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Japanese Internment and the Fightin 442


By far the most shameful aspect of World War II on the home

front was the treatment of Japanese residents. About 125,000 people
of Japanese descent lied in the !", 110,00 of them on the West
#oast. "eenty thousand, called $%isei,& were born here. 'he rest
called $Issei,& were born in Japan and emi(rated.
In the wa)e of *earl +arbor, many of their nei(hbors be(an to
iew both (roups with suspicion and een hatred. $A Jap,s a Jap,&
said -ieutenant .eneral John /eWitt, who was in command of the
west,s defense. $It ma)es no difference whether he is an American or
In 0ebruary 1122, 3ooseelt ordered the forced eacuation of
all Japanese residents from the West #oast, supposedly to lessen
the potential for them to en(a(e in seditious or traitorous acts. 'hey
were moed to blea) concentration camps in remote areas. 4any lost
irtually eerythin( they owned5 homes, farms, businesses, and een
personal possessions.
/espite their treatment, about 6,000 %isei olunteered to sere
in the military. 7ne (roup, the $0i(htin, 222
,& was one of the most
decorated combat units in the war.
It wasn,t until the 1160,s and 1110,s that the %isei were
compensated for some of what they lost.
3ooseelt,s 89ecutie 7rder 10:: was upheld by the !"
"upreme #ourt, Korematsu v. United States ;1122<, as a $=ustifiable
hardship.& $+ardships are a part of war,& said Justice +u(o Blac),
$and war is an a((re(ation of hardships.& 'he "upreme #ourt stated
that Japanese Americans could be sent to internment camps durin(
World War II re(ardless of citi>enship.
Homework Questions:
1. Why, despite their unfair treatment, do you think so many Japanese-
Americans decided to join the Army? (min 3 sentences)
2. o you a!ree "ith the decision of the #upreme $ourt that the %#
&o'ernment can detain any !roups of peop(e, re!ard(ess of
citi)enship, durin! "ar time? (min of * sentences)

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