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The person I was Interviewing is Rosa Cariquiry, she is my
grandmother from my dads side. I chose her because her family is really
interesting; there are the most people in that family. I did the interview
to know more about my family culture and ancestors.

Q1: what traits have you inherited from your mom and dad?
A1: I have inherited blue eyes, loving horses

Q2: what are your favorite things ?
A2: children, grandchildren by far

Q3: what is your favorite sport ?
A3: my favorite sport is horse back riding

Q4: what was your dads name ?
A4: my dads name is Abel

Q5: what was your moms name ?
A5: Gabriela
Q6: What does your name mean ?
A6: Flower

Q7: What did your dad do for work?
A7: Machinery Company

Q8: What did he do to change the world?
A8: He fought in the world war 1 from 1914 to 1918 100 years ago-a generation

Q9: Did your mom cook?
A9: No, she liked eating

Q10: In what school did your dad go?
A10: French school-Clunie

Q11: What was your horses name?

A12: Because I bought it like that

Q13: How did you find my grandfather?
A13: Being thrown away from my horse he was riding by from a very
elegant horse

Q14: In what year were you born?
A14: 1987

Q15: What are you good at?
A15: Everything that has to do with arts

During this interview I have learned that over the past my family
did a lot of things. My grandma has blue eyes like me, she also loves sports.
I have learned that my great grandpa fought in world war 1 100 years ago.
I enjoyed this interview to get to know more about my family history and

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