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Monthly test

1) JK and RT are two straight line which are perpendicular to each other.
JK: y = px + k
RT: y = (k-2)x + p p and k are constants.
Express p in terms of k. [05]

2) The following diagram shows a circle with centre O.

The length of the minor arc AB is 16cm and the angle of the major sector AOB is 290.
By using = 3.142, find
(a) The value of in radians. (in four significant figures)
(b) The length, in cm of the radius of the circle. [05]

3) The diagram below shows a straight line CD which meets a straight line AB at the point
D. The point C lies on the y-axis.

(a) Write down the equation of AB in the form of intercepts.
(b) Given 2AD = DB, find the coordinates of D.
(c) Given that CD is perpendicular to AB, find the y-intercept of CD. [04]

4) The graph shows a straight line LMN. Find
(a) The value of r
(b) The equation of a straight line which passes through the point L and is perpendicular
to the straight line LMN.

5) The diagram shows a triangle ABC with the point A is on y-axis. The equation of straight
line for ADC is 3y + x 7 = 0. Find
(a) The coordinate for D
(b) The ratio for AD:DC [(1,2); 1:3] [00]

6) The following diagram shows a piece of cake which forms a sector OPQ with radius
20cm. The length of arc for the sector is 15cm and the heigh is 8cm. Find
(a) The angle of sector in radian
(b) Total surface area. [0.75 rad; 740] [96]

7) The diagram is a histogram which represents the distribution of the marks obtained by 40
pupils in a test.

(a) Without using an ogive, calculate the median mark.
(b) Calculate the standard deviation of the distribution. [05]

8) Mean for the following data 2, k, 3k, 8, 12 and 18 which are arrange from smallest value
to greatest is m. If all the values in the data reduce by 2, the meadian for the new data is
5m/8. Find
(a) The value of m and k
(b) Variance for the new data [m=8, k=2; 32] [98]

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