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2012 Mr Lee Page 1

DH 2009
a) i) Take note: Q in on changes in price level, i.e. inflation, thus as long as inflation rate is +ve, price is
increasing, if inflation rate increases => price increases at increasing rates!
Compare: one similarity + one different
Take note of the time period: Question and data may not be the same period
Similarity: ______________
Different: ______________

a) ii) Account: finding evidence from the case to support the observations
GPL increased for both countries:
Indias higher inflation rate:

b) Current account/capital account/BOP: must use the term deficit or surplus, worsening
deficit/improving/increasing surplus etc
2 marks => 2 observations:
+ve % to GDP => ___________
Increasing % => ____________

c) +ve Effects of US recession on China, need evidence from Extract 1
Q on explain => no need evaluation
Q require use of DATA, thus need to interpret
Overheating in China:

Boosting domestic demand to reduce reliance on US in long run:

2012 Mr Lee Page 2

d) i) To what extend => need both sides arguments and judgment
reference to Figure 2, table 1 and 2

Fig 2: Rising consumer spending for China, so whats the implication?

Table 1: Share of GDP (PPP) for China , for USA , so whats the implication?

Table 2: % growth in GDP for China is increasing at exponential rates and was much faster than that
of USA, so whats the implication?

Limitations of data provided?


2012 Mr Lee Page 3

d) ii) reference to data + own knowledge
Discuss: YES and NO and judgment
Use information from Table 1 to 3 plus Extract 3
Table 1,2, 3 tells us the falling influences/importance of USs influence with rising
influence/importance of China and India;
Extract 3, Asia as the alternative engine (+ve and ve)

Own knowledge: Emerging Asia economies also depend on US economy as engine of growth?


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