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Unit of Inquiry

The second unit of inquiry

takes place under the
transdisciplinary theme of
Where We Are in Place and
Time with the central idea
Evidence of past
civilizations can be used to make connections to
present-day societies.
Lines of Inquiry:
Evidence of past civilizations in societies
The connection between past civilizations
to present lives
Implications for the future
In this unit, the students are busy preparing for
the Jogya outing. This outing is related to the
actions valuing and preserving the past
civilizations. Students will also make
connections showing how the value of past
civilizations affects present life and the future.
During the unit Where We Are in Place and
Time, math will be explored through:Number
concepts in fractions, decimals and percentages,
including multiplication and division operations.
Measurement concepts in finding area and
perimeter of 2D shapes, with a focus on
circle.The use of technology in drawing 3D
shapes, such as: cube, rectangular prism,
triangular prism, square-based pyramid,
triangular pyramid, cylinder, cone and sphere,
and designing a simple object using Google
SkecthUp 8.

Bahasa Indonesia
Di topik where we are in place ini, siswa akan
belajar beberapa ketrampilan berbahasa, yaitu:
Menulis dan menggunakan kata baku
dengan ejaan yang benar dalam kalimat.
Menulis singkatan dan akronim sesuai
kaidah yang benar
Membedakan bentuk kata homonim,
homofon dan homograf
Menulis laporan tentang hasil kunjungan
kelokasi bersejarah
Dari pembelajaran ketrampilan tersebut, siswa
diharapkan dapat menunjukkan
pemahamannya dengan:
Menulis 10 kalimat dengan
menggunakan kata serapan yang tepat.
Mengidentifikasi bentuk kata homonim,
homofon danhomograf dalam sebuah
naskah pendek.
Mendaftar singkatan dan akronim
Dan sebagai tugas akhir, siswa akan menulis
laporan sederhana tentang kunjungan ke lokasi
bersejarah seperti Borobudur, Keraton
Jogjakarta, dan beberapa tempat lainnya pada
saat outing ke Jogjakarta bulanOktober.


In English for this unit students will support
their TT by studying relevant vocabulary. They
will also work in pairs on short readers related
to their TT. Their main writing assignment will
be writing a fictitious autobiography.
Biographies will also be studied in pairs with
short readers to support this. Students will
continue with their RAZ Kids online program
and AZ Reader exchange program. Students will
continue their literature study in Literature
Circles with The Witches Part 2 and Part 3.

Students will learn a new ICT skill, which is how
to use GoogleSketchUp. This skill will be applied
to support the math strand shape and space by
creating a building.

Visual Art
In visual art, students are expected to
understand how to draw a one point perspective
through some representative visual work of art
from a variety of cultures and historical time
periods. All students will :
Identify the
characteristics of
one point
Recognize the
steps of one
point perspective
Use the technique of one point perspective
drawings to draw an artifact/evidence of a
certain civilization.

Performing Art
Regarding the second unit Where we are in
place and time students will learn about :FOLK
culture can be expressed through dance.
Students design a short movement study
showing a variety of spatial relationships (body
part to body part and individual to individual).
They demonstrate the ability to work
cooperatively with a partner in creating
contrasting shapes.
Identify and describe the choreographic
elements of space and time.
Create movements based on dance styles
(Traditional) .
We focus on how to perform with good
expression and confidence.

In this unit students will learn how to see a
problem and find a solution through a case
study by making an observation about the case.
Here they will explore their curiosity about one
topic related to their trans theme. They are
challenged to decide one topic. Then they must
highlight the problem from the case. After that
they will do an observation about the case and
find the solution for the problem.
During religion lessons, students will discuss
enculturation. Students will focus on the line of
inquiry number two about exploration and the
impact of enculturation. During the lessons,
students will explore many reasons why
enculturation must happen.

Learning Outcomes:
- Recognize Beijings historical places.
- Describe the historical background and
characteristics of those historical places.
- Use correct grammar in sentences.
- Create a role play about planning a trip
in Beijing.

Summative task:
Students in pairs will perform a conversation
about planning a trip in Beijing.
For the second unit of this semester, PE will
focus on physical fitness and spatial awareness.
For physical fitness, students will be expected to
develop their cardio-vascular fitness through
regular exercise. For improving their cardio-
vascular fitness and preparing for a Cross
country event, PE teachers have the 50K
program. We will invite several other schools to
participate in this event. Grade 5 students will
run 4.5 kilometers this year so it will be a more
challenging race. For spatial awareness, the
emphasis will be on improving manipulative
skills and using players in free space to enhance
their teamwork when playing mini-games. Please
encourage your child to prepare for this event by
doing at least 30 minutes of strenuous exercise
five times per week.

This week, all students do an excavation activity.
Students become archaeologists and uncover
part of a single-layer (one-period) site. This dig is
a full-scale simulated excavation.


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