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Topic 3 Renaissance Culture and Statebuilding

The New Monarchs
Machiavelli Put Into Practice

France England Spain
Charles VII Edward IV (Yorkist) Ferdinand & Isabella
Louis XI Richard III (Yorkist)
Louis XII Henry VII (Tudor)
Francis I

Charles VII let Joan fry; unifies France through taxation (land & salt), end civil wars,
remodel/strengthen army, Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges general council over papacy
Louis XI promotes new industries, commercial treaties, severe taxes for army, no
aristocratic brigandage, cut into urban independence
Louis XII marry Anne of Brittany for addition of large western duchy of Brittany
Francis I make deal with Pope Leo X Popes right to receive first years pay for new
bishops/abbots; France can select French bishops/abbots

Edward IV defeat Lancastrian army, reconstructs monarchy, avoid expensive wars
Richard III restore royal prestige, crush power of nobility, estd law/order at local level
Henry VII Battle of Bosworth Field (1485) estd Tudors to throne; restores royal prestige
crush power of nobility, estd law/order at local level

Ferdinand & Isabella revive hermandades as local police/tribunal, restructure royal council,
nobility influence greatly reduced, deal with Pope (Alex VI) appoint bishops; revenue raise
army for reconquista, Inquisition

All Nations
Royal councils take over power of aristocracy

Star Chamber torture for aristocrats, swift royal judgments

Machiavellian Methods greed/selfishness to benefit the state
1. War as a means of diplomacy
2. Fear vs. Love better to be feared
3. Hatred avoid it
4. Trick, Lie = brute force
5. Punishment is swift and brutal
6. Flexible with your perceived good-evil actions

**How is Machiavelli misunderstood?

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