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Period 1
To begin, I think my name is quite cool. My father named me
after a two great grandfathers, one was my grandpas dad and
the other was my grandmas dad; their names where both John. I
, was named after the Jonathan from the Bible. My name has a
biblical meaning that I think is interesting; means Gods gift,
that means a lot because you want your name to mean something
so you can feel even more special. On the contrary, even if my
name isnt spelled with an H, it is still Jonathan, and regardless
to what anyone says or does, it will always be Jonathan. Finally,
I am very happy with my name for every reason in the world, and
in the end, I would not want any other name.

This is a tablet of my name in Babylonian letters! It was a very
fun experience writing my name in a different

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