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Slide 1 Ana Catarina

Today we are going to talk about alcoholism.
We are going to complete each slide with our oral presentation.

Slide 2 Ana Catarina
First of all we need to clarify what is alcohol abuse and alcoholism.
Drinking one glass of wine is not the same as drinking 10. We have to consider
that alcohol abuse or alcoholism is a disease that involves drinking all the time in
large quantities. Although when someone starts to drink it is difficult to stop
specially in parties, or even going out on dates with friends.

Slide 3 Ana Catarina
It is also important to identify the types of drinks and the alcohol in each.
Alcoholism is a disease that affects every member of the family.
There are many types of drinks that are dangerous.
Here we show some examples.
Alcohol is very dangerous to our health and we can die 10 or 12 years earlier than
someone who doesnt drink.

Slide 4 - Paulo
No one wants to admit that drinks alcohol and has a real problem with it. So, one
of the first important symptoms is the denial phase.
If someone you know drinks very often and keeps saying that he or she doesnt
have any problem with alcohol, the situation can be more serious.

Slide 5 - Paulo
As you can imagine there are lots of effects and symptoms regarding alcoholism.
In this slide you can read some.
When someone drinks too much the most probable consequence is vomiting. The
person starts to lose muscle control and speaking can be very hard.
Slide6 Ana Sofia
When we have a serious problem with alcohol we can get ourselves into
dangerous situations.
Muscle coordination, reflexes, movement, and speech are affected when we drink
continuously. One of the biggest problems concerning alcohol is the high risk of
death by suicide.

Slide7 Ana Sofia
According to the U.S. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism a high
percentage of Teens and young adults drink too much. They usually drink with
friends and in social events.
The habit of drinking alcohol is very common among young people but it is also
the first step to be dependent. Just like with drugs alcohol becomes a dependence
very quickly.

Slide8 Ana Sofia
With all this, what can we do? How do we know the limits?
The most important thing is to be true and face the truth about what you drink.
Get immediate help if you feel you cannot stop drinking.

Slide9 - Paulo
Learning, reading and searching for this information was very important to us.
Here are some online pages we found.
We hope that we were clear about this dependency or addition.

Slide 10 Ana Catarina
We thank you for your attention and we finish with this slogan:
Drinking isnt cool , Youll act like a fool !

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