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Some Common Mistakes
While Loading Data into Essbase Server
Prepared By
Amit Sharma
Hyperion/OBIEE Trainer/Consltant
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Learn Hyperion/OBIEE by Amit Sharma

Here Im sharing some of my experience and issues/errors we encountered while loading
data into Essbase server.
Problem#1 We have Cube with roduct!"roup #imension similar to the one given in the
below examples. $here is only daily load %ax& script gets invo'e by scheduler which loads
the data into my Essbase.
login &d(ser) xxxxxx* /+ login section +/
spool on to ,d-.#ata!file./an!0ales.txt,* /+ log the result +/
alter system load application ,0o!1pp,*
alter application , 0o!1pp s, load database , 0o#2 ,*
/+ import dimension member from s3l database +/
import database ,0o!1pp,.,0o#2, dimensions connect as ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, identified by
,xxxxxxxxx, using server rules!file ,addday, on error write to ,d-.addday.txt,*
spool off*
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Learn Hyperion/OBIEE by Amit Sharma
1s new products get added and old products get removed so monthly as a part of
customi4ation we change the data load rule file to accommodate new changes. 5nce by
mista'e one of the developers removed the product category from the production cube
outline and right after that the data loading script executed and get failed as the specified
product!category dimension member didnt find in the outline) however the member
specification were exist in source file and rule file.
In such situation we get the below error message
1003014 (n'nown %ember member6ame in #ata &oad) number 7ecords Completed
Quick Test in such situation
%a'e sure that the data source is valid.
1re you using the correct data source8
Is there an incorrect member in the data source8 If so) delete that member.
#id you try to load the correct data source with the correct rules file8
#oes the data source have the correct file extension8 1ll text files must have a file
extension of .txt. 1ll rules files must have a file extension of .rul.
%a'e sure that the rules file is valid.
1re you using the correct rules file8
Is the rules file connected to the correct outline 8
Can you validate the rules file 8
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Learn Hyperion/OBIEE by Amit Sharma
%a'e sure that the member name is valid.
1re member names or variable names enclosed in 3uotation mar's where necessary8
Does the member exist in the outline? If not, you can a the member by
moifyin! the outline urin! the ata loa or by ain! the ne" member in the
#utline $itor%
%a'e sure that the member is not specified in both the header file and the text file.
2y applying the above test we found the root cause of the problem in %ember not exist in
outline. 9 1s it is mentioned above in &#'D:
Problem#( Interestingly some errors are not documented in oracle site) one of such error I
found is Error ;<=<<<>. 5ne day during data load I found this error in my log file after
spending hours to find the root cause of this error we ended up with nothing. I raised the
same issue in 5$6 as well. 5n further analysis we found due to some reason the complete
has mar'ed as explicit deny access. $his causes Essbase to fail reading the file.
$his is the whole script in %1A&-
import database ,0op!1ppl,.,0o#2, data
from local data!file
using server rules!file ,dimcdmhi,
on error write to
&ater when I tried to load this file diretly from E10 I found the error msg li'e this
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Learn Hyperion/OBIEE by Amit Sharma
Problem#3) $here is one another problem we found specifically when we tried to recovered
the data from cube bac'up source. We exported data in column format for many purpose
90upply this data for some other application the functional users use it for further analysis:
bac'up purpose.
export database ,0op!1pp,.,0o#2, level< data in columns to data!file
,c-.C(be#ata.txt, ),c-.Cube#ata;.txt,*
We ta'e the wee'ly bac'up so the last time we too' the bac'up we had roduct!Category
which by mista'e one of the developers removed as a result my bac'up datafile become
invalidated) 0o when the load script executed it failed with more then B<<)<<< records which
causes another error.
10030(* #1$1E7757&I%I$ reached number5f7ecords. 7eCected records will no longer be
Duic' $est
Change the maximum number of records allowed in the data load or dimension build
error log.
1. If you do not have an E172571$H/bin/ essbase.cfg file on the server computer)
create one using a text editor.
2. 1dd or increase the D+T+$,,#,'I-IT setting in the
E172571$H/bin/essbase.cfg file.
3. 0top and restart 1nalytic 0erver.
. 7estart the data load .
Problem#4) 5ne of the undocumented error is
Invalid blan' character in name FC-.#ata0ource.2atch ;<.0o!1pp!#ata&oad!v;.rtfG in
E001I function Ess(pdateHile

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Learn Hyperion/OBIEE by Amit Sharma
$he cause of the above error is)as you can see my source file ./)0Data1ource0&atch 102
exist in the folder which has space in folder name I&atch 102, and Error doesnt li'e it.
Problem#*) 0ource Hile stores the 1ttribute member name also.
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Learn Hyperion/OBIEE by Amit Sharma
Interestin!ly there is no error the ata loas successfully%
Please contact +mit 1harma for Trainin!3/onsultin! an Pro4ect su55ort%
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