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Puzzle_01-05_Ch23: The New Deal


1. This government Act sought to raise crop prices by
lowering production. The govt achieved the desired impact
by paying farmers to leave a portion of every acre of land
unseeded. The theory was that reduced supply would boost
prices. In some cases, crops were too far advanced for the
acreage reduction to take effect. For instance, the
government paid cotton growers $200 million to plow under
10 million acres of their crop. It also paid hog farmers to
slaughter 6 million pigs. (2 words)
2. This Roosevelt was a social reformer who combined
deep humanitarian impulses with great political skills. While
not an elected ofcial, this person was pivotal in moving the
government to act on behalf of the American people.
5. This african-American was an educator who was
dedicated to promoting opportunities for young African
Americans. This appointee worked to ensure that the NYA
hired African-American administrators and provided job
training and other benets to minority students. Eleanor
Roosevelt was a major supporter of this individual and the
initiative. (3 words)
6. This branch of the WPA paid artists a living wage to
produce public art. (Acronym)
8. One of the rst reforms of the Second New Deal created
this federal entity. It was a product of the Wagner Act and
reinvigorated collective bargaining. It could be an important
partner in protecting the rights of workers to join unions and
engage in collective bargaining with employers. It
accomplished much of its goals by hearing testimony about
unfair practices and holding elections to nd out if workers
wanted union representation. (Acronym)
9. This federal program was designed to alleviate the
diverse problems emanating from the Great Depression. (2
10. This Depression-era initiative provided federal
insurance for individual bank accounts of up to $5,000,
reassuring millions of bank customers that their money was
safe. (Acronym)
12. Orson Welles breaks into public media through this
13. The stereotypical painting depicting Mid-western life
during the Great Depression. (2 words)
14. In 1934, Congress created this government entity to
regulate the stock market. One goal was to prevent people
with inside information about companies from rigging the
stock market for their own prot. (Acronym)
16. This type of labor strike was an effective bargaining
weapon. During the strike, workers stayed within the plants
instead of walking the picket line. This prevented employers
from hiring 'scabs' and continuing production. (2 words)
18. The initials of the only four-term President of the United


3. Perhaps the most serious challenge to the New Deal
came from a Senator from Louisiana. He was an early
supporter of the New Deal, turned against Roosevelt. Eager
to win the 1936 presidency for himself, he proposed a
nationwide social program called Share-Our-Wealth. Under
the banner Every Man a King, he promised something for
everyone. (2 words)
4. A major achievement of the New Deal was the creation of
this System. It had 3 major parts:
Supplemental retirement insurance, Unemployment
compensation system, and aid to families with dependent
children and people with disabilities. It was not a total
pension system or a complete welfare system. (3 words)
7. This is a period of intense activity at the start of a new
presidential administration. Its scope of legislative initiatives
while addressing campaign promises is often an unofcial
measure of a new president's commitment to address the
shortcomings of the outgoing administration. The origins of
this political measure dates to the rst term of FDRs
Depression-era initiatives. (2 words)
11. As part of the Second New Deal, one of the largest
federal efforts was this. It set out to create as many jobs as
possible as quickly as possible. Workers built airports,
constructed or repaired roads, and constructed many public
buildings. The initiative produced public works of lasting
value to the nation and gave working people a sense of
hope and purpose. (3 words)
15. The popularity of public entertainment lead to the
construction of these venues than of banks. (Plural)
17. This realm of political equality is often a point of criticism
of President Roosevelt's Depression-era initiatives. (2
19. Depression-era literary work by John Steinbeck.
Revealed the hardships of Oklahomans. (4 words)
20. Spending more money than the government receives in
revenue. (2 words)
21. This Depression-era government program. The program
put young men, 18 - 25, to work building roads, developing
parks, planting trees, and helping in soil-erosion and ood-
control projects. By the time the program ended in 1942,
almost 3 million young men passed through this program.
The program paid $30 a month, of which $25 was
automatically sent to the workers family. It supplied free
food, uniforms, and lodging in work camps. Many of the
camps were located on the Great Plains, where, within a
period of eight years, these men planted more than 200
million trees. This tremendous reforestation program was
aimed at preventing another Dust Bowl. (Acronym)

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