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- VI Grades
Read the text and answer questions 1-4:
One day, on a country road in Ireland, Paddy met Murphy who was carrying a bag on his back. Seeing
something moving in the bag, Paddy became curious.
Whats in the bag? asked Paddy.
Im not going to tell you, answered Murphy.
Come on, tell me, said Paddy.
Again, Murphy refused to tell him, but his friend kept on insisting.
Ah, all right then, there are some ducks in the bag, said Murphy.
If I guess how many ducks you have in the bag, will you give me one of them? asked Paddy.
Look, said Murphy, if you guess the correct number, Ill give you both of them.
Five! said Paddy triumphantly.
1. How many ducks were there in the bag?
A) one B) two C) three D) four E) five
2. Paddy and Murphy were ........... .
A) Ireland B) Islamic C) Irish D) Icelanders E) Irishman
3. A duck cant have ........... .
A) feathers B) ducklings C) a tail D) fur E) wings
4. Match the opposites:
1. ask a. stop
2. take b. give
3. refuse c. answer
4. start d. accept
A) 1c/ 2b/ 3d/ 4a B) 1b/ 2c/ 3d/ 4a C) 1a/ 2b/ 3c/ 4d
D) 1a/ 2c/ 3b/ 4d E) 1c/ 2a/ 3d/ 4b
5. ........... went to New York last week?
A) Why B) Who did C) Whose D) How E) Who
6. What keeps you nice and neat, has lots of teeth but cannot eat?
A) a broom B) a comb C) a fork D) a mouth E) a toothbrush
7. You cant take that hat. Its my ........... .
A) fathers B) fathers C) fathers D) father E) fatherss
8. The fur of a tiger is ..........., and its skin too.
A) spotted B) sparkled C) striped D) dotted E) painted
Subiectele de la 1 la 10 valoreaz cte 3 puncte, cele de la 11 la 30 cte 4 puncte, iar cele de la 31 la 40 cte
5 puncte. Se acord 40 de puncte din oficiu.
Elevii trebuie s rspund la maximum 30 de ntrebri, dar nu mai mult de 5 ntrebri de 5 puncte. n caz
contrar, se puncteaz n ordine descresctoare maxim 5 ntrebri de 5 puncte i maxim 30 de ntrebri n total.
Exemplu: Dac un elev rspunde la 34 de ntrebri: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,..., 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
40, atunci se vor puncta 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10,..., 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40.
Fiecare ntrebare are un singur rspuns corect. Orice rspuns greit scade punctajul concurentului cu
un sfert din valoarea ntrebrii. Subiectele la care nu se indic niciun rspuns sau se indic 2, 3 sau 5 rspunsuri
nu se puncteaz.
Dac vrei s anulezi rspunsul la o ntrebare, bifeaz nc un rspuns. Dac intenionezi s schimbi un
rspuns deja bifat, bifeaz toate celelalte rspunsuri n afara celui pe care l-ai ales n final.
Dac nu ai bifat limba german, se consider implicit limba englez.
Pentru a vizualiza, pe Internet, analiza n detaliu a lucrrii tale, completeaz parola pe foaia de rspuns.
Dup ce vor fi afiate rezultatele concursului, vei gsi pe analiza rspunsurilor tale.



9. Find the irregular verb:
A) cut B) add C) look D) vote E) watch
10. Thanksgiving is an American tradition when people ........... .
A) give thanks to God for all the things they have B) celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
C) try to scare away evil spirits D) thank their families for gifts
E) celebrate the arrival of autumn
Read the text and answer questions 11-15:
John Montague, Earl of Sandwich, was an English nobleman who lived in the 18
century. He loved
playing cards for money. Sometimes it took hours and hours to finish a game and Montague didnt have
time for lunch or dinner. He ordered his servants to bring him some food that he could eat while playing.
The servants placed a piece of meat or cheese between two slices of bread.
This is what we now consider a sandwich. The next time you eat one, think of John Montague!
12. What was Earl of Sandwich doing when the sandwich was invented?
A) playing on the computer B) playing cards C) playing tennis
D) playing football E) playing volleyball
13. The Earl of Sandwich played cards for ........... .
A) money B) sandwiches C) fun D) his servants E) his friends
14. Why did he order his servants to bring him some food?
A) Because his friends didnt let him take a break. B) Because his parents didnt let him eat.
C) Because he didnt want to stop playing. D) Because he couldnt eat in the kitchen.
E) Because the cook didnt let him go into the kitchen.
11. John Montague was ........... .
A) a vet B) a servant C) a teacher D) a pupil E) a nobleman
15. Who made the first sandwiches?
A) Montagues servants. B) Montagues guests. C) Montague himself.
D) The Earl of Sandwich. E) Montagues wife.
16. Complete the title of Lewis Carrolls famous book: Alices Adventures in ........... .
A) Wonderworld B) Waterland C) Wonderland D) Waterworld E) Wonderwall
17. What is the fifty-first letter in the following passage?
A hungry fox saw some fine bunches of grapes hanging from a vine, and he did his best to reach them.
A) g B) e C) n D) d E) i
18. Match the halves of the compund words:
1. a washing a. conditioner
2. an air b. cleaner
3. a clock c. machine
4. a vacuum d. radio
5. a light e. bulb
A) 1a/ 2d/ 3b/ 4e/ 5c B) 1e/ 2c/ 3a/ 4d/ 5b C) 1c/ 2a/ 3b/ 4e/ 5d
D) 1b/ 2a/ 3e/ 4c/ 5d E) 1c/ 2a/ 3d/ 4b/ 5e
19. Which is the odd one out?
A) Belgian B) Sweden C) Portugal D) Japan E) Mexico



20. One of these words doesnt rhyme with the others. Which one?
A) four B) score C) sour D) door E) shore
21. When her father ........... home, Maria ........... a magazine.
A) was coming/ read B) came/ was reading C) came/ is reading
D) will come/ is reading E) is coming/ read
22. If you want to visit the Taj Mahal, you have to go to ........... .
A) China B) Japan C) Nepal D) India E) Egypt
23. What animal lives in the forest and makes loud noises with its beak when it finds a tree with lots of tasty
bugs in it? Its name is Woody.
A) a pigeon B) a wolf C) a bear D) a woodpecker E) an eagle
24. May I ........... your calculator, please?
A) borrow B) loan C) lend D) let E) hire
25. The role of Captain Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean was played by:
A) Johnny Depp B) Tom Cruise C) Colin Farrell
D) Russel Crowe E) Ryan Reynolds
26. The pig is rated the ........... most intelligent animal, after three other animals.
A) first B) second C) third D) fourth E) fifth
27. Sorry, I havent got any money. I have forgotten ........... at home.
A) it B) they C) them D) its E) their
28. The acronym B & B stands for ........... .
A) bees and bugs B) bus and bicycle C) bed and breakfast
D) bacon and beans E) beautiful and British
29. The Tube is another name for ........... .
A) the American subway B) the Tower of London C) a bridge in London
D) the Channel Tunnel E) the London Underground
30. People say Im one of a kind. Im glad they consider me ........... .
A) kind B) generous C) unique D) nice E) cute
31. Please be quiet while I am breaking into this safe. A .... needs to concentrate.
A) chef B) student C) boss D) pilot E) thief
32. When you are angry, your tongue works faster than your mind. That means ........... .
A) you speak better B) you say things you shouldnt
C) you think first and then speak D) you are more silent
E) you speak louder
33. Match the items with the shops:
1. chicken a. stationers
2. painkillers b. newsagents
3. onions c. butchers
4. magazines d. chemists
5. paper and pens e. greengrocers
A) 1d/ 2a/ 3b/ 4c/ 5e B) 1c/ 2a/ 3e/ 4b/ 5d C) 1c/ 2d/ 3e/ 4b/ 5a
D) 1e/ 2d/ 3b/ 4a/ 5c E) 1b/ 2d/ 3e/ 4a/ 5c



37. What was the cat doing?
A) She was playing with a plate. B) She was eating milk.
C) She was playing with the owner. D) She was catching mice.
E) She was sleeping on a plate.
38. Why did the man want to buy the cat?
A) Because he wanted the silver plate. B) Because he liked the cat.
C) Because he wanted a brand-new plate. D) Because he wanted a new cat.
E) Because he liked the old paintings.
39. How much did the man offer for the plate?
A) ten pounds B) ten euros C) ten dollars D) fifty bucks E) nothing
40. The owner didnt want to give the man the plate because ........... .
A) he knew it was very valuable B) he didnt want to sell the cat
C) he only wanted to annoy customers D) he knew the plate was worth very little
E) he only wanted to sell furniture
Read the following text and answer questions 36-40:
A man entered an antique store and found some beautiful furniture, old paintings and household
goods made of silver and crystal. Nothing caught his eye. As he turned to leave, he noticed the owners
cat licking milk out of a fine silver plate. The man knew at a glance that the old plate was precious. Nice
cat youve got there, said the man. Thanks, answered the owner. Shes a good cat, but I never seem
to have enough time for her. I would like to buy her, said the man. Sure, replied the owner. You
can have her for ten bucks. Deal, answered the man. He picked up the cat and headed towards the
door. Oh, by the way, said the man before leaving, you probably wouldnt mind if I just took that old
plate would you? The cat seems to like it. Are you kidding? laughed the owner. That plate has
helped me sell fifty cats in the last month!
34. The first city in the world ........... have a population of more than one million was Rome.
A) that B) which C) who D) to E) with
35. Fill in the missing preposition:
She was very proud ........... being English.
A) of B) over C) with D) at E) on
36. What can be found in an antique store?
A) furniture B) paintings C) tools D) utensils E) all of the above
ntrebrile I, II, III se gsesc la pagina 27. Acestea nu se puncteaz i au scopul de a ne semnala interesul
manifestat pentru Cangurul Lingvist. La aceste ntrebri elevii pot bifa una sau mai multe opiuni.

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