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I cry out to my God, where you have taken me? I have worked to be obedient,
though my nature blocks my way. Stumbling blocks and pits assail me and depression
overwhelms me! Where can I go to find your presence? Ignorant men restrain me from
reaching my lifeblood.
et me only bask in your presence, ord, to grow as one of the mighty cedars of
ebanon. et my sin nature be surgically removed from my body so that I might grow
closer to you and become more like you.
!ome to me, my God, in physical and emotional strength so that I might be able
to complete every task you set before me in the utmost perfection. "here is so much to be
done, ord. So much you are waiting to do through us. So much to do. In the days of
our founding fathers, we came to this land to be free to do your will, and to worship you,
# God. "o be free from immorality and sin and to seek you in our own way.
$ut like Israel of old, we too have forgotten where we have come from% our roots.
!onfusion reigns as the people of the nation seek to tolerate and e&plore in the
regions which will only bring death% and in doing so our ord, the ord of their
forefathers slips slowly away from their grasp.
Save us, # God! 's was aodicea, we are become lukewarm. Slowly, before we
know it, it may overwhelm us. (elp us, ord God, while there is still time! We cry out
to you alone, # Savior, for you are worthy.
)ever let me stray from your will, # ord, for I am yours and without you I am
nothing! 'lways and forever let me be drawn closer to your most awesome and holy
presence. I love you, ord!
et the 'lpha and #mega be praised. (allelu*ah to the amb!

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