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Dr. Lauren E. Obermark, University of Missouri-St. Louis; obermarkl@umsl.

Expanding the Canon of Memory: A Case Study of the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum (RSA 2014)

Presentation in a Nutshell

Goal: Explicating an emerging pedagogy of memory.

Characteristics of pedagogy of memory:

1) Value-driven and often reliant on epideictic rhetoric.
2) Thoughtfully utilizing material rhetoric and multimodal approaches to
remembrance and education.

Rhetorical Education: Lessons about history are aligned with value-heavy lessons
about how to participate and engage in the present day.

Memory used to build toward civic engagement; new possibilities for rhetorical
education in the 21

Didactic nature of value-driven education can suppress choices and voices and
oversimplify difficult topics like trauma.


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Dr. Lauren E. Obermark, University of Missouri-St. Louis;
Expanding the Canon of Memory: A Case Study of the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum (RSA 2014)

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