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GRADE:___________ NOTE:________
DATE: _____________________CODE:_____
Teachers Name: Dario Yecid Rojas
Seleccione dentro de las siguientes oraciones la
que se acomode segn la estructura vista en el
1. Una de las siguientes oraciones es correcta
cuando yo debo hacerlo en presente continuo

b. How many books are there?

c. How many books are in the floor?
d. How many books are the desk?
a. How much coffee is in the cup?
b. How much coffee are on the cup?
c. How many coffee are on the cup?
d. How much coffee is in the cup?
a. Its twelve oclock
b. Its three oclock
c. Its three oclock quarter
d. Its twelve oclock

a. Anthony are resting in the office

b. Anthony is resting on the office
c. Anthony is resting in the office
d. Anthony is resting on the office
a. Albert is running on the street
b. Albert is running in the street
c. Albert are running on the street
d. Albert are running in the street
a. They are walking in the street
b. They are walking on the street
c. They are walk in the street
d. They are walks on the street
a. They are read in the newspaper
b. They are read the newspaper
c. They are reading the newspaper
d. They are reading the newspaper
a. Im readings the letters
b. Im reading is the novels
c. Im reading letters
d. Ireading some books
a. What is you read?
b. What are you reading?
c. What are you read?
d. What are you reads?
a. How many books are in the desk?

a. Its nine oclock half past
b. Is it nine oclock
c. Its twelve oclock
d. Its twelve past oclock

a. What time is the trains for Cali?
b. What time are a train to Cali ?
c. What time are a trains for Cali?
d. What time is the train to Cali?
a. When do you play football ?
b. When do you play football ?
c. When did you played football?
d. When did you played football?
a. They are going to study
b. They going to study

c. What are they doing?

d. What is going to study?
a.What are she doing?
b. What are he doing?
c. What are they doing?
d. What is he do?
A continuacin se encontrar con una serie de
oraciones incompletas, debajo de cada oracin
hay cuatro palabras, solo una de ella
complementa correctamente la oracin dada.
Marque la opcin correcta una sola vez.
15. From Time to _____________________ I
go to the cinema
a. Always
b. Time
c. Never
d. Seldom
16. They buy potatoes ____________________
a. Always
b. Seldom
c. From time to time
17._____________________ Milk do you like?
a. How many
b. How much
c. What
d. How
18. She_______________ a car
a. Is
b. buys
c. buy
d. Has
19. He _________________ a new pant
a. Is
b. Are
c. Have
d. Has
20. She _________________ a dictionary
a. Have
b. Had
c. is
d. was

21. She________________ a dictionary

a. have
b. had
c. is
d. was
22. You ____________ painting the house
a. is
b. are
c. was
d. going to
23. You_________________ swimming in the
a. is
c. were
24. _______________________ is Sussan?
a. who
b. what
d. Olga
25. I have ______________ garden
a. flowers
b. a flower
c. two
d. six flowers of

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