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International Journal of Latest Trends in Computing (E-ISSN: 2045-5364) 160

Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2011

Evaluation of the Effect of Gen2 Parameters on the
UHF RFID Tag Read Rate

Jussi Nummela, Petri Oksa, Leena Ukkonen and Lauri Sydnheimo
Tampere University of Technology
Department of Electronics, Rauma Research Unit
Kalliokatu 2, FI-26100 Rauma

Abstract: The UHF RFID technology is nowadays widely spreading
in different industries, e.g. in the supply chain and warehouse
management of different goods among others. This paper presents
passive UHF RFID tag read rate measurements using the EPCglobal
Class 1 Gen 2 protocol. Tag encoding schemes such as FM0 and
Miller, and Gen2 parameters such as Tari and Backscatter Link
Frequency are varied to find out their effect on the tags reading rate.
Relating to these parameters alterable in the tag reader, this paper
provides certain achievements which can be exploited in industrial
RFID configurations and setups.
Keywords: radio frequency identification, RFID, passive tag,
read rate, tag encoding, Gen2 parameters
1. Introduction
The UHF RFID technology has become more and more
common in different industries during the last years. For
example supply chain management of paper reels is one of the
latest applications, as well as small scale positioning, in which
promising results have been achieved. [1, 2]
EPCglobal was formed in 2003 to carry on the non-profit
standard framework supporting use of RFID in the supply
chain and in other applications. As part of this mission, it
sought to create a single global standard for the UHF RFID
reader-tag air interface. This second-generation (Gen2)
standard became publicly in 2005, and today numerous
vendors are producing reader and tag models supporting
EPCglobal Class 1 Gen2 -standard. [3, 4]
Any passive RFID protocol must provide certain basic
Data Modulation: a set of waveforms that is
understood as symbols by tags and readers.
Packet Structure: preambles, training symbols,
and timing conventions that enable tags and
readers to synchronize and to recognize
commands and data.
Command Set: commands and responses that
make it possible to read (and write) information
stored in tags.
This paper deals with Data Modulation issues of Gen2-
protocol, and thus it is described in more detail in chapter II.
Chapter III presents the measurements, where different Gen2-
protocol parameters were varied and read rates observed.
Chapter IV gives the measurement results and discussion, and
finally Chapter V conclusion and the future work.
2. Data modulation in UHF Class 1 Gen2 -
Modulation is the change made in a signal in order to send
information. Each RFID standard employs one modulation
scheme for Forward Link (reader-to-tag) and another for
Reverse Link (tag-to-reader), because of different roles of
reader and tag in backscatter communication. [5, 6]
1.1. Forward Link
In Gen2-protocol reader sends signals by changing its output
power level between two states, on state and off state. This is
known as amplitude-shift keying (ASK). Gen2 uses two data
symbols, Data 0 and Data 1, when former specification
Class 0 had additional Null symbol. Both data symbols
begin with an on state, followed by an off state. The length of
the on state varies, but the length of the off state is always
fixed, and called Pulse Width (PW). Symbols Data 1 and
Data 0 are distinguished by varying the length of on state, in
other words, the interval between off state pulses. Thus, this
technique is sometimes referred to as pulse-interval encoding
(PIE). [4, 5, 6]
The total time of Data 0 is called Tari. Data 1 symbol is
allowed to between 1,5*Tari or 2*Tari, and the length of the
Tari may vary between 6,25 s and 25 s. Since the data
symbols of Gen2 are not of the same length, there is no fixed
Gen2 Forward Link data rate. Instead, there is an effective
data rate assuming equiprobable data, which is, depending on
Tari, between 27 and 128 kbps. Fig. 1 clarifies the
explanation. [3, 4, 5]
International Journal of Latest Trends in Computing (E-ISSN: 2045-5364) 161
Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2011

Fig. 1. Gen2 Forward Link symbols [3]
As seen, Gen2 offers a wide selection of allowable Forward
Link waveforms. This permits tradeoffs between read rate, read
range and transmit bandwidth, and allows convenient adaption
to different operating environments.
1.2. Reverse Link
As passive RFID tag does not have its own radio, it sends
information back to reader by changing the impedance state of
its antenna. The reader senses this as changes in the
backscattered power from the tag. The tag encodes its data in
the timing of the transitions between backscattering states.
In Gen2-communication, there is a fundamental clock, known
as the Backscatter Link Frequency (BLF), which specifies the
pulse width of the shortest Reverse Link feature. Then there
are four different ways to encode data symbols: FM0
baseband and three different Miller modulations of BLF
The simplest encoding, FM0, has a state transition at the
beginning of each data symbol. Data 0 symbol has an
additional mid-symbol transition. Based on this, a long string
of FM0 Data 0 symbols produce a square wave at BLF, and
a long string of Data 1 symbols generates a square wave at
BLF/2. For FM0 the data rate is same as BLF, and they share
the same allowable range, from 40 to 640 kbps. FM0
compliant tags must support the whole range, but readers need
not, and in many cases will not, implement all data rates.
Figure 2 shows default Gen2 FM0 tag signaling. [5, 6]

Fig. 2. Default Gen2 FM0 tag signaling [3]
Miller modulated subcarrier (MMS) is more complicated
encoding. MMS provides more state transitions per bit and is
therefore easier to decode in the presence of interference.
However it is slower with the same tag BLF than FM0. MMS
exists in three different schemes: Miller-2, Miller-4, and
Miller-8. Then number defines how many BLF periods define
one data symbol. For example, using the slowest BLF of 40
kHz, the data rate for Miller-8 is the BLF/8 = 5 kbps. Figures
3 and 4 clarify the MMS structure. [5, 6]

Fig. 3. Miller-modulated subcarrier example with M=2 [3]

Fig. 4. Example of encoding the same data stream using Miller
M=2,M=-4 and M=8 [3]
MMS is supposed to provide a constant performance when a
large number of readers are operating in the same facility at
the same time. This is due to its narrower Reverse Link
spectrum and a tendency to put it into the frequency region
between readers Forward Link channels. [3, 5]
3. Measurements
This paper presents the measurements where UHF RFID tag
read rates were studied when varying certain Gen2 parameters
as well as reader transmission power. In addition some
interference was added with extra reader reading the same tags.
Totally ten individual measurements setups (i.e. circumstances)
were conducted. Within each measurement setup the
differences between read rates were studied by modifying the
Gen2 parameters similarly.
The measurements were conducted with 1, 2 or 4 similar
passive UHF tags, and a reader with one antenna (monostatic
mode). The taken parameter changes are presented in table I.
Each group represents one individual permanent set of
parameter values used in this study.
Table 1. The tested protocol parameters
Tari (s) 14,29 14,29 20 20
PIE 2,0:1 2,0:1 2,0:1 2,0:1
Pulse Width 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
BLF (kHz) 436 320 320 320
Reverse Modulation FM0 Miller M=4 Miller M=4 Miller M=8

Each of ten measurement setups consisted of following
adjustments: at first Gen2 parameters were set as presented in
Group A column. The read rate was recorded based on the
average values of ten individual 60 second measuring periods.
Next Link Frequency was decreased to 320 kHz and Reverse
International Journal of Latest Trends in Computing (E-ISSN: 2045-5364) 162
Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2011
Modulation changed from FM0 to Miller M=4
(Group B), and read rate again recorded similarly. For third
setup the length of Tari was increased to 20 s (Group C), and
finally the Miller M=4 turned to Miller M=8 (Group D).
As mentioned, the above described measurement arrangement
was carried out with totally ten different ways with varying the
number of tags, the TX-power of the reader, or adding the extra
reader to create interference, as presented in more detail in
table II. In measurement setups 7-10 an additional reader was
added to create interference. In setups 7-8 this extra reader was
using 28 dBm TX power and 4 alternating channels without
LBT (listen before talk) feature. The actual reader whose read
rate was monitored used Reader Selects Frequency option,
which made it possible to choose between the same four
channels, and LBT. In setups 9-10 the actual reader was forced
to act only in one single channel (866,3 MHz) with LBT, and
the extra reader was transmitting with 30 dBm first in four
channels (#9) and then in the same single channel (#10) again
without LBT.
The used RFID equipment was:
o UPM ShortDipole EPC Class 1 Gen 2
tags with 240 bit EPC memory
RFID reader:
o Impinj Speedway R1000 UHF reader
o Firmware version: Octane
o Operating region: ETSI EN302-208 LBT
Reader Antenna: Huber+Suhner SPA
Measurement software: Impinj MultiReader 6.0.0
Extra reader creating interference:
o ThingMagic Astra EU reader, with
integrated 6 dBi CP-antenna
Table 2. Different measure arrangements
Measurement setups
Common parametres:
- Tag distance: 1,0 m; Height: 1,2 m
- Duration: 10 x 60s
- RX sensitivity: -70 dBm
- Search Mode: 0 - Dual target
- Session 1
- Reader Selects Frequency (not in #9 and #10)
- LLRP Protocol
Varying parametres:
- Setup #1: TX power 18 dBm, 1 tag
- Setup #2: TX power 28 dBm, 1 tag
- Setup #3: TX power 18 dBm, 2 tags
- Setup #4: TX power 28 dBm, 2 tags
- Setup #5: TX power 18 dBm, 4 tags
- Setup #6: TX power 28 dBm, 4 tags
- Setup #7: TX power 18 dBm, 4 tags, Extra reader
- Setup #8: TX power 28 dBm, 4 tags, Extra reader
- Setup #9: TX power 16 dBm, 4 tags, 1 channel, Extra reader
- Setup #10: TX power 16 dBm, 4 tags, 1 channel,
Extra reader in the same 1 channel

The measurements were conducted in a laboratory, where the
wall behind the tags was covered with absorbing material to
cut down unintended interference. Otherwise the environment
was close to real-life, not anechoic chamber. In these
circumstances, the threshold power level was approximately
15,0 - 15,5 dBm. Figure 5 shows the measurement setup.

Fig. 5. The measurement setup. Tags are attached on the
styrofoam pillar and readers and antenna on the rack on right.
Impinj reader at the bottom, antenna in the middle, and
ThingMagic reader uppermost.
4. Results and Discussion
As the purpose of this paper is to study the effect of adjusting
the Gen2-parameters, the achieved read rates are compared to
each others within each measurement setup. This way the
differences between each parameter values can be seen, as well
as if the measuring circumstances cause any variation for their
mutual interrelationships.
The following graphs in figure 6 presents actual amount of
successfully read tags in each measurement setup (#1 #10),
and with each Gen2 parameter setup (Group A D). Graphs #1
#6 prove clearly the theory that FM0 coding scheme (Group
A) achieves higher read rate than MMS coding schemes
(Group B D). In this study the increase in number of tags
increased greatly the total read rate per second as well,
especially with FM0 coding. The variation in Tari (Group B vs
C) had only a minor effect in tested situations. In graphs #7
#10, presenting setups where interference was created with
extra reader, the benefits of MMS coding schemes can clearly
be seen. The read rates stayed close or even increased when
moved from FM0 (Group A) to MMS (Group B C).

International Journal of Latest Trends in Computing (E-ISSN: 2045-5364) 163
Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2011

Fig. 6. The actual amount of successfully read tags in each measurement setup (#1 #10) and with each Gen2 parameter setup
(Group A D)

The figure 7 shows graphs about relative read rates of
different tested Gen2 parameter setups (Group A D), in each
of ten tested environments (#1 #10). Group A, where FM0
coding scheme was used, is individually set as a reference
value within each of 10 measurement setups. Percentage
values between different setups (#1 #10) are not comparable
in this figure.
Graphs in figure 7 show the purpose and advantage of the
MMS coding scheme. In setups #1 #6, where no interference
was present, the read rates with MMS coding schemes were
between 27% and 59% of the FM0 read rate. In setups #7
#10, where additional reader was present, the MMS coded
read rate achieved higher percentages, and finally when
channel switching was disabled (#9 and #10), over three times
higher values than with FM0 coded reading.

Fig. 7. The relative read rate of different Gen2 parameter setups
International Journal of Latest Trends in Computing (E-ISSN: 2045-5364) 164
Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2011
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Based on the results presented in this paper can be concluded
that changes in UHF Gen2 parameters have effects on read
rate. As long as the operating environment does not have any
interference present, FM0 coding gives highest read rates,
despite of number of tags (1, 2 or 4) or transmission power
level. When one additional reader was brought nearby to read
same tags, FM0 still achieved highest read rates, when reader
was able to select its channel automatically. When it was
forced to act in a one channel, and even further, when
additional reader was acting on that same channel, the MMS
coding scheme achieved notably higher read rates than FM0.
The tested 40% increase in Tari value did not have a relevant
effect on read rate, in these circumstances.
If more interference and larger amount tags had been tested,
the advantage of MMS coding might have been even more
significant. This would be the interesting research topic in the
future. Also the effects of varying Tari and PW values could
be studied in more detail.
[1] Nummela, J., Lehto, A., Ukkonen, L. and Sydnheimo, L.
Automatic reel identification by RFID technology in
paper reel supply chains: examples from paper mill and
sea port environments, International Journal of RF
Technologies: Research and Applications,Vol 1, No 3, pp.
194- 213, September 2009.
[2] Nummela, J., Nikkari, M., Soini, M., Ukkonen, L.,
Sydnheimo, L. (2009) A Novel Method for Indoor
Positioning with Passive UHF RFID International
Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology
and Applications (IJRFITA). Inderscience. (ACCEPTED)
[3] D. M. Dobkin, The RF in RFID: passive UHF RFID in
practice. Burlington, MA USA: Elsevier Inc., 2008.
[4] EPCglobal, Specification for RFID air interface: EPC
radio-frequency identity protocols Class-1 Generation-2
UHF RFID protocol for communications at 860 MHz-960
MHz, version 1.2.0, 108 Pages, October 2008.
[5] D. M. Dobkin, D. J. Kurtz, Overview of EPCglobal
Class 1 Generation 2 and comparison with 1
EPCglobal standards, 10 Pages, March 2006.
[6] P. V. Nikitin, K. V. S. Rao, Effect of Gen2 Protocol
Parameters on RFID tag Performance, 2009 IEEE
International Conference on RFID, 27-28 April 2009.

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