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Personality Test Which Rise of The Guardians Character are you?

Please answer all the questions below. Circle all your answers. Have fun!
1. Who is your most favourite character in the movie?
a. North the Santa Claus
b. Pitch Black the Boogeyman
c. Sandman
d. Tooth Fairy
e. Jack Frost
f. Easter Bunny

2. Circle 3 words to describe your favourite character in the movie:
a. beautiful f. cunning k. stylish
b. strong g. evil l. sad
c. fun h. good-looking m. fearful
d. curious i. handsome n. happy
e. sweet j. cute o. innocent

3. Do you scare people?
a. Im a guardian, of course not!
b. They cant even see me.
c. Yes, its fun!
d. Only if they believe I exist

4. If you see something strange, would you go after it and investigate?
a. Yes! It would be fun!
b. No, because curiosity kills the cat
c. Yes, but after I got a clue on what it is
d. No, I will let someone else do it for me.

5. Is Jack Frost handsome?
a. Oh, yes! Especially his teeth!
b. Yes, he is also fun.
c. What does this have to do with anything?
d. No, hes ugly and annoying.

6. Is the tooth fairy pretty?
a. Yes! Shes very pretty!
b. Yes, she also has colourful wings.
c. What does this have to do with anything?
d. No, shes ugly and she always disturbs my job.

7. You are surrounded by evil dark horses. What would you do?
a. Make my own sand horses to fight them.
b. Run them down with the sleigh (passengers seat usually pulled by horses).
c. Throw boomerangs at them.
d. Shoot ice lasers at them.
e. Fly up in the air and attack them from behind.
f. Nothing, because they are my friends.

8. Whats your favourite colour?
a. Blue
b. Red and green
c. Grey, green, yellow, pink and blue (Easter colours)
d. Dark green, hummingbird green
e. Gold yellow
f. Dark black

9. What ability or element do you want?
a. Control snow
b. No elements, just sword skills and a few monsters to help me
c. Sand whips, sand blasting and sand power
d. Explosive eggs and magical boomerang
e. Use wings to fly, telepathy and make many mini clones of myself to do my work
f. Control other peoples fear and make them feel afraid

10. What is your center?
a. Fun
b. Fear
c. Dreams
d. Hope
e. Wonder
f. Memories

11. What would you do if you see Pitch Black hurting a child?
a. Throw some snow at him and do snowballs fight!
b. Pull out my swords and attack
c. Whip out my sandwhips
d. Throw eggs at him and distract him so the kids can get away
e. Fly around him until he goes away
f. Help him so the kid will learn his lesson

12. Where would you want to live?
a. In the clouds, at the tooth palace
b. In the cloud with just clouds
c. In a friendly town where there is a lot of snow to play with
d. At the north pole, in between the icy mountains
e. In the rabbit hole
f. In the dark or under the bed

Result: You are ______________

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