human rights very seriously, and do not tolerate

underage labor. Apple is so serious about underage labor that if a
supplier is caught with underage labor then their relationship is either
put on probation or terminated. They even conduct face-to-face
interviews with workers when visiting their factories and if suppliers
are found violating underage worker rules must return underage
workers to school, finance their education at a school chosen by their
families, and continue providing income to the workers matching what
they received while employed. Apple also monitors their suppliers work
hours, they only allow a maximum of 60 hours a week allowing a day of
rest every 7 days. This is good that apple monitors their suppliers work
hours so they dont try and get the job done too fast and over work their
workers and become unethical. Apple also tries to control internships so
they dont just become free labor but so the student is able to learn
about the business and what goes on in apple and get a great overall
experience of how it runs. Based on the facts Apple is trying very hard to
improve human rights and to eradicate unethical hiring and exploitation
of workers.
"Apple - Supplier Responsibility - Labor & Human Rights." Apple - Supplier
Responsibility - Labor & Human Rights. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.

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