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Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim your_topping_bill As Currency

Dim pri_extra_cheese As Currency

Dim pri_pepproni As Currency

Dim pri_mushrooms As Currency

Dim pri_green_peppers As Currency

Dim pri_hot_peppers As Currency

Dim pri_olives As Currency

Dim pri_pineapple As Currency

Dim pri_anchovies As Currency

Dim pri_seafoods As Currency

Dim your_pizza_bill As Currency

Dim your_total_bill As Currency

pri_extra_cheese = Val(Text2.Text)

pri_pepproni = Val(Text12.Text)

pri_mushrooms = Val(Text13.Text)

pri_green_peppers = Val(Text14.Text)

pri_hot_peppers = Val(Text15.Text)

pri_olives = Val(Text16.Text)

pri_pineapple = Val(Text17.Text)
pri_anchovies = Val(Text18.Text)

pri_seafoods = Val(Text19.Text)

your_pizza_bill = Val(Text20.Text)

your_topping_bill = Val(Text1.Text)

your_total_bill = Val(Text21.Text)

If Check1.Value And Check2.Value And Check3.Value And Check4.Value And Check5.Value And
Check6.Value And Check7.Value = True And Check8.Value = True And Check9.Value Then

your_topping__bill = ((pri_extra_cheese) + (pri_pepproni) + (pri_mushrooms) + (pri_green_peppers) +

(pri_olives) + (pri_pineapple) + (pri_anchovies) + (pri_seafoods))

Text1.Text = your_topping_bill

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()

Dim pri_5 As Integer

Dim pri_topping As Currency

Dim pri_pizza As Currency

Dim pri_total As Currency

pri_5 = Val(Text6.Text)

pri_pizza = Val(Text20.Text)

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text)

If Check5.Value = 1 Then

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text) + 4

Text21.Text = pri_total

Form2.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form4.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.Text5 = Text21.Text

Form4.Text5 = Text21.Text

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()

Dim pri_6 As Integer

Dim pri_topping As Currency

Dim pri_pizza As Currency

Dim pri_total As Currency

pri_6 = Val(Text7.Text)

pri_pizza = Val(Text20.Text)

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text)

If Check6.Value = 1 Then

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text) + 5

Text21.Text = pri_total
Form2.List1.AddItem "RM 5.00"

Form3.List1.AddItem "RM 5.00"

Form4.List1.AddItem "RM 5.00"

Form3.Text5 = Text21.Text

Form4.Text5 = Text21.Text

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command12_Click()

Dim pri_7 As Integer

Dim pri_topping As Currency

Dim pri_pizza As Currency

Dim pri_total As Currency

pri_7 = Val(Text8.Text)

pri_pizza = Val(Text20.Text)

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text)

If Check7.Value = 1 Then

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text) + 4

Text21.Text = pri_total
Form2.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form4.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.Text5 = Text21.Text

Form4.Text5 = Text21.Text

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command13_Click()


Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Command14_Click()

Dim pri_8 As Integer

Dim pri_topping As Currency

Dim pri_pizza As Currency

Dim pri_total As Currency

pri_8 = Val(Text10.Text)

pri_pizza = Val(Text20.Text)

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text)
If Check8.Value = 1 Then

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text) + 4

Text21.Text = pri_total

Form2.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form4.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.Text5 = Text21.Text

Form4.Text5 = Text21.Text

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command15_Click()

Dim pri_9 As Integer

Dim pri_topping As Currency

Dim pri_pizza As Currency

Dim pri_total As Currency

pri_9 = Val(Text10.Text)

pri_pizza = Val(Text20.Text)

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text)
If Check9.Value = 1 Then

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text) + 4

Text21.Text = pri_total

Form2.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form4.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Text2.Text = " "

Text3.Text = " "

Text4.Text = " "

Text5.Text = " "

Text6.Text = " "

Text7.Text = " "

Text8.Text = " "

Text9.Text = " "

Text10.Text = " "

Text21.Text = " "

Check1.Value = False

Check2.Value = False

Check3.Value = False

Check4.Value = False

Check5.Value = False

Check6.Value = False

Check7.Value = False

Check8.Value = False

Check9.Value = False


End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()

Dim n As Integer

msg1 = "you can choose 5 topping only!!!"

If Check1.Value = 1 Then

n = n + 1 And n > 5

MsgBox msg1

ElseIf Check2.Value = 1 Then

n = n + 1 And n > 5

MsgBox msg1

ElseIf Check3.Value = 1 Then

n = n + 1 And n > 5

MsgBox msg1

ElseIf Check4.Value = 1 Then

n = n + 1 And n > 5

MsgBox msg1

ElseIf Check5.Value = 1 Then

n = n + 1 And n > 5

MsgBox msg1

ElseIf Check6.Value = 1 Then

n = n + 1 And n > 5

MsgBox msg1
ElseIf Check7.Value = 1 Then

n = n + 1 And n > 5

MsgBox msg1

ElseIf Check8.Value = 1 Then

n = n + 1 And n > 5

MsgBox msg1

ElseIf Check9.Value = 1 Then

n = n + 1 And n > 5

MsgBox msg1

End If

If n > 5 Then

MsgBox msg1

End If

If n > 5 Then

MsgBox msg1

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

Dim pri_total As Currency

Dim pri_1 As Integer

Dim pri_2 As Integer

pri_total = Val(Text1.Text)

pri_1 = Val(Text2.Text)

pri_2 = Val(Text3.Text)

If Check10.Value = True Then

pri_total = Val(Text2.Text) + Val(Text3.Text)

Text1.Text = pri_total

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

Dim pri_1 As Integer

Dim pri_topping As Currency

Dim pri_pizza As Currency

Dim pri_total As Currency

pri_1 = Val(Text2.Text)

pri_pizza = Val(Text20.Text)

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text)

If Check1.Value = 1 Then

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text) + 3

Text21.Text = pri_total

Form2.List1.AddItem "RM 3.00"

Form3.List1.AddItem "RM 3.00"

Form4.List1.AddItem "RM 3.00"

Form3.Text5 = Text21.Text

Form4.Text5 = Text21.Text

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

Dim pri_2 As Integer

Dim pri_topping As Currency

Dim pri_pizza As Currency

Dim pri_total As Currency

pri_2 = Val(Text3.Text)

pri_pizza = Val(Text20.Text)

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text)

If Check2.Value = 1 Then

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text) + 4

Text21.Text = pri_total

Form2.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form4.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.Text5 = Text21.Text

Form4.Text5 = Text21.Text

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

Dim pri_3 As Integer

Dim pri_topping As Currency

Dim pri_pizza As Currency

Dim pri_total As Currency

pri_3 = Val(Text4.Text)

pri_pizza = Val(Text20.Text)

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text)

If Check3.Value = 1 Then

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text) + 4

Text21.Text = pri_total

Form2.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form4.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.Text5 = Text21.Text

Form4.Text5 = Text21.Text

End If

End Sub
Private Sub Command9_Click()

Dim pri_4 As Integer

Dim pri_topping As Currency

Dim pri_pizza As Currency

Dim pri_total As Currency

pri_4 = Val(Text5.Text)

pri_pizza = Val(Text20.Text)

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text)

If Check4.Value = 1 Then

pri_total = Val(Text21.Text) + 4

Text21.Text = pri_total

Form2.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form4.List1.AddItem "RM 4.00"

Form3.Text5 = Text21.Text

Form4.Text5 = Text21.Text

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Image1_Click()

End Sub

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