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Andrea Luna

Documentary Memo
Child Obesity: Memo
The main idea behind the documentary done by classmates Heather Adriano Ariadne
!eanes and Andrea Luna "as i# child obesity is a #orm o# child abuse$ %e all had similar to&ic
re'ardin' children and ho" certain thin's a##ect them "hich "e decided to use child obesity as
our main idea$ This "as a (ery #un learnin' e)&erience because "e learned #rom each other and
the ideas that each one had$ *t "as 'ood to hear their ideas because * "as able to 'et another
&ers&ecti(e about child obesity$ +or e)am&le, Heather e)&lained ho" not -ust her #amily but
#amilies #rom His&anic roots tend to see a chubby .id as healthy and i# he/she is s.inny then the
&arents are not #eedin' the child a&&ro&riately$ Heather too. care o# the inter(ie"s "hich "ere
really 'reat$ Her inter(ie"s included her #amily "hich "as (ery descri&ti(e on ho" they too.
care o# their children and her roommate #rom !ra0il "hich also 'a(e another (ery interestin'
&ers&ecti(e on ho" her culture is (ery di##erent #rom the one "e are used to here in America$ As
#ar as ho" "e di(ided the "or. "e "ere all res&onsible #or incor&oratin' &ictures and (ideos
and at the end all o# &ut them to'ether and made it into one "hole (ideo$
*n order to com&lete this documentary "e set u& times outside o# class to meet$ *n my
case this "as .ind o# the bi''est obstacle "e had due to the #act that our schedules "ere di##erent
and all o# had di##erent thin's 'oin' on such as other classes or "or. but "e still mana'ed to 'et
to'ether sometimes and "e used those times to our ad(anta'e$ %e "ould loo. #or (ideos and
&ictures on you tube "hen "e 'ot to'ether$ %e also te)ted massa'e each other to see ho" the
documentary "as 'oin' alon'$ %hile "' to'ether "e "ere able to discuss "hat "e "anted
to &ut in the documentary and "hat "e did not$ %e sometimes did not a'ree "ith others but "e
tried to include e(ery ones o&inion and ideas$ The bi''est hel& "e had "as the technolo'y
su&&ort center at the library$ There they hel&ed us "ith a lot o# ho" to &ut the (ideo to'ether
such as demonstratin' us ho" to con(ert (ideos and music$ * learned #or #uture &ro-ects that the
technolo'y su&&ort center is a 'reat &lace to 'et it done$
O(erall *1m not (ery #ond o# 'rou& &ro-ects due to the #act that some &eo&le are not able
to meet at certain times as others and it may be (ery hard to 'et a 'rou& to'ether outside o# class
but * really en-oyed this 'rou& &ro-ect because * learned a lot o# interestin' #acts re'ardin'
obesity in children$ My 'rou& &ut a lot o# e##ort into' the documentary and * #eel that "e
did a 'ood -ob or'ani0in' it and includin' e(eryone1s idea$ *# * had the o&&ortunity * "ould do
this a'ain "ith a little more time to com&lete the &ro-ect$

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