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What Makes a Leader?

IQ And Technical Skills Are Important, But Emotional Intelligence Is The Sine Qua
Non Of Leadership
Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec 1998 pp 9!-1"#
D$N%&L '(L&M$N
)uper* +eaders have ver, di--erent wa,s o- directin. a tea/, a division, or a co/pan,
)o/e are su*dued and ana+,tica+0 others are charis/atic and .o with their .ut $nd
di--erent situations ca++ -or di--erent t,pes o- +eadership Most /er.ers need a sensitive
ne.otiator at the he+/, whereas /an, turnarounds re1uire a /ore -orce-u+ kind o-
2s, and noted author Danie+ 'o+e/an has -ound, however, that e--ective +eaders
are a+ike in one crucia+ wa,3 the, a++ have a hi.h de.ree o- what has co/e to *e known as
e/otiona+ inte++i.ence %n -act, 'o+e/an4s research at near+, #"" +ar.e, .+o*a+ co/panies
revea+ed that e/otiona+ inte++i.ence- especia++, at the hi.hest +eve+s o- a co/pan,- is the
sine 1ua non -or +eadership Without it, a person can have -irst-c+ass trainin., an incisive
/ind, and an end+ess supp+, o- .ood ideas, *ut he sti++ won4t /ake a .reat +eader
5he co/ponents o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence- se+--awareness, se+--re.u+ation, /otivation,
e/path,, and socia+ ski++-can sound un-*usiness+ike But e6hi*itin. e/otiona+
inte++i.ence at the workp+ace does not /ean si/p+, contro++in. ,our or .ettin.
a+on. with peop+e Rather, it /eans understandin. ,our own and other peop+e4s e/otiona+
/akeup we++ enou.h to /ove peop+e in the direction o- acco/p+ishin. ,our co/pan,4s
%n this artic+e, the author discusses each co/ponent o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence and shows
throu.h e6a/p+es how to reco.ni7e it in potentia+ +eaders, how and wh, it +eads to
/easura*+e *usiness resu+ts, and how it can *e +earned %t takes ti/e and, /ost o- a++,
co//it/ent But the *ene-its that co/e -ro/ havin. a we++-deve+oped e/otiona+
inte++i.ence, *oth -or the individua+ and the or.ani7ation, /ake it worth the e--ort
&8&R9 B:)%N&))2&R)(N knows a stor, a*out a hi.h+, inte++i.ent, hi.h+, ski++ed
e6ecutive who was pro/oted into a +eadership position on+, to -ai+ at the ;o* $nd the,
a+so know a stor, a*out so/eone with so+id-*ut not e6traordinar,-inte++ectua+ a*i+ities
and technica+ ski++s who was pro/oted into a si/i+ar position and then soared
)uch anecdotes support the widespread *e+ie- that identi-,in. individua+s with the <
stu--< to *e +eaders is /ore art than science $-ter a++, the persona+ st,+es o- super*
+eaders var,3 so/e +eaders are su*dued and ana+,tica+0 others shout their /ani-estos -ro/
the /ountaintops $nd ;ust as i/portant, di--erent situations ca++ -or di--erent t,pes o-
+eadership Most /er.ers need a sensitive ne.otiator at the he+/, whereas /an,
turnarounds re1uire a /ore -orce-u+ authorit,
% have -ound, however, that the /ost e--ective +eaders are a+ike in one crucia+ wa,3 the,
a++ have a hi.h de.ree o- what has co/e to *e known as e/otiona+ inte++i.ence %t4s not
that %= and technica+ ski++s are irre+evant 5he, do /atter, *ut /ain+, as <thresho+d
capa*i+ities<0 that is, the, are the entr,-+eve+ re1uire/ents -or e6ecutive positions But /,
research, a+on. with other recent studies, c+ear+, shows that e/otiona+ inte++i.ence is the
sine 1ua non o- +eadership Without it, a person can have the *est trainin. in the wor+d, an
incisive, ana+,tica+ /ind, and an end+ess supp+, o- s/art ideas, *ut he sti++ won4t /ake a
.reat +eader
%n the course o- the past ,ear, /, co++ea.ues and % have -ocused on how e/otiona+
inte++i.ence operates at work We have e6a/ined the re+ationship *etween e/otiona+
inte++i.ence and e--ective per-or/ance, especia++, in +eaders $nd we have o*served how
e/otiona+ inte++i.ence shows itse+- on the ;o* How can ,ou te++ i- so/eone has hi.h
e/otiona+ inte++i.ence, -or e6a/p+e, and how can ,ou reco.ni7e it in ,ourse+-? %n the
-o++owin., we4++ e6p+ore these 1uestions, takin. each o- the co/ponents o-
e/otiona+ inte++i.ence-se+--awareness, se+--re.u+ation, /otivation, e/path,, and socia+
ski++-in turn
E&aluating Emotional Intelligence
Most +ar.e co/panies toda, have e/p+o,ed trained ps,cho+o.ists to deve+op what are
known as <co/petenc, /ode+s< to aid the/ in identi-,in., trainin., and pro/otin. +ike+,
stars in the +eadership -ir/a/ent 5he ps,cho+o.ists have a+so deve+oped such /ode+s -or
+ower-+eve+ positions $nd in recent ,ears, % have ana+,7ed co/petenc, /ode+s -ro/ 188
co/panies, /ost o- which were +ar.e and .+o*a+ and inc+uded the +ikes o- Lucent
5echno+o.ies, British $irwa,s, and >redit )uisse
%n carr,in. out this work, /, o*;ective was to deter/ine which persona+ capa*i+ities
drove outstandin. per-or/ance within these or.ani7ations, and to what de.ree the, did
so % .rouped capa*i+ities into three cate.ories3 pure+, technica+ ski++s +ike accountin. and
*usiness p+annin.0 co.nitive a*i+ities +ike ana+,tica+ reasonin.0 and co/petencies
de/onstratin. e/otiona+ inte++i.ence such as the a*i+it, to work with others and
e--ectiveness in +eadin. chan.e
5o create so/e o- the co/petenc, /ode+s, ps,cho+o.ists asked senior /ana.ers at the
co/panies to identi-, the capa*i+ities that t,pi-ied the or.ani7ation4s /ost outstandin.
+eaders 5o create other /ode+s, the ps,cho+o.ists used o*;ective criteria such as a
division4s pro-ita*i+it, to di--erentiate the star per-or/ers at senior +eve+s within their
or.ani7ations -ro/ the avera.e ones 5hose individua+s were then e6tensive+,
interviewed and tested, and their capa*i+ities were co/pared 5his process resu+ted in the
creation o- +ists o- in.redients -or hi.h+, e--ective +eaders 5he +ists ran.ed in -ro/
? to 1@ ite/s and inc+uded such in.redients as initiative and strate.ic vision
When % ana+,7ed a++ this data, % -ound dra/atic resu+ts 5o *e sure, inte++ect was a driver
o- outstandin. per-or/ance >o.nitive ski++s such as *i.-picture thinkin. and +on.-ter/
vision were particu+ar+, i/portant But when % ca+cu+ated the ratio o- technica+ ski++s, %=,
and e/otiona+ inte++i.ence as in.redients o- e6ce++ent per-or/ance, e/otiona+
inte++i.ence proved to *e twice as i/portant as the others -or ;o*s at a++ +eve+s
Moreover, /, ana+,sis showed that e/otiona+ inte++i.ence p+a,ed an increasin.+,
i/portant ro+e at the hi.hest +eve+s o- the co/pan,, where di--erences in technica+ ski++s
are o- ne.+i.i*+e i/portance %n other words, the hi.her the rank o- a person considered to
*e a star per-or/er, the /ore e/otiona+ inte++i.ence capa*i+ities showed up as the reason
-or his or her e--ectiveness When % co/pared star per-or/ers with avera.e ones in senior
+eadership positions, near+, 9"A o- the di--erence in their pro-i+es was attri*uta*+e to
e/otiona+ inte++i.ence -actors rather than co.nitive a*i+ities
(ther researchers have con-ir/ed that e/otiona+ inte++i.ence not on+, distin.uishes
outstandin. +eaders *ut can a+so *e +inked to stron. per-or/ance 5he -indin.s o- the +ate
David Mc>+e++and, the renowned researcher in hu/an and or.ani7ationa+ *ehavior, are a
.ood e6a/p+e %n a 199B stud, o- a .+o*a+ -ood and *evera.e co/pan,, Mc>+e++and
-ound that when senior /ana.ers had a critica+ /ass o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence
capa*i+ities, their divisions outper-or/ed ,ear+, earnin.s .oa+s *, #"A Meanwhi+e,
division +eaders without that critica+ /ass underper-or/ed *, a+/ost the sa/e a/ount
Mc>+e++and4s -indin.s, interestin.+,, he+d as true in the co/pan,4s :) divisions as in its
divisions in $sia and &urope
%n short, the nu/*ers are *e.innin. to te++ us a persuasive stor, a*out the +ink *etween a
co/pan,4s success and the e/otiona+ inte++i.ence o- its +eaders $nd ;ust as i/portant,
research is a+so de/onstratin. that peop+e can, i- the, take the approach, deve+op
their e/otiona+ inte++i.ence C)ee the insert <>an &/otiona+ %nte++i.ence Be Learned?<D
)e+--awareness is the -irst co/ponent o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence-which /akes sense when
one considers that the De+phic orac+e .ave the advice to <know th,se+-< thousands o-
,ears a.o )e+--awareness /eans havin. a deep understandin. o- one4s e/otions,
stren.ths, weaknesses, needs, and drives 2eop+e with stron. se+--awareness are neither
over+, critica+ nor unrea+istica++, hope-u+ Rather, the, are honest-with the/se+ves and
with others
2eop+e who have a hi.h de.ree o- se+--awareness reco.ni7e how their -ee+in.s a--ect
the/, other peop+e, and their ;o* per-or/ance 5hus a se+--aware person who knows that dead+ines *rin. out the worst in hi/ p+ans his ti/e care-u++, and .ets his work done
we++ in advance $nother person with hi.h se+--awareness wi++ *e a*+e to work with a
de/andin. c+ient )he wi++ understand the c+ient4s i/pact on her /oods and the deeper
reasons -or her -rustration <5heir trivia+ de/ands take us awa, -ro/ the rea+ work that
needs to *e done,< she / e6p+ain $nd she wi++ .o one step -urther and turn her
into so/ethin. constructive
)e+--awareness e6tends to a person4s understandin. o- his or her va+ues and .oa+s
)o/eone who is hi.h+, se+--aware knows where he is headed and wh,0 so, -or e6a/p+e,
he wi++ *e a*+e to *e -ir/ in turnin. down a ;o* o--er that is te/ptin. -inancia++, *ut does
not -it with his princip+es or +on.-ter/ .oa+s $ person who +acks se+--awareness is apt to
/ake decisions that *rin. on inner tur/oi+ *, treadin. on *uried va+ues <5he /one,
+ooked .ood so % si.ned on,< so/eone / sa, two ,ears into a ;o*, <*ut the work
/eans so +itt+e to /e that %4/ constant+, *ored< 5he decisions o- se+--aware peop+e /esh
with their va+ues0 conse1uent+,, the, o-ten -ind work to *e ener.i7in.
How can one reco.ni7e se+--awareness? Eirst and -ore/ost, it shows itse+- as candor and
an a*i+it, to assess onese+- rea+istica++, 2eop+e with hi.h se+--awareness are a*+e to speak
accurate+, and open+,- a+thou.h not necessari+, e--usive+, or con-essiona++,-a*out their
e/otions and the i/pact the, have on their work Eor instance, one / % know o-
was skeptica+ a*out a new persona+-shopper service that her co/pan,, a /a;or
depart/ent-store chain, was a*out to introduce Without pro/ptin. -ro/ her tea/ or her
*oss, she o--ered the/ an e6p+anation3 <%t4s hard -or /e to .et *ehind the ro++out o- this
service,< she ad/itted, <*ecause % rea++, wanted to run the pro;ect, *ut % wasn4t se+ected
Bear with /e whi+e % dea+ with that< 5he / did indeed e6a/ine her -ee+in.s0 a
week +ater, she was supportin. the pro;ect -u++,
)uch se+--know+ed.e o-ten shows itse+- in the hirin. process $sk a candidate to descri*e
a ti/e he .ot carried awa, *, his -ee+in.s and did so/ethin. he +ater re.retted )e+--
aware candidates wi++ *e -rank in ad/ittin. to -ai+ure- and wi++ o-ten te++ their ta+es with a
s/i+e (ne o- the ha++/arks o- se+--awareness is a se+--deprecatin. sense o- hu/or
)e+--awareness can a+so *e identi-ied durin. per-or/ance reviews )e+--aware peop+e
know-and are co/-orta*+e ta+kin. a*out-their +i/itations and stren.ths, and the, o-ten
de/onstrate a thirst -or constructive criticis/ B, contrast, peop+e with +ow se+--
awareness interpret the /essa.e that the, need to i/prove as a threat or a si.n o- -ai+ure
)e+--aware peop+e can a+so *e reco.ni7ed *, their se+--con-idence 5he, have a -ir/
.rasp o- their capa*i+ities and are +ess +ike+, to set the/se+ves up to -ai+ *,, -or e6a/p+e,
overstretchin. on assi.n/ents 5he, know, too, when to ask -or he+p $nd the risks the,
take on the ;o* are ca+cu+ated 5he, won4t ask -or a cha++en.e that the, know the, can4t
hand+e a+one 5he,4++ p+a, to their stren.ths
>onsider the actions o- a /id+eve+ e/p+o,ee who was invited to sit in on a strate.,
/eetin. with her co/pan,4s top e6ecutives $+thou.h she was the /ost ;unior person in
the roo/, she did not sit there 1uiet+,, +istenin. in awestruck or -ear-u+ si+ence )he knew
she had a head -or c+ear +o.ic and the ski++ to present ideas persuasive+,, and she o--ered
co.ent su..estions a*out the co/pan,4s strate., $t the sa/e ti/e, her se+--awareness
stopped her -ro/ wanderin. into territor, where she knew she was weak
Despite the va+ue o- havin. se+--aware peop+e in the workp+ace, /, research indicates
that senior e6ecutives don4t o-ten .ive se+--awareness the credit it deserves when the,
+ook -or potentia+ +eaders Man, e6ecutives /istake candor a*out -ee+in.s -or
<wi/piness< and -ai+ to .ive due respect to e/p+o,ees who open+, acknow+ed.e their
shortco/in.s )uch peop+e are too readi+, dis/issed as <not tou.h enou.h< to +ead
%n -act, the opposite is true %n the -irst p+ace, peop+e .enera++, ad/ire and respect candor
Eurther, +eaders are constant+, re1uired to /ake ;ud./ent ca++s that re1uire a candid
assess/ent o- capa*i+ities-their own and those o- others Do we have the /ana.e/ent
e6pertise to ac1uire a co/petitor? >an we +aunch a new product within si6 /onths?
2eop+e who assess the/se+ves honest+,-that is, se+--aware peop+e-are we++ suited to do the
sa/e -or the or.ani7ations the, run
Bio+o.ica+ i/pu+ses drive our e/otions We cannot do awa, with the/-*ut we can do
/uch to /ana.e the/ )e+--re.u+ation, which is +ike an on.oin. inner conversation, is the
co/ponent o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence that -rees us -ro/ *ein. prisoners o- our -ee+in.s
2eop+e en.a.ed in such a conversation -ee+ *ad /oods and e/otiona+ i/pu+ses ;ust as
ever,one e+se does, *ut the, -ind wa,s to contro+ the/ and even to channe+ the/ in
use-u+ wa,s
%/a.ine an e6ecutive who has ;ust watched a tea/ o- his e/p+o,ees present a *otched
ana+,sis to the co/pan,4s *oard o- directors %n the .+oo/ that -o++ows, the e6ecutive
/ -ind hi/se+- te/pted to pound on the ta*+e in or kick over a chair He cou+d
+eap up and screa/ at the .roup (r he / /aintain a .ri/ si+ence, .+arin. at ever,one
*e-ore sta+kin. o--
But i- he had a .i-t -or se+--re.u+ation, he wou+d choose a di--erent approach He wou+d
pick his words care-u++,, the tea/4s poor per-or/ance without rushin. to
an, hast, ;ud./ent He wou+d then step *ack to consider the reasons -or the -ai+ure $re
the, persona+-a +ack o- e--ort? $re there an, /iti.atin. -actors? What was his ro+e in the
de*ac+e? $-ter considerin. these 1uestions, he wou+d ca++ the tea/ to.ether, +a, out the
incident4s conse1uences, and o--er his -ee+in.s a*out it He wou+d then present his
ana+,sis o- the pro*+e/ and a we++ considered so+ution
Wh, does se+--re.u+ation /atter so /uch -or +eaders? Eirst o- a++, peop+e who are in
contro+ o- their -ee+in.s and i/pu+ses- that is, peop+e who are reasona*+e-are a*+e to
create an environ/ent o- trust and -airness %n such an environ/ent, po+itics and
in-i.htin. are sharp+, reduced and productivit, is hi.h 5a+ented peop+e -+ock to the
or.ani7ation and aren4t te/pted to +eave $nd se+--re.u+ation has a trick+e-down e--ect
No one wants to *e known as a hothead when the *oss is known -or her ca+/ approach
Eewer *ad /oods at the top /ean -ewer throu.hout the or.ani7ation
)econd, se+--re.u+ation is i/portant -or co/petitive reasons &ver,one knows that
*usiness toda, is ri-e with a/*i.uit, and chan.e >o/panies /er.e and *reak apart
re.u+ar+, 5echno+o., trans-or/s work at a di77,in. pace 2eop+e who have /astered
their e/otions are a*+e to ro++ with the When a new chan.e pro.ra/ is
announced, the, don4t panic0 instead, the, are a*+e to suspend ;ud./ent, seek out
in-or/ation, and +isten to e6ecutives e6p+ain the new pro.ra/ $s the initiative /oves
-orward, the, a6e a*+e to /ove with it
)o/eti/es the, even +ead the wa, >onsider the case o- a / at a +ar.e
/anu-acturin. co/pan, Like her co++ea.ues, she had used a certain so-tware pro.ra/
-or -ive ,ears 5he pro.ra/ drove how she co++ected and reported data and how she a*out the co/pan,4s strate., (ne da,, senior e6ecutives announced that a new
pro.ra/ was to *e insta++ed that wou+d radica++, chan.e how in-or/ation was .athered
and assessed within the or.ani7ation Whi+e /an, peop+e in the co/pan, co/p+ained
*itter+, a*out how disruptive the chan.e wou+d *e, the / /u++ed over the reasons
-or the new pro.ra/ and was convinced o- its potentia+ to i/prove per-or/ance )he, attended trainin. sessions-so/e o- her co++ea.ues re-used to do so- and was
eventua++, pro/oted to run severa+ divisions, in part *ecause she used the new
techno+o., so e--ective+,
% want to push the i/portance o- se+--re.u+ation to +eadership even -urther and /ake the
case that it enhances inte.rit,, which is not on+, a persona+ virtue *ut a+so an
or.ani7ationa+ Man, o- the *ad thin.s that happen in co/panies are a -unction
o- i/pu+sive *ehavior 2eop+e rare+, p+an to e6a..erate pro-its, pad e6pense accounts, dip
into the ti++, or a*use power -or se+-ish ends %nstead, an opportunit, presents itse+-, and
peop+e with +ow i/pu+se contro+ ;ust sa, ,es
B, contrast, consider the *ehavior o- the senior e6ecutive at a +ar.e -ood co/pan, 5he
e6ecutive was scrupu+ous+, honest in his ne.otiations with +oca+ distri*utors He wou+d
routine+, +a, out his cost structure in detai+, there*, .ivin. the distri*utors a rea+istic
understandin. o- the co/pan,4s pricin. 5his approach /eant the e6ecutive cou+dn4t
a+wa,s drive a hard *ar.ain Now, on occasion, he -e+t the ur.e to increase pro-its *,
withho+din. in-or/ation a*out the co/pan,4s costs But he cha++en.ed that i/pu+se-he
saw that it /ade /ore sense in the +on. run to counteract it His e/otiona+ se+- re.u+ation
paid o-- in stron., +astin. re+ationships with distri*utors that *ene-ited the co/pan, /ore
than an, short-ter/ -inancia+ .ains wou+d have
5he si.ns o- e/otiona+ se+--re.u+ation, there-ore, are not hard to /iss3 a propensit, -or
re-+ection and co/-ort with a/*i.uit, and chan.e0 and inte.rit,-an
a*i+it, to sa, no to i/pu+sive
Like se+--awareness, se+--re.u+ation o-ten does not .et its due 2eop+e who can /aster
their e/otions are so/eti/es seen as co+d -ish-their considered responses are taken as a
+ack o- passion 2eop+e with -ier, te/pera/ents are -re1uent+, o- as <c+assic<
+eaders-their out*ursts are considered ha++/arks o- charis/a and power But when such
peop+e /ake it to the top, their i/pu+siveness o-ten works a.ainst the/ %n /, research,
e6tre/e disp+a,s o- ne.ative e/otion have never e/er.ed as a driver o- .ood +eadership
%- there is one trait that virtua++, a++ e--ective +eaders have, it is /otivation 5he, are
driven to achieve *e,ond e6pectations-their own and ever,one e+se4s 5he ke, word here
is achieve 2+ent, o- peop+e are /otivated *, e6terna+ -actors such as a *i. sa+ar, or the
status that co/es -ro/ havin. an i/pressive tit+e or *ein. part o- a presti.ious co/pan,
B, contrast, those with +eadership potentia+ are /otivated *, a deep+, e/*edded desire to
achieve -or the sake o- achieve/ent
%- ,ou are +ookin. -or +eaders, how can ,ou identi-, peop+e who are /otivated *, the
drive to achieve rather than *, e6terna+ rewards? 5he -irst si.n is a passion -or the work
itse+--such peop+e seek out creative, +ove to +earn, and take .reat pride in a ;o*
we++ done 5he, a+so disp+a, an ener., to do thin.s *etter 2eop+e with such
ener., o-ten see/ rest+ess with the status 1uo 5he, are persistent with their 1uestions
a*out wh, thin.s are done one wa, rather than another0 the, are to e6p+ore new
approaches to their work
$ cos/etics co/pan, /, -or e6a/p+e, was -rustrated that he had to wait two
weeks to .et sa+es resu+ts -ro/ peop+e in the -ie+d He -ina++, tracked down an auto/ated
phone s,ste/ that wou+d *eep each o- his sa+espeop+e at @ 2M ever, da, $n auto/ated
/essa.e then pro/pted the/ to punch in their nu/*ers-how /an, ca++s and sa+es the,
had /ade that da, 5he s,ste/ shortened the -eed*ack ti/e on sa+es resu+ts -ro/ weeks
to hours
5hat stor, i++ustrates two other co//on traits o- peop+e who are driven to achieve 5he,
are -orever raisin. the per-or/ance *ar, and the, +ike to keep score 5ake the
per-or/ance *ar -irst Durin. per-or/ance reviews, peop+e with hi.h +eve+s o- /otivation
/ ask to *e <stretched< *, their superiors (- course, an e/p+o,ee who co/*ines
se+--awareness with interna+ /otivation wi++ reco.ni7e her +i/its-*ut she won4t sett+e -or
o*;ectives that see/ too eas, to -u+-i++
$nd it -o++ows natura++, that peop+e who are driven to do *etter a+so want a wa, o-
trackin. pro.ress-their own, their tea/4s, and their co/pan,4s Whereas peop+e with +ow
achieve/ent /otivation are o-ten -u77, a*out resu+ts, those with hi.h achieve/ent
/otivation o-ten keep score *, trackin. such hard /easures as pro-ita*i+it, or /arket
share % know o- a /one, / who starts and ends his da, on the %nternet,
the per-or/ance o- his stock hand a.ainst -our industr,-set *ench/arks
%nterestin.+,, peop+e with hi.h /otivation re/ain opti/istic even when the score is
a.ainst the/ %n such cases, se+--re.u+ation co/*ines with achieve/ent /otivation to
overco/e the -rustration and depression that co/e a-ter a set*ack or -ai+ure 5ake the
case o- an another port-o+io / at a +ar.e invest/ent co/pan, $-ter severa+
success-u+ ,ears, her -und tu/*+ed -or three consecutive 1uarters, +eadin. three +ar.e
institutiona+ c+ients to shi-t their *usiness e+sewhere
)o/e e6ecutives wou+d have *+a/ed the nosedive on circu/stances outside their contro+0
others / have seen the set*ack as evidence o- persona+ -ai+ure 5his port-o+io
/, however, saw an opportunit, to prove she cou+d +ead a turnaround 5wo ,ears
+ater, when she was pro/oted to a ver, senior +eve+ in the co/pan,, she descri*ed the
e6perience as <the *est thin. that ever happened to /e0 % +earned so /uch -ro/ it<
&6ecutives tr,in. to reco.ni7e hi.h +eve+s o- achieve/ent /otivation in their peop+e can
+ook -or one +ast piece o- evidence3 co//it/ent to the or.ani7ation When peop+e +ove
their ;o* -or the work itse+-, the, o-ten -ee+ co//itted to the or.ani7ations that /ake that
work possi*+e >o//itted e/p+o,ees are +ike+, to sta, with an or.ani7ation even when
the, are pursued *, headhunters wavin. /one,
%t4s not di--icu+t to understand how and wh, a /otivation to achieve trans+ates into stron.
+eadership %- ,ou set the per-or/ance *ar hi.h -or ,ourse+-, ,ou wi++ do the sa/e -or the
or.ani7ation when ,ou are in a position to do so Likewise, a drive to surpass .oa+s and
an interest in keepin. score can *e conta.ious Leaders with these traits can o-ten *ui+d a
tea/ o- /ana.ers around the/ with the sa/e traits $nd o- course, opti/is/ and
or.ani7ationa+ co//it/ent are -unda/enta+ to +eadership-;ust tr, to i/a.ine runnin. a
co/pan, without the/
(- a++ the di/ensions o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence, e/path, is the /ost easi+, reco.ni7ed
We have a++ -e+t the e/path, o- a sensitive teacher or -riend0 we have a++ *een struck *,
its a*sence in an un-ee+in. coach or *oss But when it co/es to *usiness, we rare+, hear
peop+e praised, +et a+one rewarded, -or their e/path, 5he ver, word see/s un-
*usiness+ike, out o- p+ace a/id the tou.h rea+ities o- the /arketp+ace
But e/path, doesn4t /ean a kind o- <%4/ oka,, ,ou4re oka,< /ushiness Eor a +eader, that
is, it doesn4t /ean adoptin. other peop+e4s e/otions as one4s own and tr,in. to p+ease
ever,*od, 5hat wou+d *e a wou+d /ake action i/possi*+e Rather, e/path,
/eans, considerin. e/p+o,ees4 -ee+in.s- a+on. with other -actors-in the
process o- /akin. inte++i.ent decisions
Eor an e6a/p+e o- e/path, in action, consider what happened when two .iant *rokera.e
co/panies /er.ed, creatin. redundant ;o*s in a++ their divisions (ne division /
ca++ed his peop+e to.ether and .ave a .+oo/, speech that e/phasi7ed the nu/*er o-
peop+e who wou+d soon *e -ired 5he / o- another division .ave his peop+e a
di--erent kind o- speech He was up-ront a*out his own worr, and con-usion, and he
pro/ised to keep peop+e in-or/ed and to treat ever,one -air+,
5he di--erence *etween these two /ana.ers was e/path, 5he -irst / was too
worried a*out his own -ate to consider the -ee+in.s o- his an6iet, stricken co++ea.ues 5he
second knew intuitive+, what his peop+e were -ee+in., and he acknow+ed.ed their -ears
with his words %s it an, surprise that the -irst / saw his division sink as /an,
de/ora+i7ed peop+e, especia++, the /ost ta+ented, departed? B, contrast, the second
/ continued to *e a stron. +eader, his *est peop+e sta,ed, and his division
re/ained as productive as ever
&/path, is particu+ar+, i/portant toda, as a co/ponent o- +eadership -or at +east three
reasons3 the increasin. use o- tea/s0 the rapid pace o- .+o*a+i7ation0 and the .rowin.
need to retain ta+ent
>onsider the cha++en.e o- +eadin. a tea/ $s an,one who has ever *een a part o- one can
attest, tea/s are cau+drons o- *u**+in. e/otions 5he, are o-ten char.ed with reachin. a
consensus-hard enou.h with two peop+e and /uch /ore di--icu+t as the nu/*ers
increase &ven in .roups with as -ew as -our or -ive /e/*ers, a++iances -or/ and c+ashin.
a.endas .et set $ tea/4s +eader /ust *e a*+e to sense and understand the viewpoints o-
ever,one around the ta*+e
5hat4s e6act+, what a /arketin. / at a +ar.e in-or/ation techno+o., co/pan, was
a*+e to do when she was appointed to +ead a trou*+ed tea/ 5he .roup was in tur/oi+,
over+oaded *, work and /issin. dead+ines 5ensions were hi.h a/on. the /e/*ers
5inkerin. with procedures was not enou.h to *rin. the .roup to.ether and /ake it an
e--ective part o- the co/pan,
)o the / took severa+ steps %n a series o- one-on-one sessions, she took the ti/e to
+isten to ever,one in the .roup sa, what was -rustratin. the/, how the, rated their
co++ea.ues, whether the, -e+t the, had *een i.nored $nd then she directed the tea/ in a
wa, that * it to.ether3 she encoura.ed peop+e to speak /ore open+, a*out their
-rustrations, and she he+ped peop+e raise constructive co/p+aints durin. /eetin.s %n
short, her e/path, a++owed her to understand her tea/4s e/otiona+ /akeup 5he resu+t
was not ;ust hei.htened co++a*oration a/on. /e/*ers *ut a+so added *usiness, as the
tea/ was ca++ed on -or he+p *, a wider ran.e o- interna+ c+ients
'+o*a+i7ation is another reason -or the risin. i/portance o- e/path, -or *usiness +eaders
>ross-cu+tura+ dia+o.ue can easi+, +ead to /iscues and /isunderstandin.s &/path, is an
antidote 2eop+e who have it are attuned to su*t+eties in *od, the, can hear the
/essa.e *eneath the words *ein. spoken Be,ond that, the, have a deep understandin.
o- the e6istence and i/portance o- cu+tura+ and ethnic di--erences
>onsider the case o- an $/erican consu+tant whose tea/ had ;ust pitched a pro;ect to a
potentia+ Fapanese c+ient %n its dea+in.s with $/ericans, the tea/ was accusto/ed to
*ein. *o/*arded with 1uestions a-ter such a proposa+, *ut this ti/e it was .reeted with a
+on. si+ence (ther /e/*ers o- the tea/, takin. the si+ence as disapprova+, were read, to
pack and +eave 5he +ead consu+tant .estured the/ to stop $+thou.h he was not
particu+ar+, -a/i+iar with Fapanese cu+ture, he read the c+ient4s -ace and posture and
sensed not re;ection *ut interest-even deep consideration He was ri.ht3 when the c+ient
-ina++, spoke, it was to .ive the consu+tin. -ir/ the ;o*
Eina++,, e/path, p+a,s a ke, ro+e in the retention o- ta+ent, particu+ar+, in toda,4s
in-or/ation econo/, Leaders have a+wa,s needed e/path, to deve+op and keep .ood
peop+e, *ut toda, the stakes are hi.her When .ood peop+e +eave, the, take the co/pan,4s
know+ed.e with the/
5hat4s where coachin. and /entorin. co/e in %t has repeated+, *een shown that
coachin. and /entorin. pa, o-- not ;ust in *etter per-or/ance *ut a+so in increased ;o*
satis-action and decreased turnover But what /akes coachin. and /entorin. work *est
is the nature o- the re+ationship (utstandin. coaches and /entors .et inside the heads o-
the peop+e the, are he+pin. 5he, sense how to .ive e--ective -eed*ack 5he, know when
to push -or *etter per-or/ance and when to ho+d *ack %n the wa, the, /otivate their, the, de/onstrate e/path, in action
%n what is pro*a*+, soundin. +ike a re-rain, +et /e repeat that e/path, doesn4t .et /uch
respect in *usiness 2eop+e wonder how +eaders can /ake hard decisions i- the, are
<-ee+in.< -or a++ the peop+e who wi++ *e a--ected But +eaders with e/path, do /ore than
s,/pathi7e with peop+e around the/3 the, use their know+ed.e to i/prove their
co/panies in su*t+e *ut i/portant wa,s
Social Skill
5he -irst three co/ponents o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence are a++ se+--/ana.e/ent ski++s 5he
+ast two, e/path, and socia+ ski++, concern a person4s a*i+it, to /ana.e re+ationships with
others $s a co/ponent o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence, socia+ ski++ is not as si/p+e as it
sounds %t4s not ;ust a /atter o- -riend+iness, a+thou.h peop+e with hi.h +eve+s o- socia+
ski++ are rare+, /ean-spirited )ocia+ ski++, rather, is -riend+iness with a purpose3 /ovin.
peop+e in the direction ,ou desire, whether that4s a.ree/ent on a new /arketin. strate.,
or enthusias/ a*out a new product
)ocia++, ski++ed peop+e tend to have a wide circ+e o- ac1uaintances, and the, have a knack
-or -indin. co//on .round with peop+e o- a++ kinds-a knack -or *ui+din. rapport 5hat
doesn4t /ean the, socia+i7e continua++,0 it /eans the, work accordin. to the assu/ption
that nothin. i/portant .ets done a+one )uch peop+e have a network in p+ace when the
ti/e -or action co/es
)ocia+ ski++ is the cu+/ination o- the other di/ensions o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence 2eop+e
tend to *e ver, e--ective at / re+ationships when the, can understand and contro+
their own e/otions and can e/pathi7e with the -ee+in.s o- others &ven /otivation
contri*utes to socia+ ski++ Re/e/*er that peop+e who are driven to achieve tend to *e
opti/istic, even in the -ace o- set*acks or -ai+ure When peop+e are up*eat, their <.+ow< is
cast upon conversations and other socia+ encounters 5he, are popu+ar, and -or .ood
Because it is the outco/e o- the other di/ensions o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence, socia+ ski++ is
reco.ni7a*+e on the ;o* in /an, wa,s that wi++ *, now sound -a/i+iar )ocia++, ski++ed
peop+e, -or instance, are adept at / tea/s-that4s their e/path, at work Likewise,
the, are e6pert persuaders-a /ani-estation o- se+--awareness, se+--re.u+ation, and
e/path, co/*ined 'iven those ski++s, .ood persuaders know when to /ake an
e/otiona+ p+ea, -or instance, and when an appea+ to reason wi++ work *etter $nd
/otivation, when pu*+ic+, visi*+e, /akes such peop+e e6ce++ent co++a*orators0 their
passion -or the work spreads to others, and the, are driven to -ind so+utions
But so/eti/es socia+ ski++ shows itse+- in wa,s the other e/otiona+ inte++i.ence
co/ponents do not Eor instance, socia++, ski++ed peop+e /a, at ti/es appear not to *e
workin. whi+e at work 5he, see/ to *e id+, sch/oo7in.-chattin. in the ha++wa,s with
co++ea.ues or ;okin. around with peop+e who are not even connected to their <rea+< ;o*s
)ocia++, ski++ed peop+e, however, don4t think it /akes sense to ar*itrari+, +i/it the scope
o- their re+ationships 5he, *ui+d *onds wide+, *ecause the, know that in these -+uid
ti/es, the, /a, need he+p so/eda, -ro/ peop+e the, are ;ust .ettin. to know toda,
Eor e6a/p+e, consider the case o- an e6ecutive in the strate., depart/ent o- a .+o*a+
co/puter /anu-acturer B, 199!, he was convinced that the co/pan,4s -uture +a, with
the %nternet (ver the course o- the ne6t ,ear, he -ound kindred spirits and used his socia+
ski++ to stitch to.ether a virtua+ co//unit, that cut across +eve+s, divisions, and nations
He then used this de -acto tea/ to put up a corporate We* site, a/on. the -irst *, a /a;or
co/pan, $nd, on his own initiative, with no * or -or rea+ status, he si.ned up the
co/pan, to participate in an annua+ %nternet industr, convention >a++in. on his a++ies
and persuadin. various divisions tC donate -unds, he recruited /ore than @" peop+e -ro/ a
do7en di--erent units to represent the co/pan, at the convention
Mana.e/ent took notice3 within a ,ear o- the con-erence, the e6ecutive4s tea/ -or/ed
the *asis, -or the co/pan,4s -irst %nternet division, and he was -or/a++, put in char.e o-
it 5o .et there, the e6ecutive had i.nored conventiona+ *oundaries, and
/aintainin. connections with peop+e in ever, corner o- the or.ani7ation
%s socia+ ski++ considered a ke, +eadership capa*i+it, in /ost co/panies? 5he answer is
,es, especia++, when co/pared with the other co/ponents o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence
2eop+e see/ to know intuitive+, that +eaders need to /ana.e re+ationships e--ective+,0 no
+eader is an is+and $-ter a++, the +eader4s task is to .et work done throu.h other peop+e,
and socia+ ski++ /akes that possi*+e $ +eader who cannot e6press her e/path, /a, as
we++ not have it at a++ $nd a +eader4s /otivation wi++ *e use+ess it he cannot co//unicate
his passion to the or.ani7ation )ocia+ ski++ a++ows +eaders to put their e/otiona+
inte++i.ence to work
%t wou+d *e -oo+ish to assert that .ood-o+d--ashioned %= and technica+ a*i+it, are not
i/portant in.redients in stron. +eadership But the recipe wou+d not *e co/p+ete without
e/otiona+ inte++i.ence %t was once that the co/ponents o- e/otiona+ inte++i.ence
were <nice to have< in *usiness +eaders But now we know that, -or the sake o-
per-or/ance, these are in.redients that +eaders <need to have<
%t is -ortunate, then, that e/otiona+ inte++i.ence can *e +earned 5he process is not eas, %t
takes ti/e and, /ost o- a++, co//it/ent But the *ene-its that co/e -ro/ havin. a we++-
deve+oped e/otiona+ inte++i.ence, *oth -or the individua+ and -or the or.ani7ation, /ake
it worth the e--ort
The *i&e +omponents Of Emotional Intelligence At Work
Self-Awareness the ability to recognize
and understand your moods,
emotions, and drives, as
well as their effect on
Self-Regulation the ability to control or
redirect disruptive
impulses and moods
the propensity to suspend
judgment to think before
otivation a passion to work for
reasons that go beyond
money or status
a propensity to pursue
goals with energy and
!mpathy the ability to understand
the emotional makeup of
other people
skill in treating people
according to their
emotional reactions
Social Skills proficiency in managing
relationships and building
an ability to find common
ground and build rapport
Self-Awareness self-confidence
realistic self-assessment
self-deprecating sense of
Self-Regulation trustworthiness and
comfort with ambiguity
openness to change
otivation strong drive to achieve
optimism, even in the
face of failure
organizational commitment
!mpathy e#pertise in building
and retaining talent
service to clients and
Social Skill effectiveness in
leading change
e#pertise in building
and leading teams
2H(5( C>(L(RD3 2eop+e who are in contro+ o- their -ee+in.s can ta/e their e/otiona+
i/pu+ses and redirect the/ in use-u+ wa,s
B, D$N%&L '(L&M$N
Danie+ 'o+e/an is the author o- &/otiona+ %nte++i.ence CBanta/, 199@D and Workin.
with &/otiona+ %nte++i.ence CBanta/, 1998D He is cochair/an o- the >onsortiu/ -or
Research on &/otiona+ %nte++i.ence in (r.ani7ations, which is *ased at Rut.ers
:niversit,4s 'raduate )choo+ o- $pp+ied and 2ro-essiona+ 2s,cho+o., in 2iscatawa,,
New Ferse, He can *e reached at 'o+e/anH;avanetco/
+an Emotional Intelligence Be Learned%
Eor, peop+e have de*ated i- +eaders are *orn or /ade )o too .oes the de*ate a*out
e/otiona+ inte++i.ence $re peop+e *orn with certain +eve+s o- e/path,, -or e6a/p+e, or
do the, ac1uire e/path, as a resu+t o- +i-e4s e6periences? 5he answer is *oth )cienti-ic
in1uir, stron.+, su..ests that there is a .enetic co/ponent to e/otiona+ inte++i.ence
2s,cho+o.ica+ and deve+op/enta+ research indicates that nurture p+a,s a ro+e as we++
How /uch o- each perhaps wi++ never *e known, *ut research and practice c+ear+,
de/onstrate that e/otiona+ inte++i.ence can *e +earned
(ne thin. is certain3 e/otiona+ inte++i.ence increases with a.e 5here is an o+d--ashioned
word -or the pheno/enon3 /aturit, 9et even with /aturit,, so/e peop+e sti++ need
trainin. to enhance their e/otiona+ inte++i.ence :n-ortunate+,, -ar too /an, trainin.
pro.ra/s that intend to *ui+d +eadership ski++s- inc+udin. e/otiona+ inte++i.ence- are a
waste o- ti/e and /one, 5he pro*+e/ is si/p+e3 the, -ocus on the wron. part o- the
&/otiona+ inte++i.ence is *orn +ar.e+, in the neurotrans/itters o- the *rain4s +i/*ic
s,ste/, which .overns -ee+in.s, i/pu+ses, and drives Research indicates that the +i/*ic
s,ste/ +earns *est throu.h /otivation, e6tended practice,- and -eed*ack >o/pare this
with the kind o- +earnin. that .oes on in the neocorte6, which .overns ana+,tica+ and
technica+ a*i+it, 5he neocorte6 .rasps concepts and +o.ic %t is the part o- the *rain that
-i.ures out how to use a co/puter or /ake a sa+es ca++ *, readin. a *ook Not
surprisin.+,-*ut /istaken+,-it is a+so the part o- the *rain tar.eted *, /ost trainin.
pro.ra/s ai/ed at enhancin. e/otiona+ inte++i.ence When such pro.ra/s take, in e--ect,
a neocortica+ approach, /, research with the >onsortiu/ -or Research on &/otiona+
%nte++i.ence in (r.ani7ations has shown the, can even have a ne.ative i/pact on peop+e4s
;o* per-or/ance
5o enhance e/otiona+ inte++i.ence, or.ani7ations /ust re-ocus their trainin. to inc+ude
the +i/*ic s,ste/ 5he, /ust he+p peop+e *reak o+d *ehaviora+ ha*its and esta*+ish new
ones 5hat not on+, takes /uch /ore ti/e than conventiona+ trainin. pro.ra/s, it a+so
re1uires an individua+i7ed approach
%/a.ine an e6ecutive who is to *e +ow on e/path, *, her co++ea.ues 2art o- that
de-icit shows itse+- as an ina*i+it, to +isten0 she interrupts peop+e and doesn4t pa, c+ose
attention to what the,4re sa,in. 5o -i6 the pro*+e/, the e6ecutive needs to *e /otivated
to chan.e, and then she needs practice and -eed*ack -ro/ others in the co/pan, $
co++ea.ue or coach cou+d *e tapped to +et the e6ecutive know when she has *een o*served
-ai+in. to +isten )he wou+d then have to rep+a, the incident and .ive a *etter response0
that is, de/onstrate her a*i+it, to a*sor* what others are sa,in. $nd the e6ecutive cou+d
*e directed to o*serve certain e6ecutives who +isten we++ and to /i/ic their *ehavior
With persistence and practice, such a process can +ead to +astin. resu+ts % know one Wa++
)treet e6ecutive who to i/prove his e/path,- speci-ica++, his a*i+it, to read
peop+e4s reactions and see their perspectives Be-ore *e.innin. his 1uest, the e6ecutive4s
su*ordinates were terri-ied o- workin. with hi/ 2eop+e even went so -ar as to hide *ad
news -ro/ hi/ Natura++,, he was shocked when -ina++, con-ronted with these -acts He
went ho/e and to+d his -a/i+,, *ut the, on+, con-ir/ed what he had heard at work
When their opinions on an, .iven su*;ect did not /esh with his, the,, too, were
-ri.htened o- hi/
&n+istin. the he+p o- a coach, the e6ecutive went to work to hei.hten his e/path, throu.h
practice and -eed*ack His -irst step was to take a vacation to a -orei.n countr, where he
did not speak the Whi+e there, he /onitored his reactions to the un-a/i+iar and
his openness to peop+e who were di--erent -ro/ hi/ When he returned ho/e, hu/*+ed
*, his week a*road, the e6ecutive asked his coach to shadow hi/ -or parts o- the da,,
severa+ ti/es a week, in order to criti1ue how he treated peop+e with new or di--erent
perspectives $t the sa/e ti/e, he conscious+, used on-the-;o* interactions as
opportunities to practice <hearin.< ideas that di--ered -ro/ his Eina++,, the e6ecutive had
hi/se+- videotaped in /eetin.s and asked those who worked -or and with hi/ to criti1ue
his a*i+it, to acknow+ed.e and understand the -ee+in.s o- others %t took severa+ /onths,
*ut the e6ecutive4s e/otiona+ inte++i.ence did u+ti/ate+, rise0 and the i/prove/ent was
re-+ected in his overa++ per-or/ance on the ;o*
%t4s i/portant to e/phasi7e that *ui+din. one4s e/otiona+ inte++i.ence cannot-wi++ not-
happen without sincere desire and concerted e--ort $ *rie- se/inar won4t he+p0 nor can
one *u, a how-to /anua+ %t is /uch harder to +earn to e/pathi7e-to interna+i7e e/path,
as a natura+ response to peop+e- than it is to *eco/e adept at re.ression ana+,sis But it
can *e done <Nothin. .reat was ever achieved without enthusias/,< wrote Ra+ph Wa+do
&/erson %- ,our .oa+ is to *eco/e a rea+ +eader, these words can serve as a .uidepost in
,our e--orts to deve+op hi.h e/otiona+ inte++i.ence

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