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Rachel Howson

Subject: ELA
Time: 4/30, 5/1, 5/2
Afternoon block
Why Stories Readers Theatre

Learning Objectives
Create engaging audio recordings of stories or poems that demonstrate fluid reading
at an understandable pace; add visual displays when appropriate to emphasize or
enhance certain facts or details.

Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures;
determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed
through key details in the text.
Language Objectives:
Vocabulary: Narrator, expression, moral
Field Notes
Tape recording/ Video?
Readers theatre rubric ( expression, gestures, eye contact, group work)
Exit slips
The Hares Revenge, The Boy Who Wanted the Moon, The Hare and the Hyena,
Anansis Fishing Expedition

Day 1:
We have been learning a lot about Africa, we are learning about the Dogon and
Maasai, We took a trip to learn about Art in Africa, we have been reading Jungle
Jack Hanna, Africa Online, and Why Stories. This week we are going to be
reading and acting out a few why stories.
Introduce readers theatre, like a play and reading combined. Explain that the
stories we will be looking at have been adapted/changed into a script for
A way to practice reading out loud, and to have a lot of fun!
Quick Review
Today we are going to read the scripts, you have four different options
Read the titles for the class
You may want to read with a partner so each of you can take turns reading
different parts
Practice whisper reading if you are reading alone and think about which parts
you like the best
Weather with a partner or alone, think about reading smoothly, and think about
how the character would sound or feel throughout the story
At the end of reading time you are going to write down your top 3 choices for the
story you would like to present to the class so keep in mind which stories you
found exciting, or interesting, or one that is inspiring to you!
State Lesson Objectives
I can read smoothly, clearly, and with expression
I can work in a group
Students will read 2-3 stories
Students will write their top 3 choices and parts on a notecard
State that tomorrow we will be splitting into theatre groups
Day 2
Display groups on board for class
State that today they will begin working on reading, practicing, staging their play
Ask students if they have any suggestions for tips and pointers for a good
Cheating (facing the audience)
Speaking clearly
Using your voice and you face to show expression
Quick Review:
Review that it is not only about being a good reader or performer, but it is also
about working together with your groups
Seek suggestions for what it means to work well in a group
Ask for suggestions for what to do to resolve a problem/disagreement
State that students should focus on reading with confidence, expression,
gestures and eye contact
Read like a story teller
State Lesson Objectives
I can read smoothly, clearly, and with expression
I can work in a group
Be Kind
Do your part!

Give instructions: (simplify and print out as a checklist/reference)
1. Highlight your copy of the script mark all of your speaking parts,
underline anything that needs to be acted out
2. Read your part silently. Identify any words you are not familiar with and
seek out help! (dictionary, classmate, teacher)
3. Read your part out loud. Think about your voice, and how you think the
character would sound/think/feel. Say the part the way your character
would feel. Punch a word. Try out faces and actions.
4. Rehearse:
While you speak, try to look up often, not just at your script. When
you do look at it, move just your eyes and keep your head up.
Talk slowly. Speak each syllable clearly.
Talk loud! You have to be heard by the little old deaf lady in the
back row.
Talk with feeling/ like a story teller
Stand and sit straight. Keep your hands and feet still, if theyre
doing nothing useful!
If youre moving around, face the audience as much as you can.
When rehearsing, always think about where the audience will be.
Characters, remember to be your character even when youre not
Narrators, make sure you give the characters enough time for their
Students will break into their groups and begin practicing/rehearsing
Circulate and provide guidance/assistance as needed
Students put scripts into their reading folders and return to their seats
Exit ticket:
Write one thing you that went well or that you enjoyed
Write one thing you would change or could do better next time

Day 3 Continue Rehearsals
Day 4
Today we will be presenting our Readers Theatre
Show program which groups will be presenting first
Quick Review
This is an opportunity to share with each other, and have fun sharing stories
together. It is important to remember to be kind, respectful, audience members
Ask for suggestions for what a good audience member should do
State that this is a chance to enjoy reading together, it should be fun not
stressful. If you make a mistake, move on and forget about it. No big deal.
Tell groups to introduce the title and characters in the play
Remind groups to face the audience, speak loudly, clearly and with expression.
Most importantly, have fun!
Each group will present
After a group elicit a brief discussion
Things we liked
Suggestions (be kind, be specific)
Moral/lesson learned
Continue till each group has presented
Each student will complete a self evaluation
Brief discussion on what was fun/hard/challenging/exciting/awesome about
readers theatre, what lessons we learned from hearing everyones story.

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