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Azaria Guernon

Ms Gardner
English 10H
20 May 2014

Laura: A long time ago I was broken. I never went outside, or got any gentlemen callers.
Mother, always was ashamed of me. She would disguise it with back handed compliments. I
was too afraid to say anything but Tom wasnt. While I sat and listened to the phonograph they
screamed at each other. Tom too tired from his work to deal with Mother, and Mother too
stubborn and reserved to budge from her conservative ideals. But without mother I would've
never danced with Jim. He would've never freed me from the chains of Mother. All the pain Tom
and Mother put me through helped me to choose my own path. To realize that my life was better
spent doing what I wanted, not drinking and taking my anger out on my loved ones and not to
live in the past because I let and unfaithful man consume me. She gave me an example of what
not to be and reminded me that I could be worse off. I was never strange, mother made me
strange. By not being an accepting, supporting mother she attached a horn to my head and
made me stand out from the rest. Jim came and knocked the horn off. Yes he broke me but he
set me free to find myself.

Cyrano: Aye, I do indeed have a big nose, but how else would the gods distinguish such a great
man from the rest? But that not all I am, not just a nose. Im romantic, heroic, noble, and even
though I am tortured by my nose it has made me the man I am. Through my insecurities shine
my strengths. The gods gave me this nose as a cruel gift. To push past my nose I had to gain
more intelligence, elegance, and confidence. I fell in love behind my nose. Her beauty never
seeing my enriching love growing with every breathe. I grew so used to this shadow I hid behind

another man to express my love. My nose kept me from loving but also allowed for me to make
the right decision and be noble throughout my life. The burden of my nose and self hatred that
accompanies it helps me understand others. I can see other peoples troubles and makes my
poetry reach further into the soul of people. All people have a big nose and as much as we wish
to cut it off, the nose molds us into beautiful creative, creatures. More than gods and more than
a mother or father ever could.

Pip: Now, dont tell Mrs. Joe I said so, but that woman is evil. So terrifyin always raising me and
controlling Joe by hand. She was a horror. I could tell from her and our family members she
tried so hard to impress, I wanted out break out from that life. I wanted to become a gentleman
and educated. I knew I didn't want to be like Mrs. Joe so I was kind. Ive had all kinds of lifes.
Ive lived an poor boys life a rich mans life and again a poor mans life. I guess without her I
would've neer had dealings with the convict in the marsh. Never met Estella and Ms. Havisham
and maybe have not become a gentlemen. She may ad been cruel but she gave me food and a
place to sleep, also aloud me a job. I couple been on the streets with my parents gone. In my
fear filled dinners and my trembling anticipation of the smack of the tickler, I was given the
experiences that made me the man I am today.

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