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99 things

1. go to yellowstone national park

2. parasailing
3. learn how to dance the salsa or tango
4. go snorkeling/ scuba diving
5. help out a 3rd world country
6. fly in a hot air balloon
7. go on a helicopter ride
8. swim with dolphins
9. shower underneath a waterfall
10. marry my high school sweetheart
11. change someones life
12. kiss in the rain
13. become a mother
14. camp on the beach
15. get on stage with someone famous
16. have one of those what happened last night moments
17. go on a road trip across the country
18. dance on a bar table like in coyote ugly
19. be the reason someone wakes up in the morning
20. have a farm
21. live in south carolina
22. go on a roller coaster
23. ride a horse on the beach
24. sponsor a child
25. dance in the rain
26. send a message in a bottle
27. dance on a beach with someone i love at sunset
28. save a life
29. stop being afraid and start living
30. write a letter to myself and read it in 10 years
31. help plan someones wedding
32. go zip lining
33. have that great body i always wanted
34. have a diy day
35. go on a roadtrip with my bestfriend
36. learn how to surf
37. swim with sea turtles
38. visit the great barrier reef in australia

39. throw a huge party and invite all my friends and family
40. go on a cruise
41. surf on lake Michigan
42. see the grand canyon
43. have dinner on the beach
44. go stand up paddle boarding
45. go on a spontaneous road trip with no destination
46. go into an airport and buy tickets for a random flight
47. carve something into a tree
48. kiss underwater
49. be given a puppy or horse for a present
50. cook together
51. have a baking day
52. have a shopping day with no budget
53. adopt a soldier when i become a mom
54. plant a tree
55. have a garden
56. see a lantern festival
57. build and design my house
58. attach a lock to a love bridge
59. tie a message to a balloon and let it go
60. have a marriage more beautiful than my wedding
61. go on a safari ride
62. make a family quilt
63. get a small tattoo that means a lot
64 get rid of all the negativity in my life
65. visit the mall of america
66. have a walk in closet
67. own a beach house
68. take a picture everyday
69. visit the walk of fame
70. make a memory jar
71. see the northern lights
72. help save a life
73. meet someone famous
74. jump off a cliff into water
75 leave a note on someones car window
76. have an all day movie marathon
77. go to a drive in movie
78. tour the white house
79. go to the CMA Awards
80. see an active volcano
81. go whitewater rafting
82. knit and donate 100 scarves for the homeless

83. go to new orleans during mardi gras
84. stand in the crown of the statue of liberty
85. go cage-diving with sharks
86. ride an elephant
87. eat at one of the worlds best restaurants
88. be an extra in a movie
89. go to disney land/world
90. sleep under the stars
91. visit all 50 states
92. attend one major sporting event
93. write a fan letter to my favorite hero or someone i look up to
94. be someone's mentor
95. become passionate about a cause and spend time helping it
96. donate something and put my name on it
97. give to charity
98. be all i can be
99. complete everything on this list!

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