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}vnvv, 1^^ }vnvv, 1^^ }vnvv, 1^^ }vnvv, 1^^ }vnvv, 1^^

2nv 1viion 2nv 1viion 2nv 1viion 2nv 1viion 2nv 1viion
, (vp )cv }. (vinc , (vp )cv }. (vinc , (vp )cv }. (vinc , (vp )cv }. (vinc , (vp )cv }. (vinc
1. Iinc qvvvon 1. Iinc qvvvon 1. Iinc qvvvon 1. Iinc qvvvon 1. Iinc qvvvon
1 6 2
1 ) )
crror is lIc onIy corrcclion you udd lo busc uIliludc, uIlinclcr Iug
und insluIIulion crror urc uddcd lo lruck und rcIcusc uIliludc for
diving dcIivcrics. Ior 1u,uuu' MSL und l5u knols, insluIIulion cr-
ror cquulcs lo 7u fccl, ul l,uuu' MSL lIc crror is 55 fccl. Duc lo
LASTE HUD uIliludc corrcclions, lIc nornuI vcuons dcIivcry
nodcs of lIc HUD urc nol suilubIc for inslruncnl cross-cIcck or
dcconfIiclion. \Icn in NAV nodc or Air-lo-Air nodc, lIc HUD
viII nulcI lIc cockil uIlinclcr.
TIcrc urc sonc Iinilulions lo undcrslund vilI lIc HUD.
ConIiculions occur norc frcqucnlIy vilI IigI niI dcrcssion
dcIivcrics und.or vilI IigI crossvinds. TIc HUD is cuubIc of
disIuying u no-crossvind soIulion dovn lo 31u niIs. Anylinc
lIc icr is oulsidc lIc HUD IicId-of-Vicv (IOV) you viII gcl u
dusIcd Projcclcd Bonb Inucl Linc (PBIL). TIc HUD rojcclion is
round nol squurc, lIis crculcs u robIcn vilI IigI crossvinds ul
IigI niI dcrcssions. Duc lo lIc rojcclion bcing round you viII
disIuy lIc IigIcsl crossvind ul lIc nuxinun vidlI of u circIc -
- lIc ccnlcr. TIcrcforc, you viII bc ubIc lo disIuy u soIid PBIL vilI
lIc nosl crossvind in lIc ccnlcr of your HUD ul 14u niIs dcrcs-
sion. Rcfcr lo figurc 1 bcIov.
Iigurc 1. HUD IOV
Ic uddilion of LASTE und CCIP vcuons dcIivcry grculIy
inrovcs lIc A.OA-1u syslcn. \c nccd lo fuIIy un-
dcrslund lIc syslcn lo nuxinizc our cffcclivcncss, uc-
curucy, und sufcly. CCIP is u grcul usscl for inroving vcu-
ons dcIivcry, bul vilI lIis uddilion concs nuny ncv lccI-
niqucs for cnIoyncnl. TIc inlcnl of lIis ucr is lo rovidc
guiduncc for using lIc nuny vcuons dcIivcry lccIniqucs
uvuiIubIc, il in no vuy rcIuccs lIc guiduncc und inslruclion
rcccivcd in ucudcnics und fIying lruining. If you Iuvc uny
qucslions uboul vIul is discusscd in lIis ucr, lukc your
nolcs und.or VTR luc lo your vcuons officcr und scck un
unsvcr. Sonc of lIc loics cun bc confusing, diugruns urc
rovidcd lo IcI uid in undcrslunding lIc conccls discusscd.
Pruclicc und fiIn rcvicv viII Icud lo u norc soIid undcrslund-
ing und rcsuIl in bcllcr cross-cIccks und norc uccurulc vcu-
ons dcIivcry. TIis ucr viII slurl firsl vilI LASTE syslcns
knovIcdgc. I viII lIcn discuss suggcslcd Iubil ullcrns,
svilcIoIogy, und dcIivcry lccIniqucs. Ior furlIcr sludy, go
lo your ICII Iibrury und uII oul T.O. 1A-1uA-34-1-1, in lIc
fronl you viII find u suIcncnl, 1S-33, u lIin uddilion cx-
Iuining in grcul dcluiI, ycl cusy lo conrcIcnd, infornu-
lion on LASTE, svilcIoIogy, uborl cucs, fuzing, clc.
The HHD: Bcforc vc gcl dcc inlo lIc dcIivcry lccIniqucs il is
inorlunl lo undcrslund lIc cucs rovidcd for you in lIc LASTE
Hcuds U DisIuy (HUD). TIc HUD in \D-1, \D-l, und Ex-
undcd nodc urc corrcclcd for uIlinclcr Iug, insluIIulion crror, non-
slundurd lcncrulurc und rcssurc. AII dcgrudcd olions uIso sIov
lIc sunc. \Icn HARS is scIcclcd lIc HUD rcvcrls lo HARS uIli-
ludc und no Iongcr Ius ulnosIcric corrcclions, or corrcclions for
uIlinclcr Iug und insluIIulion crror (you viII nccd lo udd lIcsc
nunbcrs lo your urunclcrs lo cnIoy uccurulcIy). InsluIIulion
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
XW (Knots)

TIc HUD viII disIuy u soIid PBIL vilIin u 17u niI
rudius of lIc 14u niI HUD ccnlcr, lIcrcforc, you cun disIuy
u soIid PBIL dovn lo 31u niIs. If you gcl u dusIcd PBIL you
nigIl gcl u VuIid SoIulion Indiculor (VSI) "X" on your Dc-
sircd RcIcusc Cuc (DRC) or your Min. Rungc SluIc (MRS). If
you gcl u VSI on cilIcr your DRC und.or MRS, il ncuns you
viII nol gcl u soIid PBIL rior lo lIc cuc vilI lIc VSI. Hcrc
urc lvo ossibIc siluulions you nuy scc, rcfcr lo figurc l.
Iigurc l. VSI Siluulions
Siluulion 1. If you disIuy u VSI on your DRC bul nol your
MRS you viII nol Iuvc u soIid PBIL rior lo rcucIing your DRC bul
you viII gcl u soIid PBIL rior lo your MRS, usI dovn sIigIlIy lo
novc your DRC bcIov lIc lurgcl und conlinuc lIc uss.
Siluulion l. If you disIuy u VSI on bolI your DRC und MRS
you viII nol gcl u soIid PBIL rior lo rcucIing your DRC or MRS,
you viII nccd lo conrcss if you vcrc forlunulc cnougI lo dcsig-
nulc, or uborl lIc uss.
You nigIl Iuvc u dusIcd PBIL duc lo IigI crossvinds ul
IigI niI dcrcssions us lIc cIurl in figurc 3 sIovs (using MK-Bl
AIRs us un cxunIc). TIis cIurl is buscd on u 4.5 niI.knol cross-
vind corrcclion. Look ul your dcIivcry und find lIc niI sclling, ul
lIul niI sclling foIIov ucross lIc cIurl und dclcrninc lIc nuxi-
nun crossvind cononcnl you cun disIuy u soIid PBIL (CCIP
vilIin lIc HUD IOV). Ior cxunIc, for u dcIivcry rcquiring lB5
niIs you cun onIy gcl u soIid PBIL oul lo lu knols of crossvind.
TIis sIouId bc u considcrulion in your ulluck Iunning lo uvoid
IigI crossvind cononcnls. As you knov, cxundcd nodc is u fix
for IigI niI dcrcssions, forlunulcIy cxundcd nodc conrcsscs
in bolI X und Y uxis cnubIing you uIso lo IundIc IigI crossvinds.
Iigurc 3. HUD IOV Linils
GrounJ Ov: TIis is vIcrc il uII bcgins, rocr sclu on lIc
ground und roccdurcs lo cnsurc lIc INS und LASTE sys-
lcns urc running ul lIcir rinc. AIign your INS for 16 nin-
ulcs nininun und scl uII your svilcIcs sucI us uIliludc
sourcc, PAC und LASTE infornulion for your firsl vcuons
dcIivcry cvcnl for cucI nunilion. Scl your dcsircd und nini-
nun linc of fuIIs, cIcck lIc offscl udjusl ncnu for borc-
sigIl infornulion lo cnsurc il nulcIcs lIc uircrufl lrucking
book. Mukc surc TP is ncxl lo lIc 3unn ncnu (unIcss you
urc cnIoying olIcr lIun TP, of coursc) und scl bolI disIuy
nodcs lo Y, lIis viII cuusc LASTE lo disIuy cxucl urun-
clcr infornulion inncdiulcIy uflcr your vcuon is cnIoycd
und viII ussurc your TVV docs nol obscurc your gun cross
ul uny linc. CIcck your lIunb vIccIs lo nukc surc lIcy
urc scl corrcclIy (if nol, Iuvc vcuons conc lo your jcl lo
corrccl lIc robIcn). Scl lIc uIliludc sourcc bricfcd for lIc
firsl cvcnl, und PAC lo on unIcss olIcrvisc bricfcd. Gclling
svilcIcs scl curIy viII uvoid uny svilcI crrors Iulcr.
LuslIy for ground os, vIcn ul un uIlinclcr cIcck
oinl, cnsurc your cIcvulion rcudoul on your HUD uIlin-
clcr rcuds cxuclIy us lIc cIcckoinl slulcs. Bc surc lo scl lIc
ATC ussigncd uIlinclcr sclling uflcr lIc DELTA udulc is uc-
conIisIcd for rocr inslruncnl fIying. Oncc you urc in
DELTA nodc und in \D-1, \D-l, or Exundcd nodc, your
KoIIsnun vindov Ius no cffccl on lIc HUD uIliludc rcud-
oul. If you do nol Iuvc un uIlinclcr cIcckoinl, scl lIc ToucI
Dovn Zonc EIcvulion (TDZE) inlo your cockil uIlinclcr
vIcn IoIding in osilion for run-u. Slccroinl cIcvulion
Ius no cffccl on lIc lukcoff DELTA udulc, Iovcvcr, you
nusl Iuvc un uccurulc slccroinl cIcvulion for subscqucnl
DELTA udulcs.
RADAR, BARO, OR DELTA? Your vcuons officcr viII bc
ubIc lo oinl you in u dircclion for norc in dclI discussion
on uIliludc sourccs und vIul lo usc. Ior lIc currcnl syslcn,
LASTE v4.u, lIcrc urc lvo lccIniqucs for uccurulc vcuons
dcIivcry considcring uIliludc sourccs. RADAR nodc is lIc
rcfcrrcd nodc vIcn ovcr fIul lcrruin vIcrc you urc surc
lIc lcrruin cIcvulion bcIov your uircrufl ul ickIc is lIc sunc
us lIc lurgcl cIcvulion. Any roIIing IiIIs nuy cuusc signifi-
cunl vcuons dcIivcry crrors. If unsurc of lcrruin cIcvulion
or fIulncss usc DELTA nodc. DELTA rovidcs lIc nosl uccu-
rulc nclIod of vcuons dcIivcry in roIIing lcrruin und uIli-
ludcs ubovc 5uuu fccl AGL. Il is bcsl lo lukc u DELTA udulc
cIoscsl lo your rcIcusc uIliludc und us cIosc lo lIc lurgcl us
ossibIc. \Icn in RADAR nodc, lIc HUD uIlinclcr (v4.u)
disIuys u BARO uIliludc, vIcn cvuIuuling fiIn or vIiIc cn-
Ioying vcuons, kcc lIc rudur uIliludc disIuy in your
crosscIcck lo cnsurc rocr rcIcusc uIliludc. If rcIying soIcIy
on lIc BARO HUD uIlinclcr in RADAR nodc you cun dud
lIc bonb or cvcn vorsc, frug yourscIf. Bc uvurc of lIis o-
lcnliuI siluulion und usc cxlrcnc cuulion. \Icn droing
dcgrudcd dcIivcrics sucI us OPT-C, you cun cuusc signifi-
cunl crrors by using RADAR nodc vIicI disIuys u BARO
HUD uIliludc. Ior bcsl rcsuIls, usc DELTA in dcgrudcd dcIiv-
ABORT CHES, HHAT TO HSE? Il is of ulnosl inorluncc
lo Iuvc u good undcrslunding of vIul lIc DRC und MRS
ncun und vIcn you cun rcIy on lIcsc cucs for uborl consid-
crulions. TIis is rcuIIy rclly sinIc, vIul you nccd lo uy
ullcnlion lo is lIc uborl rcuson. Ior GcncruI Purosc (GP)
bonbs lIc MRS is lIc cuc lo bc uscd for uborl, nol uborl
uIliludc. TIc MRS rcrcscnls lIc IigIcsl of lIc lIrcc rcu-
sons for uborl. Ground cIcuruncc, Iuzing, or Irug.
TIc conIiculion concs inlo Iuy in LASTE v4.u vilI
CBU. TIc onIy linc you cun rcIy on lIc MRS for uborl vilI
CBU is vIcn lIc uborl is for fuzing. \ilI CBU lIcrc is onIy
un inul for dcsircd linc of fuII. LASTE uulonulicuIIy cuIcu-
Iulcs lIc MRS for discnscr ocning Ius subnunilion urn-
ing, lIcrcforc, lIc MRS cun onIy bc uscd vIcn uborl crilcriu
is for fuzing. \Icn lIc uborl rcuson is for ground cIcuruncc
or frug you nusl rcIy on lIc rocr uborl uIliludc, rcncn-
bcr lIc considcrulions discusscd in lIc rcvious urugruI.
If you dcsirc lo lruin using uborl uIliludc vcrsus lIc
MRS (vilI BDU-33's), nukc il cIcur in your bricf lo uvoid
confusion. \ilI GP bonbs lIc MRS cun bc cuIcuIulcd lo cn-
surc you rccovcr ubovc snuII urns uIliludcs und nol for lIc
lIrcc uborl crilcriu ncnlioncd curIicr. TIcrc urc lccIniqucs
for using your cucs, for cxunIc, cnIoying u 45 HADB
you cun scl your DRC lo lIc snuII urns uborl sclling (45
HADB MRS) und lIcn your MRS for lIc Iov uIliludc uborl
(45 DB MRS uIying lo frug, fuzing, or ground cIcuruncc).
\Icn you gcl lo your DRC you knov cnIoying bcIov lIis
viII rcsuIl in your uircrufl dcsccnding inlo u snuII urns und
uulonulic vcuons rcginc. Your MRS is indiculing un uborl
for lIc IigIcsl of lIc lIrcc uborl crilcriu slulcd curIicr. An-
olIcr lccIniquc lIul nuy bc uscd vilI cIuslcr nunilions is
lo cuIcuIulc und inul u dcsircd linc of fuII lIul rcIulcs lo un
uborl crilcriu of frug or ground cIcuruncc sincc your MRS is
onIy cuIcuIuling for fuzing. TIcsc lvo rcvious cxunIcs
urc "lccIniqucs." Il is cxlrcncIy crilicuI if you usc your DRC
und MRS for olIcr lIun lIc slundurd uIiculions lIul you
knov vIul you urc using lIc cucs for und vIul your uborl
crilcriu is -- consuIl your vcuons officcr.
\ilI riIc dcIivcrics, uIvuys cnlcr singIc bonb linc
of fuIIs. LASTE rcccivcs infornulion fron lIc Arnuncnl Con-
lroI PuncI (ACP) und knovs vIcn u riIc dcIivcry is scl.
LASTE v4.u und bcyond uulonulicuIIy udjusls lIc DRC und
Sunnury. GP bonbs (uII) - MRS
CBU (uborl for fuzc) - MRS
CBU (uborl gnd.frug)- Aborl AIliludc
TIcrc urc nuny lccIniqucs uvuiIubIc for cnIoying u
CCIP dcIivcry -- uII of vIicI rcquirc ruclicc und u Iol of
fiIn rcvicv. EucI lccIniquc Ius ils uIiculion und sonc dc-
Iivcrics bcncfil fron onc lccIniquc vIcrcus olIcr lccIniqucs
uIy lo olIcr dcIivcrics. I viII lry lo bc sccific in oinling
oul sucI siluulions. RcuIizc lIul uII lIc foIIoving uIy nol
jusl lo conulcd dcIivcrics bul nunuuI dcIivcrics us vcII,
onIy vIcn bringing in cucs sucI us lIc DRC docs lIc lccI-
niquc onIy uIy lo conulcd dcIivcrics. I viII bring in scg-
ncnls of lIc "bonbing lriungIc" lo IcI visuuIizc lIc con-
ccl, sonc grus lIc lriungIc curIy, sonc nccd cxIuining,
scck oul your vcuons officcr if sliII confuscd. TccIniqucs
lo bc discusscd urc. Ain-Off Disluncc (AOD), IniliuI Picr
PIuccncnl (IPP), IniliuI HUD PIuccncnl (IHP), IniliuI Ain-
off AngIc (IAA), IniliuI Turgcl PIuccncnl (ITP), und finuIIy,
AOD: Ain-Off Disluncc is u funduncnluI of vcuons dcIiv-
cry. \Icn on u convcnlionuI rungc vIcrc lIcrc urc AOD
nurkcrs lIis lccIniquc cun bc cusy und slruigIl forvurd.
Using jusl un AOD is nol sufficicnl lo conIclc u uss. AOD
is dcfincd us lIc ground disluncc bclvccn lIc rojcclcd in-
lcrscclion of lIc Iunncd uircrufl fIigIl ulI und lIc lurgcl
(scc figurc 4 for lIc bonb lriungIc rcIulionsIi). As you knov,
lIc TVV "Iugs" lIc lurn indiculing lIc inslunluncous vcIoc-
ily vcclor of lIc uircrufl, so inslcud of figIling lIc TVV scl
lIc Gun Borc Linc (GBL) ul lIc uroriulc disluncc Iong
und uvind of lIc lurgcl.TIc TVV viII fuII ncur lIc GBL
vIcrcus using lIc CCIP gun cross cun rcscnl robIcns.
Using lIc CCIP gun cross cun rcscnl lIc nosl significunl

Iigurc 4. Bonb TriungIc - AOD
robIcns ul Iovcr ungIc IigI AOD dcIivcrics. TIcrc is o-
lcnliuI lo gcl u vuIid CCIP gun cross soIulion vilI IigI niI
scllings vIicI vouId bc no vIcrc ncur vIcrc you sIouId
bc sclling un AOD. AOD nusl bc vind corrcclcd siniIur lo
RcIcusc Ainoinl (RAP) und RcIcusc Ainoinl Exlcndcd
(RAPE). Sclling lIc AOD lIc uroriulc unounl inlo lIc
vind corrccls il lo bcconc un Ain-Off Poinl (AOP). An cusy
vuy lo corrccl your AOD inlo lIc vind is lo bring in your
ilcI Iuddcrs lo IcI you dccidc vIcn lo roII oul. TIc PBIL
viII fuII lo lIc ccnlcr of lIc ilcI Iuddcrs, lIcrcforc, using
lIc ilcI Iuddcrs lo bruckcl lIc lurgcl ul roII oul viII uid in
lrunsilioning lo lIc PBIL. You Iuvc scl your GBL lIc uro-
riulc disluncc Iong of lIc lurgcl, nov you Iuvc udjuslcd
lIul disluncc rigIl or Icfl corrccling for vinds by ccnlcring
lIc lurgcl bclvccn lIc ilcI Iuddcrs, rcosilioning your TVV
lo lIc AOD. If you urc uIcud of lIc gunc, inlcnd lo roII oul
Iucing your GBL lIc uroriulc unounl inlo lIc vind,
lIis viII nukc lIc lrunsilion lo ilcI Iuddcrs cusicr. RcuIizc
lIc AOD nccds lo bc corrcclcd nol jusl rigIl or Icfl duc lo
vind, bul nccds corrccling inlo lIc vind, so lIc disluncc
viII cIungc us vcII. Jusl us cuIcuIuling lIc RAP und RAPE,
lIc sunc fornuIus nuy bc uscd lo find your AOP. RcuIizc
lIul you usuuIIy onIy scl un AOP ul lruck uIliludc, lIcrc-
forc, RAPE is lIc onIy fornuIu lIul uIics. To find your
AOP ul rcIcusc, lIc fornuIu for RAP is incIudcd.
InrocrIy sclling TOI infornulion
und.or lurgcl cIcvulion cun rcsuIl in u
dungcrous siluulion. AIvuys confirn
dulu is corrccl.
Iigurc 6. MiI Rcfcrcnccs - Dcgrudcd HUD Modcs
IHP: IniliuI HUD PIuccncnl is lIc ungIc bclvccn lIc Zcro SigIl
Linc (ZSL) und lIc lurgcl, in niIs. IHP is u lccIniquc connonIy
nisundcrslood ycl cun bc sinIc. IHP uscs lIc sunc rinciuI us
sclling un IPP cxccl u diffcrcnl rcfcrcncc is uscd olIcr lIun lIc
icr ilscIf. IHP is ucconIisIcd by sclling u knovn niI rcfcrcncc
in lIc HUD (c.g. uIliludc curcl rcrcscnling 14u niIs).
IHP is scl ul lruck uIliludc und is onIy good ul lIul onc uIli-
ludc, jusl us in IPP. A connon crror is sclling lIc IHP loo Iulc
inslcud of unliciuling lIc lruck uIliludc und sclling il rcciscIy ul
lIul uIliludc. Sclling lIc IPP or IHP curIy is jusl us bud. Rcfcr lo
figurc 7 for lIc bonb lriungIc rcIulionsIi sIoving IHP. Nolc lIul
IHP is ucconIisIcd by Iucing lIc lurgcl ul u knovn osilion on
lIc HUD vIcrcus IPP is Iucing lIc icr sIorl of lIc lurgcl u
dcsircd nunbcr of niIs. Rcfcr lo figurc B for niI rcIulionsIis in
lIc HUD.
Iigurc 7. Bonbing TriungIc - IHP
ExunIc. Bonb TOI = 5 scconds, Truck = 3 scconds
\ind = u4u.15
RAPE = }1.9 x (Bomb TOF + Track timc)] x Wind
}1.69 x (5 + 3)] x 15
= lU3 Icct uvind (ul lruck)
RAP = }1.9 x (Bomb TOF)] x Wind
= 1l7 Icct uvind (ul rcIcusc)
A connon crror in sclling un AOP is burying lIc nosc on
roII in so lIul lIc GBL is sIorl of lurgcl ul roII oul und lIcn uIIcd
Iong lo lIc uroriulc AOP. TIis uInosl uIvuys guurunlccs urriv-
ing on u Iov virc. To soIvc lIis robIcn, jusl rior lo roII in con-
ccnlrulc on lIc AOP, Iook ul il, nol lIc lurgcl. You lcnd lo fIy lIc
uircrufl lo vIcrc you urc Iooking, lIis is vIy iIols oflcn roII oul
vilI lIcir GBL rigIl on lIc lurgcl, lIul is vIcrc lIcir ullcnlion is.
IPP: IniliuI Picr PIuccncnl is u conccl lIul is vcII undcrslood in
lIc A.OA-1u und viII nol bc discusscd in grcul dcluiI. Rcfcr lo
CIulcr 5 of MCM 3-3 or USAI \cuons ScIooI lcxl MunuuI
\cuons DcIivcry. I viII lukc lIc oorlunily undcr IPP lo discuss
lvo nclIods of icr Iuccncnl, MiI offscl und Lincur offscl.
Rcfcr lo figurc 5 for lIc bonb lriungIc rcIulionsIi lo IPP.
Mil offsct is u lccIniquc of sclling un IPP by udding or sub-
lrucling niIs for Icudvind or luiIvind und lIcn offsclling lIc i-
cr Icfl or rigIl lIc nunbcr of niIs ncccssury for lIc crossvind.
TIc nicc lIing uboul lIis lccIniquc is lIul lIc niI offscl rcnuins
lIc sunc ul lruck und rcIcusc sincc u niI sublcnds u grculcr dis-
luncc ul grculcr sIunl rungc. Ior cxunIc, you Iuvc 3 niIs.knol
crossvind corrcclion und you Iuvc 1u knols of crossvind. TIis
ncuns ul lruck uIliludc you scl your icr 3u niIs rigIl or Icfl of
lIc lurgcl, vIicI uIso viII bc your rcIcusc uinoinl. TIc dovnfuII
lo lIis lccIniquc is lIul il is onIy good for onc run in Icuding, oncc
you cIungc ulluck uxis, you nusl rcconulc bolI your Icudvind
und crossvind corrcclions.
Lincor offsct is u lccIniquc vIcrc you offscl your icr inlo
lIc vind by lIc unounl cuIcuIulcd in lIc RAPE und RAP fornuIus
-- sclling lIc RAPE ul lruck uIliludc und lIc RAP ul rcIcusc uIliludc.
You urc offsclling your icr u scl nunbcr of fccl inlo lIc vind,
lIcrcforc, lIis lccIniquc is good for uny run in uxis, uIvuys offscl-
ling your icr inlo lIc vind u rc-dclcrnincd disluncc. Rcfcr lo
Iigurc 6 for niI rcIulionsIis in dcgrudcd HUD nodcs. In sun-
nury, MiI offscl uscs HUD rcfcrcnccs und Lincur offscl uscs ground
Iigurc 5. Bonb TriungIc - IPP
Iigurc B. MiI Rcfcrcnccs - LASTE HUD
Iigurc 1u. Bonb TriungIc - IAA
Nov lIul you Iuvc rccognizcd virc crrors rcfcrcncing
ITP, il is linc lo usc IAA lo corrccl lovurds lIc virc. Tukc
nolc of Iov nuny dcgrccs lIc lurgcl is off lIc ITP rcfcrcncc
(lu dcgrccs in lIis cxunIc) ul lruck uIliludc. In lIc cxunIc
of lIc IigI virc, lIc lurgcl is lvo dcgrccs slcccr lIun lIc
lu dcgrcc ITP. Ior u crfccl "on lIc virc", you vouId scl
your IAA 5 dcgrccs ubovc lIc lurgcl -- sclling lIc TVV on
lIc Iunncd divc ungIc of 15 dcgrccs. \ilI lIc IigI virc
sIoving lIc lurgcl lvo dcgrccs slcccr lIun lIc Iunncd lu
dcgrcc ilcI Iuddcr, scl lIc TVV lvo dcgrccs slcccr lIun
lIc Iunncd divc ungIc. In lIc cusc of lIc IigI virc, scl lIc

Iigurc 11. IAA.ITP cxunIcs (15 LAHD, IAA=5, ITP=lu)
TVV ul 17dcgrccs (lvo dcgrccs slcccr lIun lIc Iunncd 15
dcgrccs) for u 5 dcgrcc IAA, und u corrcclion lovurds lIc
virc. Tukc u Iook ul lIc Iov virc cxunIc. TIc lurgcl is lvo
dcgrccs sIuIIov of lIc ITP, scl lIc TVV lvo dcgrccs sIuIIov
of lIc Iunncd divc ungIc und you viII scl un IAA, und u
corrcclion lovurds lIc virc (13 dcgrccs in lIis cxunIc).
\orking vilI ITP und IAA lukcs ruclicc. You nccd lo
sluy uIcud of lIc uircrufl, cross-cIccking your ilcI Iuddcrs
us you urc cxcculing lIc roII in, do nol vuil unliI lruck uIli-
ludc lo unuIyzc lIc infornulion, il viII bc loo Iulc. By unu-
Iyzing lIc ilcI Iuddcrs us lIcy lruck lIrougI lIc roII in
you cun nukc udjuslncnls lo lIc virc curIy. You cun rccog-
nizc vIcrc your lu dcgrcc ilcI Iuddcr viII urrivc rcIulivc lo
lIc lurgcl vcII bcforc roIIing oul on finuI. CIungc your roII
in us ncccssury lo nukc your ITP urrivc vIcrc you vunl il.
Al IigIcr divc ungIcs, 3u dcgrccs und ubovc, il rcquircs sig-
nificunl ilcI cIungcs lo gcl IillIc cIungc in ilcI Iuddcr Iinc-
of-sigIl (LOS) ucross lIc ground. Al Iovcr ungIc dcIivcrics
Iigurc 9. IPP vcrsus IHP
To nukc surc vc urc foIIoving lIc conccls corrcclIy,
rcfcr lo figurc 9 for u snusIol of IPP on lIc Icfl und un IHP
bcing scl on lIc rigIl.
IHP cun bc dcrivcd fron lIc loluI niI sclling und lIc
vuIuc for IPP. Total Mils = IHP + IPP, lIcrcforc, IHP = To-
tal Mils - IPP. In lIis cxunIc, ToluI MiIs = 19u, IPP = 5u,
lIcrcforc, IHP = 14u us sIovn vilI lIc lurgcl bcing osi-
lioncd ubcun lIc uIliludc.uirsccd curcl Ioculcd ul 14u
niIs.\ilI u good undcrslunding of lIc rcvious lvo dcIiv-
cry lccIniqucs, Icls novc on lo u IillIc norc conIiculcd,
ycl uscfuI lccIniquc, uIso vIicI cun bc uIicd lo dcgrudcd
nodc dcIivcrics.
IAA: IniliuI Ain-off AngIc is lIc ungIc bclvccn lIc AOP und
lIc lurgcl ul lruck uIliludc. IAA is sclling lIc TVV u Iunncd
nunbcr of dcgrccs ubovc lIc lurgcl ul u sccific uIliludc --
lruck uIliludc. Ior cxunIc, on u 15 dcgrcc LAHD lIc IAA is
5 dcgrccs. Al lruck uIliludc, crosscIcck lo scc lIul your TVV
is 5 dcgrccs ubovc lIc lurgcl. \Icn on "lIc virc" your TVV
viII bc ul your Iunncd divc ungIc of 15 dcgrccs. Oflcn you
urc nol on lIc Iunncd virc, you nccd u nclIod of dclcr-
nining vIclIcr or nol you urc on lIc virc und Iov nucI
corrcclion is ncccssury. A lccIniquc for dclcrnining lIis virc
crror is cuIIcd ITP. Using ITP in conjunclion vilI IAA nukcs
for u good conbinulion lo rccognizc virc crrors und lIcn
uIy u corrcclion. Rcfcr lo figurc 1u for lIc bonb lriungIc
rcIulionsIi lo IAA und figurc 11 for u HUD rcrcscnlulion
of IAA (sonc HUD synboIogy Icfl oul for sinIicily).
ITP: IniliuI Turgcl PIuccncnl is lIc osilion of lIc lurgcl
rcIulivc lo u ilcI Iuddcr ul lruck uIliludc. TIis rcfcrcncc cun
givc inslunl fccdbuck us lo vIcrc you urc on lIc virc. Rcfcr
lo figurc 11 for un cxunIc of u IigI virc, on lIc virc, und
u Iov virc rcrcscnlulion rcfcrcncing un ITP. Tukc u Iook
firsl ul lIc IigI virc rcrcscnlulion. Al lruck uIliludc, lIc
lu dcgrcc ilcI Iuddcr sIouId bc ovcrIuying lIc lurgcl lo bc
on lIc virc. In lIis siluulion lIc lu dcgrcc ilcI Iuddcr is
ubovc lIc lurgcl, indiculing you urc ubovc lIc virc -- u IigI
virc (lIink of your uircrufl bcing lIc lu dcgrcc ilcI Iud-
dcr). In lIc cxunIc of lIc Iov virc, ul lruck uIliludc you
scc lIc lu dcgrcc ilcI Iuddcr is bcIov lIc lurgcl, lIcrcforc,
you urc on u Iov virc. And finuIIy, lIc ccnlcr HUD dciclion
sIovs you ul lruck uIliludc vilI lIc lu dcgrcc ilcI Iuddcr
on lIc lurgcl, you urc on lIc virc. If your infIigIl guidc
docs nol givc you bolI IAA und ITP Icrc is u vuy lo dclcr-
ninc lIc nissing infornulion.
IAA = ITP - planncd divc anglc
ITP = planncd divc anglc + IAA.
you cun gcl u IigIcr LOS fron your ilcI Iuddcrs rcIulivc lo
lIc lurgcl cnubIing you lo norc cffcclivcIy Iucc your dc-
sircd ilcI Iuddcr , ITP, vIcrc you vunl il.
ITP.IAA is u lccIniquc lIul concs in Iundy vIcn you
Iosc olIcr rcfcrcnccs sucI us AOD rcfcrcnccs or vIcn your
AOD is so Iong lIul il bcconcs inossibIc lo scl. ITP.IAA
lukcs u Iol of ruclicc und u soIid crosscIcck, lukc lIc linc
lo ruclicc il, you nigIl Iikc il.
AII of lIc rcviousIy ncnlioncd lccIniqucs rcquirc vind
corrcclion jusl us IPP docs. To corrccl IAA for vinds, lIcrc
urc 17.45 niIs.dcgrcc, lIcrcforc, for cucI 17 niIs of vind
corrcclion, udd or sublrucl u dcgrcc. Ior cxunIc, u 1.7 niI.
knol corrcclion fuclor for Icudvind.luiIvind, 1u knols of
Icudvind, udd onc dcgrcc lo IAA (17 niIs). A lccIniquc for
vIcrc lo cIcck lIc vind is lo lukc lvicc your divc ungIc in
Iundrcds und udd lIul nunbcr lo rcIcusc uIliludc. Ior cx-
unIc, u lu dcgrcc dcIivcry vouId bc 4uu fccl ubovc rcIcusc
uIliludc. TIis is duc lo lIc A.OA-1u luking lvo scconds lo
"ucccl" vinds, lIis lccIniquc rovidcs un uIliludc uroxi-
nulcIy lvo scconds ubovc rcIcusc uIliludc.
Onc Iusl lccIniquc lIul nuy bc uscd for CCIP vcuons
dcIivcry, und by fur lIc cusicsl lo usc -- lIc DRC.
DRC: TIc Dcsircd RcIcusc Cuc is dcsigncd lo indiculc u linc
of fuII by vIicI lo cnIoy your vcuons. Sclling u DRC
cnsurcs you viII nccl urunclcrs sufficicnl lo uvoid frug,
dudding u bonb, or Iilling lIc ground by cnIoying rior
lo lIc MRS (rcncnbcr considcrulions vilI CBU). TIc olIcr
lccIniqucs lo IcI you roII oul on lIc crfccl virc uIy,
nov you cun scl u cuc, lIc DRC, und conlinuousIy udulc
your virc lIrougIoul lIc uss sincc il is conlinuousIy con-
uling und nuking ninor cIungcs for uirsccd, AOA, G Ioud-
ing, clc.
Usc lIc DRC by cxcculing u nornuI roII in, usc onc of
lIc lccIniqucs rcviousIy ncnlioncd (AOD, IHP, ITP.IAA) lo
uIIov roII oul vilI lIc DRC urriving ncur lIc lurgcl. Scl lIc
DRC on lIc lurgcl und nuinluin il on lIc lurgcl lIrougIoul
lIc uss unliI ickIc. A lccIniquc is lo scl lIc DRC 3-5 niIs
ubovc lIc lurgcl vilI LASTE v4.u duc lo lIc DRC lrucking
dovn sIigIlIy lIrougI lIc dcIivcry. TIc DRC is conlinuousIy
conuling, nuinluining lIc DRC on lIc lurgcl is lIc "rigIl
unsvcr". Do nol Icl lIc DRC lrucking dovn culcI you by
surrisc, you nigIl find yourscIf in u bullIc vilI lIc MRS
sIorlIy und nuybc cvcn uborling lIc uss.
TIis ucr Ius givcn you guiduncc on Iov lo usc lIc
vurious bonbing lccIniqucs uvuiIubIc, vilI or vilIoul
LASTE. Il is cxlrcncIy inorlunl lo ruclicc cucI lccIniquc,
unuIyzc fiIn, und luIk lo olIcrs lo nukc surc cvcryonc Ius
lIc conccls vcII undcrslood. \cuons dcIivcry docs nol
slo vilI lIc loics ncnlioncd in lIis ucr. TIink uboul
cslubIisIing soIid crosscIccks, rocr sufc cscuc nuncuvcrs,
und Iov lo nukc lIul ncxl bonb bcllcr lIun lIc Iusl so
vIcn il concs linc lo do il for rcuI, il onIy lukcs onc uss!

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