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Criterion Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory


Clearly articulated and
thoughtful rationale for the
choice topic in terms of
personal experience and
Clear rationale for the choice of
topic in terms of personal
experience and significance
Some rationale of the choice of
topic in terms of personal
experience and significance

Rationale lacks depth of thought or

Synthesis of research:
Understanding of issue
or topic
Synthesis deals
comprehensively with
relevant aspects of
issue/approach with attention
to different perspectives. It
indicates a strong
understanding of the topic
Synthesis presents most aspects
of issue/approach with some
attention to different
perspectives. It
shows a good understanding of
the topic
Synthesis presents some
aspects of issue/approach but
lacks detail. Synopses present
main points of each article. They
show some understanding of
the topic
Information provided is insufficient
or unbalanced.
Little understanding of the issue is
Professional application:
Understanding of
selected approach/issue
to practice and
Implications personal
teaching practice are highly
insightful, imaginatively
developed, and highly
appropriate for developing
understanding of teaching and
learning and future practice
and professional
Implications for science
teaching are clear and
informed, showing an
understanding of the
implications for developing
understanding of teaching and
learning and future practice
Implications are appropriate for
developing understanding and
practice. Explanation is
somewhat limited.

Explanation of applications is
unconvincing or lacks detail of the
Presentation and
Succinct, clear expression
with evidence to support
ideas, error free. Format and
structure of report is
organised to communicate
information effectively.
Accurate use of APA
Mostly succinct, clear
expression with few errors.
Format and structure of report
communicates information
clearly. Mostly correct use of
APA referencing.

Clear expression with some
errors. Format and structure of
report communicates sufficient
information. Primarily correct
use of APA referencing.

Poor expression or format. Errors
hinder communication. Poor
presentation or incorrect use of APA


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