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Large Group Time (Circle Time) Planning Form

Name: Wide Mouth Frog Date: 5/7/2015

Length of large group time 8:20 to 8:40

Size of group 16 Age of children 4-5


Activity #1
o First I will select the helper of the day to do the weather, and the calendar. The
child will tell us what yesterday was, what today is, and what tomorrow will be.
Then the child will look out the window to see what they think the weather is like.

o I chose this activity because this will be a daily activity for the children to do
and everyone will get a chance to do it. This will teach the children the days
of the week.

Activity #2
o Next, I will be singing The five speckled frogs song and Im a Little Green
Frog. I will have the children pick frogs from a bucket before we start singing. I
will sing the song and have the children follow along.

o I chose this activity because the children can be active and move around and
sing. This activity will get the children to get the wiggles out before we sit
and read the story and do other activates.

Activity #3
o Next, I will read The Wide-Mouthed frog by Keith Faulkner.

o I chose this activity because the child will have to sit and listen while the
teacher reads the story.

Transition Activity
Finally, I will end my circle time and transition the children by introducing the next
activity. For the next activity we will be playing a game. I will have the dice over on the
carpet and show them how to roll them. I will tell the children that I will be looking for
the child who is sitting on their bottom being quiet to get up and go to the activity that
they choose and Eat bugs like a frog would to that activity.

o I chose this transition activity so the children know what activity they will be
doing next and can start planning for it. Also because this will help keep the
children on their best behavior so they can get to go fist to choose an activity.

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