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Draw neat diagrams where necessary.

1. Answer any three part of the following: ( 3 marks)

a) What is fragmentation?
b) Explain the connection oriented and connection less services?
c) What is subnetting in IP network? Explain with suitable examples.
d) What are the parameters of qualit of services?
2. Answer any one part of the following:- ( 4.5 marks)
a) !onvert IP address whose hexadecimal representation is !""#$%&" to dotted decimal notation.
b) ' class(& network on internet has subnet mask of "%%."%%.")*.* what is the maximum no. of host
per subnet
3. Answer any one part of the following:- ( 4.5 marks)
a) What is firewall? Explain the prox(server gatewa.
b) Explain the following term+ ,a) -ni(cast addressing ,b) .ulti(cast addressing ,c) &roadcast
4. Answer any two part of the following:- ( 8 marks)
a) Write a short note on three wa hand shake. /iscuss 0o1 of parameter of transport laer.
b) What is congestion? /efine the congestion control mechanism.
c) Explain the different tpe of headers support b IPv2.

5. Answer any two part of the following:- ( 8 marks)
a) What is the purpose domain name sstem? /iscuss the three main division of domain name sstem.
b) Explain two mail 'ccess(protocol in brief+ ,a) P3P(4 ,b) I.'P
c) /ifferentiate between static and dnamic routing with their pros and cons. 5ive example of some
routing protocol.
S!"A #!$% $& '(S)'))'$(S* +,-($.
S/01e2t: !omputer 6etworks S/01e2t ,o3e: E!1 2*$ 4ran2h5Se2tion: !1(47I8(4
!oll no: Semester: 2
)ime: " hours
)otal 6arks: %* S7)-4
Note: Attempt all the questions.
Draw neat diagrams where necessary.
1. Answer any three part of the following: ( 3 marks)
a) Write short notes on firewall?
b) /iscuss 9ink(state routing.
c) What is function of 1.8P?
d) /efine real 8ime Protocol.
2. Answer any one part of the following:- ( 4.5 marks)
a) What is subnet address if the destination address is "**.)%.4).%2 and subnet mask is "%%."%%.")*.*
b) ' compan is granted a site address "*$.:*.2).*. 8he compan needs 2 subnet. /esign the subnet.
3. Answer any one part of the following:- ( 4.5 marks)
a) What is congestion? /iscuss 9eak(bucket algorithm.
b) /iscuss Path(vector routing in detail.
4. Answer any two part of the following:- ( 8 marks)
a) Explain 8!P segment header. 'lso discuss the 8!P connection management.
b) Explain distance vector routing with example.
c) Explain the different tpe of headers support b IPv).

5. Answer any two part of the following:- ( 8 marks)
a) What is crptograph? /istinguished between smmetric and asmmetric crptograph.
b) Write short note+ ,a) /61; ,b) <ertical terminal.
c) What are problems encountered during releasing a connection in transport laer. 5ive solution
applicable to it.
S!"A #!$% $& '(S)'))'$(S* +,-($.
S/01e2t: !omputer 6etworks S/01e2t ,o3e: E!1 2*$ 4ran2h5Se2tion: !1(47I8(4
!oll no: Semester: 2
)ime: " hours
)otal 6arks: %* S7)-,
Note: Attempt all the questions.
Draw neat diagrams where necessary.
1. Answer any three part of the following: ( 3 marks)
a) Write short notes on 6etwork 9aer design issues?
b) Explain the purpose of '=P.
c) What is function of 8#8P?
d) /iscuss =IP in brief.
2. Answer any one part of the following:- ( 4.5 marks)
a) 8he IP address of the host on class(! network is $>?.$"4.)2."4:. #our network are allowed for this
network. What is subnet mask?
b) What are the network no.; subnet no.; and host no. for the address $4%.$*).$>".$**. .ask is
3. Answer any one part of the following:- ( 4.5 marks)
a) Explain 8!P congestion control algorithm in internet.
b) Explain the following+ ,a) Encrption ,b) /ecrption ,c) /ata !ompression
4. Answer any two part of the following:- ( 8 marks)
a) /escribe congestion prevention policies.
b) What are different routing algorithms? Write the implementation of shortest path routing.
c) What is the difference between inter(domain routing and intra(domain routing? 'lso give examples.

5. Answer any two part of the following:- ( 8 marks)
a) Explain congestion and define the tpes of congestion control mechanism.
b) Explain the following issues of transport protocol+
i. Establish a connection.
ii. =eleasing a connection.
c) Write short note +
i. I1/6
ii. #8P
iii. .I.E
iv. -/P

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