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Bryn Austin

An envious heart makes a treacherous ear. They done heard about you just what they hope done
happened (pg 5) this quote establishes the gossipy nature of the town and hints that Janie holds a high
and enviable statues in the community. The use of a proverb makes it seem more likely and definite that
what she warning Janie of will come true. She tells Janie that because they are envious of her they will
gossip and believe the rumors to be true because they describe what they hope the truth is.
Then she starched and ironed her face, forming it into just what people wanted to see.(pg 87)
This quote brings the reader to the inference that Janie is pretending to be something she is not.
The imagery gives us the impression that she is trying to set her features into an expression appropriate
in that situation that has not come to her naturally. It also gives the reader the idea that she is trying to
mask her real feelings. That she is not feeling what is typical after the death of a husband. Therefore,
this leads the reader to the conclusion that she is relived by Joes death, or even happy about it.
De world picked out black and white for mournin Joe didnt. So Ah wasent wearin it for him, Ah was
wearin it for the rest of yall.(pg 113)
Janies comment confirms the readers suspicion that she is not sad about Joes death. It also
reveals to us that she is no longer content to do what others expect of her. She has acted on her
thoughts by stopping wearing mourning colors and has voiced those thoughts. Her diction is also
another hint at the changes in Janie after Joes death; it gives the impression that she has become more
relaxed. Moreover, has stepped down from the image of an educated and proper Lady, set apart from
the other people of the town.
A little seed of fear was growing into a tree (pg 137)
This quote is a metaphor for Janies growing insecurities regarding her relationship with Tea
Cake. Its imagery clearly illustrates for the reader how her fears have changed. Her fears that were once
small and insignificant have grown and become more real, now that there is a real threat to her
relationship with Tea Cake.
He could never be dead until she herself had finished feeling and thinking. The kiss of his memory made
pictures of love and light against the wall. Here was peace.
The quote evokes the feeling of peace, its tone nostalgic, but also optimistic. Janies thoughts
convey to the reader that she was able to find peace. Janie has come to the realization, that as long as
she still loves and remembers Tea Cake he will never really be dead, just gone. That is why when Pheoby
asked where Tea Cake was, she said gone not dead. Once she has come to that conclusion, she
accepts Tea Cakes death and is now at peace with it. With this knowledge and thinking, she is nostalgic,
but can be at peace with herself, his death and her future.

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