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A Biblical expose into the secret world of demons and how they

seek to influence, control, and destroy humanity.



Scriptures from King James Version

Mark H. Stevens

Crowned-Warrior Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 1497
Browns Mills, New Jersey 08015

All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
or copied in any form or otherwise by any means, except for
brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews,
without permission from the publisher or the author.

Editor: Stephanie R. Stevens
Cover: Theocentric Graphics

The subject of demons has mystified humanity for centuries.
Every major religion has in their belief structure beings that
embody evil. From the Judeo/Christian belief structure they are
called demons or devils. The Muslim calls them Jinn. Humanist say
they are a figment of our imagination. Whatever name you call
them, they do exist! This booklet is based upon the Bible and its
description of these evil spirits, or fallen angels.

Demons are disembodied spirits that were once angels that fell
when Lucifer decided to rebel against God. Demons are mans
enemy and are constantly seeking mans downfall. The Latin
definition of demon is Those that divide. I really believe they
seriously try to cause division in the church.

Often demons are portrayed as hideous creatures, Usually with
fangs, forked tongues, bat-like wings, and serpentine features. I
have never seen a creature that looked like that. I have seen on
three occasions in my life shadow-like beings move swiftly before
my eyes. Twice in church services, and once in my apartment. I
will tell you about the encounter in my apartment first. I was in
the Air Force for over 23 years, and I traveled a great deal. I
was in Somalia for 3 weeks back in 1986. While in this oppressive
country I brought back souvenirs. One of the items was a wall
hanging of animal horns and another was a spear. When I got back
home I hung them on the wall of my apartment. In addition to the
African artifacts I had some Martial Art trophies and oriental
wall hangings I got in Korea. Well to make a long story short, I
felt strongly impressed by the Holy Spirit to take all of the
material off of my walls one evening, I knew it was the Lord
talking, but I decided to take a nap and do it later. I fell asleep
on the couch and within the hour something gripped me in my
sleep! I was choking and paralyzed. I tried to scream and I
couldnt. I knew this was a demonic attack! I eventually was able
to scream JESUS! At that moment I was released, but thats not
all. I woke up immediately and saw a shadow like figure walk out
of my living room and down the steps. I believe God allowed this
to show me the seriousness of disobeying Him.

The other two times I saw similar manifestations were in church
services, Once at a small Primitive Baptist church in southern
New Jersey. I was in the pulpit praying before I had to preach
and I had an eerie feeling come over me. The Lord let me know
there was terrible sin in this church and to preach accordingly. I
rose to walk to the podium and I saw this same shadow like figure
flee down the stairs to the basement. Demons hate the Word of
God! The other incident happened at a military chapel, in the
same fashion the shadow like figure left through the rear door
just as the praise service started. Demons hate the praises of
God! In the chapel incident I was not the only one that saw it!
Another brother saw it as well, so I didnt feel like I was losing it.

Now from this point on I will share what the scriptures have to
say on this subject. I share the personal experience to give you
an idea of what we are dealing with. Chances are you will never
see a demon. But that doesnt mean they are not there trying to
cause you destruction. Demons usually function in the dark and
dont want you to know they are real, but they are. Be encouraged
saint of God, The Greater One lives in you!


The Bible Vocabulary of Demon Activity (4:33-36)
The familiar Bible term "demon-possessed" has controlled our
thinking about people troubled with demons. But the word
"possessed" is one of those final, all-or-nothing expressions. And
it prevents us from understanding the mechanisms involved in
demon activity within humans. Let's study further:
"Unclean spirit" (20 references in the NT, including Luke
4:33; 6:18; 8:29; 9:42; 11:24). The Greek word pneuma, the
same word used to translate Holy Spirit, is modified by
akatharos, "unclean." NIV uniformly translates "unclean
spirit" as "evil spirit" with a footnote.
"Evil spirit" uses pneuma modified by the Greek word
poneros (only 4x in the NT: Luke 7:21; 8:2; Acts 19:12-13;
"Demon" (Used 50+ times in the NT, such as Luke 4:41),
Greek daimonion, "demon, evil spirit." Always translated by
the KJV as "devil" or "devils."
"Demon-possessed" (Luke 8:36; in Matthew 4:24; 8:16, 28,
33; 9:32; 12:22; Mark 1:32; 5:15f; John 10:21; Acts 19:14).
The Greek word is daimonizonai, literally "to demonize" from
daimonion, "demon, evil spirit." A blood washed Child of God
CANNOT be POSSESSED! BUT! They can be influenced and
oppressed by demons.
"Lunatick" (KJV) or "have seizures" (Greek seleniazomai,
Matthew 4:24; 17:15)
"Bind," Greek deo, used in the context of demons twice
(Luke 13:16 and Matthew 12:29=Mark 3:7, cf. Luke 8:22
"assails and overcomes"). It is also used in connection with
the power of prayer (Matthew 16:19; 18:18).
"Healed" (Greek therapeuo or iamai or sozo), occasionally
used to describe the state of a person from whom a demon
has been driven out. (Luke 8:2, 36; 9:42; Matthew 12:22;
Mark 16:9; Acts 10:38).
"cast out" (Greek ekballo)
"rebuke" (Greek epitimao, Luke 4:41; 9:42). The Greek word
means " 'rebuke, reprove, censure' also 'speak seriously,
warn' in order to prevent an action or bring one to an end.
Let's examine the word daimonizonai, often translated "demon-
possessed." The word isn't a compound word. It is the word
"demon" with an ending -izonai, a class of imitative verbs, where
the ending -izo indicates "acts like, imitates." While the lexicons
translate it "to be demon-possessed," perhaps from the world
view represented in early Judaism, all the word requires is a
meaning such as "to be influenced, oppressed, or controlled by a
demon, to be like a demon." Some have coined the word
"demonization" to describe this demonic activity.

The reason this is important is that when your categories are
limited to "demon possessed" or "not demon possessed," then we
all agree that it is impossible for a Christian to be demon
possessed, since by definition a Christian has the Holy Spirit.

Degrees of Demonization in the New Testament
However, experience and careful theological reflection on the
scriptures indicate the need for a more thoughtful terminology.
Missionaries and others who work commonly with people afflicted
with demonic problems affirm that indeed Christians can be
affected. Even though Christians have the Holy Spirit in them,
there may be various places in their life where demon oppression
is strong. Consider the following passages:
The Apostle Paul instructs us, "In your anger do not sin: Do not
let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give
the devil a foothold (Greek topos)" (Ephesians 4:26-27). The
implication is that if you give into anger often and carry a grudge,
then the devil will gain a place in your life. The word topos means
"place," but can have the special meaning as in the Ephesians
passage of "possibility, opportunity, chance".

Though Satan has "filled" Ananias' heart to lie to the Holy Spirit,
yet Ananias and his wife Sapphira are held morally responsible
for their action, and thus punished for giving into Satan (Acts
5:1-11). Judas, too, had a similar experience: "Then Satan entered
Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve" (Luke 22:3). "The
evening meal was being served, and the devil had already
prompted (literally "put into the heart of," Greek ballo) Judas
Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus" (John 13:2). "As soon as
Judas took the bread, Satan entered into (eiserchomai) him"
(John 13:27a). Was Judas morally responsible? Of course. He was
tempted by money and probably other motives (Luke 22:3-6).
Just because Jesus' betrayal fulfilled prophecy doesn't absolve
Judas of responsibility for his actions. "Woe to that man by whom
he is betrayed..." (Luke 22:22). Even though Satan's temptations
can be strong, especially when he gets a foothold of sin in our
heart, we can't pass off responsibility by saying, "The devil made
me do it."

Peter is certainly influenced by Satan when he betrays Jesus --
"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have
prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you
have turned back, strengthen your brothers" (Luke 22:31-32).
Was Judas demonized? Probably. Couldn't Jesus have just cast
out the demon that had "entered" Judas? Yes and no. Jesus had
the power, but Judas had set his will to sin, and Jesus could not
have cast out the demon without violating Judas' will. Of course,
we can get bogged down with predestination and free will, and all
that. But ultimately the New Testament teaches us that we are
responsible for our sins, and if we continue to sin we make a
larger "place" for the devil in our lives, which will ultimately hurt
or destroy us if we continue in it. Forgiveness deals with
relationship to the Father, but that doesn't mean sin doesn't
exact a price in our lives. Sin is not free -- or freeing.
Characterizing Degrees of Demonization
I see a gradation of demonic influence or demonization. Whether
you agree with the exact words I use, I think you'll recognize the
truth of the progression from temptation to possession:
Temptation. Appeal to our sinful desires. Temptation can be
Influence. Sin has a foothold in our life, and it is harder to
say no. We may have developed habits of anger or
unforgiveness or lust. To say "no" requires a determined act
of our will.
Oppression. Satan has some degree of control of us, and we
don't seem to be able to break free. We find ourselves
acting compulsively sometimes, and wonder why we don't
have power to resist temptation more, though we resist to
some degree.
Obsession. The degree of control is greater. Our sinful
habits are so clearly established that we find it hard to
even recognize or discern them as wrong. We may be acting
willingly, but because we are fully deceived.
Possession. We are puppets under Satan's control, and have
little or no will remaining, or no desire to resist. People who
"channel" or give voice to other spirits claiming to be spirits
of the dead, are dangerously close here, though they must
willingly place themselves into this state. But this state is
rare. Few people are utterly possessed.
Sin is a prime cause, but not the only cause of demonization. We
can be victimized, too. Sometimes children who are traumatized
can become demonized. We can be duped into occult practices
that we don't realize are wrong, and be victimized. Satan doesn't
feel obliged to read us our rights before deceiving and taking
advantage of us. There have also been some reports of spiritual
bondage being passed down through family lines -- we can only
speculate at the reasons.
Deliverance and Recovery
We see in Jesus' ministry some dramatic examples of exorcism,
casting out of demons. But let's not be nave. People who have
lived under a demonic delusion or obsession for a significant
period of their lives need a period of recovery, even though the
root demonic cause of the problem has been dealt with. Let me
explain. In order for a person to live with the demonic delusion or
obsession, he is forced to develop a whole series of coping
mechanisms that aren't appropriate to the free and open life of a
Christian. These coping mechanisms must be gradually unlearned.
They didn't develop overnight and they seldom disappear
overnight. I believe that counseling by skilled, trained, and
committed Christian counselors, pastors, or laypersons can be
extremely helpful to help delivered people experience full
recovery. The Body of Christ is not a place where we are to judge
our recovering brothers and sisters, but to love and encourage
and bear with them. The church is supposed to be a supportive,
loving environment where people including you and I, can find full
healing from sin and deception, and their entrapping
Demonization and Healing
We see in scripture that some illnesses Jesus healed had their
roots in demonic influence: blindness and dumbness (Matthew
9:32-33; 12:22; Luke 11:14), scoliosis (Luke 13:10), seizures (Luke
9:37-48), etc. But it is important for us to recognize that
nowhere does the New Testament teach that ALL sickness is of
demonically origin. Yes, in one sense sickness is the work of the
devil, but not all sickness has a direct demonic cause. When Jesus
healed the sick, only sometimes did he cast out a demon to do it.
Most of the time it was with a word or the laying on of hands.
Not all people who are mentally ill are demonized. Some are,
certainly. But many are not. There is a biochemical basis for some
mental illness. Just as there is a truth basis for healing of other
kinds of mental illness. Until some individuals are capable and
willing to face truth, and adjust their own presuppositions to get
in line with that truth, they will not be healed from the
maladjustments that cripple them so severely. Jesus ministry to
the oppressed is two-fold: truth and power. Power without truth
does not bring lasting deliverance. And truth without power
doesn't reach within the soul to bring about change.

Evangelism and Deliverance

LUKE 4:16-21 - Isaiah prophesied that Jesus earthly ministry

LUKE 7:20-23 - Jesus ministered to Lepers, the blind, the
crippled, and the poor.

Peter described Jesus ministry as one that went about DOING
good and HEALING all under the Devils power. The ministry of
deliverance is something Jesus expects us to carry out today.
(Acts 10:38 and Mark 16:20)

Jesus told Herod that nothing would keep Him from driving out
demons and healing people. (Luke 13:31-32)

Jesus trained His disciples for DELIVERANCE ministry

LUKE 9:1-2,10 When Jesus called the Twelve together HE
GAVE THEM POWER Power to cast out devils.

MATTHEW 28:18-20 Jesus gave His disciples an outline of
how to get the job done after He left.

Jesus intended for His followers to carry out the ministry of
commissioned 72 others to do the same work. (Luke 10:1-17)

Jesus did not come to just to die, but to set an EXAMPLE of
what REAL MINISTRY is to be. In many of our churches we call
many things ministry, but REAL ministry centers around

SALVATION - The Spirit

Jesus is ALWAYS interested in the TOTAL man! He cares for us
in such a special way. We must render Jesus type of care to the
world and the church.

The LAYING ON of Hands

Laying hands on the sick is considered an ELEMENTARY
TEACHING which ALL Christians should partake in. (See
Hebrews 6: 1-2 and James 5: 14-15)

One problem I have found in the modern church is that we have
made the church a CLERGY run entity. God meant the church to
be driven by ALL of the saints. We are a body of BELIEVERS
THE GOSPEL, and LAY HANDS on the sick.
(James 5:16 and Mark 16:20)

Evangelism, Healing, and Deliverance were not just for the
APOSTLES! This is a lie many Seminarians teach and advocate. I
too am a college-educated preacher, however I know that the
Word of God teaches that ordinary men and women participated
in the work of the ministry.

Ananias was not an APOSTLE, he was an ordinary Christian, just
like you and I, yet he prayed for Pauls HEALING and that he
would receive the BAPTISM in the HOLY GHOST. Healing the
sick is NOT just for the Apostles! The signs are designed to
follow THEM THAT BELIEVE! Believers are supposed to
BELIEVE that Jesus power is yet for today. I am a firm believer
that we dont see the miraculous because we dont EXPECT the
miraculous. (Mark 16:20, Luke 1:37, and Phil. 4:13)

Christians usually are terrified of dealing with the demonic in any
way shape or form. Yes demons are powerful, but God is all-
powerful! Demons are not afraid of humans, however they are
afraid of the Christ in us. Believers in Jesus have been given
authority through His name.

Jesus Came to Set Us Free

Certainly Jesus came to set us free. This is explicit in Jesus'
commission that he read from Isaiah 61:1-2:
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." (Luke 4:18-
Setting people free from demonic oppression and captivity is
Jesus' core ministry. Jesus desires to release the oppressed. He
came to "destroy the works of the devil" (1 John 3:8). It was his
central purpose. His ministry was characterized this way by his
chief Apostle, Peter: " God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with
the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and
healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God
was with him" (Acts 10:38).
That is our role, too, as Jesus' disciples. First, we must seek to
break free ourselves. We probably DON'T need exorcism to do
this. We need truth and we need repentance. Deep, heart-felt
repentance that brings about change. Jesus said, "If you hold to
my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31-32). There is
NO freedom apart from embracing the truth in Jesus. And as we
fearlessly embrace truth, the Deceiver loses his power over us.
That's how Satan began with Eve (Genesis 3:4-5), and he's been
doing it ever since -- to Jesus in the wilderness and to you and

Jesus came teaching. Teaching the truth. And we are to continue
this, for teaching is not weak. The truth we share has explosive
seeds in it that can break people free. Paul instructed his protg
"And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he
must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.
Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the
hope that God will grant them repentance leading them
to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to
their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who
has taken them captive to do his will" (2 Tim. 2:24-26).

Anger is a great doorway for demons to invade or influence
a human being. The reason God instructs the believer to
forgive so easily is this, unforgiveness leads to bitterness,
and bitterness can lead to hatred! Murder actually starts in
the hearts of people! In addition to forgiving our enemies,
we must LOVE them! I believe these two things drive the
devil insane.

Ask yourself, am I walking in unforgiveness? Is there
someone I am continuing to hate or refuse to forgive?

A few people will require some kind of direct command of
release such as Jesus gave. Occasionally the apostles would
do this -- but only occasionally. Truth was usually all that
was necessary.
What are the lessons we disciples are to learn from Luke 4?
1. Satan is a powerful opponent that Jesus faced again and
again (4:1-13). We his disciples will never get spiritual
victory until we stop trivializing Satan and denying his
2. Satan is the agent of oppression that Jesus came to oppose
(4:18-19). His mission is to set the oppressed free!
3. Jesus confronted Satan and his demons with spiritual
authority whenever they tried to attack him or others
(4:33-36, 41).
4. Jesus' focus was on wholeness and freedom, not on Satan
and his work. He dealt with Satan when he had to, but he
didn't fear him or obsess over the spiritual battle. Jesus'
focus was positive, not negative.
5. We must not walk in fear of demons, but be wary and wise
to there activities
6. Ask God to give us discernment on every situation. (Proverbs
7. If it seems evil, it probably is! Shun the very appearance of
8. Stay submitted to God! (James 4:7)

Demons and Our Sex Drive

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be
desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and
did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did
7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew
that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together,
and made themselves aprons. (Gen. Chapter 3)

28 But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman
to lust after her hath committed adultery with her
already in his heart. (Matt. Chapter 5) KJV

25 Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her
take thee with her eyelids.
26 for by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a
piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious
27 Can a man takes fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be
28 Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?
(Prov. Chapter 6) KJV

Satan uses sex for one simple reasonIT WORKS! In the
beginning God created man (Adam) and declared, It is not good
for the man to be alone. God created a woman FOR the man.
Man was built to desire a woman. Satan went after Eve because
he knew this fact. Eve gave Adam the fruit, why did Adam take
it? Men throughout the ages have forsaken kingdoms, riches,
position, and even God for the love of a woman. John the Baptist
lost his head because of a promise Herod had to keep. Take a

6 But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of
Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod.
7 whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever
she would ask.
8 and she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give
me here John Baptist's head in a charger.
8 And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oath's sake,
and them, which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to
be given her. (Matt. Chapter 14) KJV

Herod was so driven by lust over Herodias daughters
seductive dance, he killed someone he actually admired and liked.
Pornography is like gasoline on a fire, the human sex drive doesnt
need a lot to motivate it, pornography sends it over the edge, and
this is why Satan uses it so often. Most movies today have full
nudity or partial, our music is sexually suggestive, and adultery is
so commonplace even our clergymen are notorious for their
fallings. Demons work overtime at tempting Christians in the area
of sex. Just like our appetite for food, our lust for sex is just as

Solomon was the worlds wisest man in the world. He was
anointed by God to lead the mightiest kingdom on earth, yet he
threw it all away because of his desire for women. He had 700
wives and 300 concubines, and the scripture say he LOVED THEM
ALL! Satan knows that woman was created for man. God created
woman not only to be a companion, but also as a helper and
advisor. Satan always perverts what God creates. Remember
King Ahab? He was Israels most wicked king, guess where he got
all of his advice? His wife Jezebel!

Abraham in a bout with unbelief decided to sleep with his
handmaid, because he didnt trust that God could allow Sarah to
become pregnant. Who put the idea in his head to do such a
thing? Sarah, his wife! Now before you accuse me of thinking
woman are evil, there are many more examples of woman helping
advance Gods program in the Bible than not.

This is my point, if Satan can corrupt a woman, he in turn also
corrupts a man as well (or men). Joseph was handpicked by God
to save his people, Satan chose Potiphers wife to tempt him to
commit adultery, and fortunately Joseph was committed to God.
One evil woman can mess up a LOT of weak men!

Pr 6:32
But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment;
whoever does so destroys himself. NIV

Chapter Five

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