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TO: Mr. Jason Charnesky, Instructor

FROM: Lexi Golestani
DATE: 17 MARCH 2014
SUBJECT: Rhetorical Choice Explanation for Project 3: The Job Application Package

This memo provides explanation of the rhetorical choices apparent in each of the four parts of The Job
Application Package, as assigned for Project 3 in English 202C. Each section begins with a brief
description of the company and job position. This background information encourages further
understanding of the unique position requirements, as they are not confined to the typical engineering
internship or company process. Following the background information will be an explanation each
resume choices and cover letter choices.

National Geographic: Young Explorers Grant
Background Information
National Geographic is a community of scholars and academics, and its message is a green one. The
purpose of the company is to inspire people to care about the planet and inspire people of all ages to
want to learn about the planet and the world around them. It is incredibly competitive to receive an
internship or job with this company; NGs magazine is world-renowned for its breath taking photos and
strong journalistic pieces. This Young Explorers Grant a grant for independent research in a given field,
for emerging scientists aged 18-25 years, that provides funding for a global experiment, project, or
expository media venture.

Resume Explanation
I chose to include information related to high school and pre-university experiences mostly because I am
only in my second year at university, and thus I am not a published scientist, nor have I completed any
number of internships or jobs related to my field. I chose to format my resume this way, with the green
accents and the design as a similar version has previously served me well with regards to soccer
recruitment. I chose to put leadership experience above my geoscience experience due to the incredible
amount of self-leadership and time-management necessary for completing a project. Much like a senior
thesis, a project for this grant would require the recipient to either lead a team or his or herself in
completing it. This is more important than the geoscience experience because many undergraduates have
very limited field experience, but are encouraged to apply regardless as stated in the grant description.

Cover Letter Explanation
In class we discussed that when submitting a resume on-line, if there is space for a comment, it is wise to
include only the body of the cover letter that would otherwise be submitted by snail mail. The application
for the grant is for the beginning part entirely on-line, and thus only the body of my cover letter appears,
without the proper address formatting. As for the formatting of the body of the letter, I stuck to the
models that we looked at in lecture, opting again to play up my leadership experiences for the same
reasons as discussed in the above section.

Closing Discussion
As it stands, I dont feel that applying for the National Geographic Young Explorers Grant at this moment
is in my best interests, as I dont have quite enough field or project experience to create an outstanding
tailored resume, let alone a C.V., which the actual application would require. It is something that I would
undoubtedly consider applying to in the near future, with several more experiences and perhaps a
publication, or at least a strong research experience under my belt.

Sombrero Ranches: Wrangler Position
Background Information
Sombrero Ranches is a company located in Estes Park, Colorado. I have not ridden with their company
but I have ridden with a similar company nearby, and had investigated their company as a consumer a few
years ago. They are looking for summer employees for a variety of positions; the position Ive applied for
is a Wrangler, or horse-guiding position. It requires a lot of leadership, as well as a basic or further
understanding of both horses and people. The position requires long hours, hard work, and a lot of
patience, as well as a good deal of outdoors experience.

Resume Explanation
I based my resume strongly off of their application, which I had recently filled out. It required
information regarding height and weight, as well as outdoors, horse and leadership experience. In addition,
it required personal references, and as such Ive included several at the bottom of the resume. I included a
photo, as it is required by Sombrero, as well as by another similar company to which I have also applied. I
chose to put leadership before specific experience again due to that necessity of said trait in order to excel
at this position. I included certifications that I will possess as I have already signed up for the classes.
Agreeing to have said certifications before beginning the job, though not necessarily at the current
moment, was a part of both applications for the wrangler position that I completed.

Biographical Statement Explanation
In my biographical statement, which was required in the application for Sombrero, I chose to begin by
talking about my horse experience, as it is primarily a horse-related position, and my experience doesnt
translate well to a resume. I then emphasize my leadership experience again, for the same reasons as
above, and conclude the statement with other experiences and traits that I feel illustrate my personality
and mentality in a positive and true light.

Closing Discussion
I have submitted both applications to both Sombrero Ranches, as well as a similar company, for the
wrangler position using the information that I included in a similar format to that which I have submitted
to this project. Despite not receiving all of my recommendations as of yet, I have already been offered a
position with one of the companies, and am eagerly awaiting news from the other. I feel that I am
experienced enough to positively contribute if I were hired for this position, and that both my application
documents included here are accurate and positive portrayals of my skills as related to the position.
National ueogiaphic Covei Lettei

I am a junioi majoiing in Eaith Sciences with a concentiation in ueoscience at The
Pennsylvania State 0niveisity. I am applying foi the Young Exploieis uiant thiough
the National ueogiaphic exploiation sectoi. I ieau about this oppoitunity on the
National ueogiaphic website, anu have been following seveial of the cuiient giant
iecipient's blogs. I have submitteu a iesume within this online foim foi youi

As an Eaith Scientist, I am fascinateu by how the woilu woiks, with a special focus
on geological systems. I have always been a people peison anu a leauei, as can be
seen thiough uocumentation of vaiious gioups in my iesume. 0utsiue of geoscience,
I have a stiong inteiest in people, cultuie anu language. I have officially stuuieu
thiee, but continue to pick up many outsiue the classioom. As a membei of both the
vaisity soccei team at Penn State, as well as the R0TC piogiam, I am expeiienceu in
both paiticipating in, as well as leauing, a team. I am comfoitable in expeuition
ielateu expeiiences, with a gieat knowleuge of back anu fiont countiy skills.

Ny classioom euucation, expeiience outsiue of the classioom, anu leaueiship
expeiience leau me to believe that I am an excellent canuiuate foi the Young
Exploieis uiant. I look foiwaiu to youi continueu consiueiation of my giant
pioposal anu the oppoitunity foi fuithei coiiesponuence iegaiuing the giant
pioposal in the neai futuie.

Thank you foi youi consiueiation of my giant pioposal.
ALEXIS GOLESTANI 456 E Beaver Ave #901State College, PA 16801(09,40,;(5

Objective Statement: To obtain a grant for research, exposition, and photographic capture of native cultures and
remote peoples affected by geological and seismological phenomena across continents.

! Earned Big Ten All Academic Team Accolades in 2013
! Received the David P. Gold Undergraduate Scholarship through the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences 2013-2014
! Graduated Cum Laude from the Hun School of Princeton
! Participated in the World Leadership Forum: Washington D.C. 2007
! Nominated for the National Youth Leadership Forum on International Law and CSI
! Varsity soccer at The Pennsylvania State University; goalkeeper
! ROTC MSL II Squad Leader
! Penn State Outing Club member
! Penn State Nittany Grotto member
! ORION Leader Summer 2014
! Theatre: Vagina Monologues cast 2014, MasquerAIDS cast 2013 (PSU University Park Campus)
! Dance: Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Tap, Modern - 5 years

! Earned As in: Geobiology, Structural Geology
! Conducted fieldwork in CO concerning geobiology and the study of the K-T boundary at West Bijou Creek and other
! Foreign Languages Studied Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic
! Fluent in Spanish, proficient in Mandarin
! Limited knowledge of other romance languages, as well as Afrikaans
! Possesses working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
! WFA & CPR certified May 2014
! Thomas Sweet, Inc. Scooper in Princeton, NJ March 2012 - present (seasonal)
! Volunteer Camp Counselor for the Hun School Summer Day Camp 2009-2012
! Certified lifeguard 2009-2011
! Instructor, Autistic Swim Program through Princeton Regional Schools
Current GPA: 3.0

University: The Pennsylvania State University
Major: Earth Sciences, concentration in Geoscience

High School: The Hun School of Princeton,
Princeton, NJ
High School GPA: 4.0

Phone: 609.240.8625
Alternate Email:
NB: Samples of previous expository, journalistic,
and scientific writing are posted for view on the
website to the left. Photography samples are also
located on this website.
Sombieio Ranches
Biogiaphical Statement

I have iiuuen foi most of my life. I began iiuing ciica 1998 at a stable in New }eisey,
anu my fiist lessons weie in the English style, as well as in show jumping. I spent
neaily eveiy afteinoon at the stable following school, anu hoises peimeateu my life
as seen thiough my eaily wiitings anu uiawings. This peisisteu until my family
moveu towns, anu unfoitunately I was unable to continue tiaining consistently uue
to family financial constiaints, as well as the geogiaphical ielocation. Bespite this, I
continue to iiue as often as possible, anu jump at eveiy chance to biush a hoise
uown, oi even muck out a fiienus bain. I have, subsequent to my English style
tiaining, absoibeu the Westein style of iiuing thiough vaiious expeiiences ovei the

Aftei familiaiizing myself with the employ manual posteu on youi website, I feel
confiuent that I can not only tackle all of the iesponsibilities coveieu, but also
succeeu in them. As a goalkeepei on the vaisity soccei team heie at Penn State, I am
no stiangei to haiu woik. In fact, I believe that with ueteimination anu haiu woik it
is possible to accomplish neaily anything; I walkeu on to the team in the spiing of
2u1S, shoitly aftei the team was iankeu seconu in the countiy. uoalkeeping
iequiies a stiong unueistanuing of gioup uynamics anu inuiviuual psychology anu
motivation, as well as quick uecision making unuei piessuie; I have been tiaining
this heavily foi a numbei of yeais. Ny iecent paiticipation in the Aimy R0TC
piogiam heie at Penn State has helpeu to cement those piactices, anu both
piogiams have pioviueu me with a piofounu unueistanuing of uiscipline. Bue to the
eaily call times of u4Su oi uSuu iequiieu by both, I am useu to waking up eaily anu
being piouuctive all uay, anu so the eaily call times iequiieu by the position woulu
not be a pioblem foi me. This past semestei, I was able to balance vaisity soccei,
R0TC, anu a 2u cieuit couise loau.

I'm cuiiently in my junioi yeai of cieuits heie at Penn State, anu I'm majoiing in
Eaith Sciences, with a concentiation in geoscience. 0ne of my piimaiy ieasons foi
choosing this majoi is the vast amount of fieluwoik iequiieu foi it; I ieally enjoy all
things outuoois. I have a gieat iespect foi oui planet anu know well the Leave No
Tiace coue. I will be ietuining a month eaily to Penn State to leau backpacking tiips
foi incoming fieshmen thiough the 0RI0N oiientation piogiam. I enjoy leaining,
infoimal teaching, woiking with both people anu animals, anu just about any job
that will get me outuoois. I leain quickly, anu enjoy both challenges anu haiu woik.
Above all, I like to make people smile, anu enueavoi to uo eveiy uayI'm a big
believei that positive eneigy encouiages moie positive eneigy.

ALEXIS GOLESTANI 456 E Beaver Ave #901State College, PA 16801(09,40,;(5

! Big Ten All Academic Team 2013
! Recipient of the David P. Gold Undergraduate Scholarship through the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
! Graduated Cum Laude from the Hun School of Princeton
! World Leadership Forum: Washington D.C. 2007
! National Youth Leadership Forum on Law and CSI Nominee
! Foreign Languages Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic
! Limited knowledge of other romance languages, as well as Afrikaans
! Varsity soccer at The Pennsylvania State University; goalkeeper
! ROTC MSL II Squad Leader
! Penn State Outing Club member
! ORION Leader Summer 2014
! Vagina Monologues cast 2014, MasquerAIDS cast 2013 (PSU University Park Campus)
! Dance: Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Tap, Modern - 5 years

! Trained in the English style beginning 1998 at Sunset Stables, NJ
! Knowledge of Western Style
! Continued riding off and on through the years
! WFA & CPR certified by May 2014
! Thomas Sweet, Inc. Scooper in Princeton, NJ March 2012 - present (seasonal)
! Volunteer Camp Counselor for the Hun School Summer Day Camp 2009-2012
! Certified lifeguard 2009-2011
! Instructor, Autistic Swim Program through Princeton Regional Schools
! Ken Stevenson Former Coach -- 207.315.5745
! Tim Pitts Former Professor -- 908.296.2133
! Stephanie Peters Former Coach -- 609.651.5731
! Jonathan Frances SoccerPlus Camps NTC Coach -- 973.474.6508

Objective Statement: To obtain a job as a wrangler, a horse guide in Colorado
for seasonal summer work.

DOB: 8.30.93
Height: 57
Weight: 138

Availability: 12 May 2014 through 25 July 2014

University: The Pennsylvania State University
Major: Earth Sciences, concentration in Geoscience
High School: The Hun School of Princeton, Princeton, NJ

Phone: 609.240.8625
Alternate Email:

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