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Bhava Chandrika

Bhava Chandrika


Vidya Visharada
Jyotisha Kalaanidhi
Prof NN Krishna Rau, MAFA

Bhava Chandrika

1st House

Long lived children & prosperity

Lord of Ascendant or Jupiter or Venus in quadrant indicates that the children of the
native will be long lived and that the native will enjoy wealth and be in good books of

Full span of life

The native will have enjoyments in various directions, follow his religion and attain full
span of life if a benefic is in quadrant/trine whilst Lord of Ascendant occupies a quadrant
of Jupiter.

Happy Life

A native having
o Lord of Ascendant in quadrant from Asdt/Moon and in the visible half of horizon
(between Ascendant & 7th via 10th house)
o Lord of 9th is in 10th in company of Lord of Ascendant
will lead a very happy life throughout.

High academic achievements

In company of lord of 9th, if lord of Asdt is in quadrant aspected by lord of 5th, the native
will attain high academic qualifications and be lucky and prosperous throughout.

Reputation & Prosperity

If lord of Ascendant is in exaltation aspected by a benefic whilst a benefic is occupying
the Asdt or is conjunct with Moon, the native will enjoy life & prosperity in various

Bhava Chandrika

Lean body - light weight

If lord of Asdt is weak and is posited in a fiery sign - Aries/Leo/Sagittarius -aspected by a
malefic, the native will possess a lean body & be weak.

In good books of King

A benefic in Asdt and another benefic in quadrant whilst the lords of 9th and 10th are
united in a sign, indicates that the native will become a favourite of the King or high


Twins are indicated if Rahu is in Ascendant aspected by Mars and Saturn whilst lord of
Asdt is conjunct with Gulika.


If Sun and Moon are occupying the same sign and same navamsa, the native will be
brought up by 3 ladies (including mother) who act as equivalent to mother and by his
2nd House


If Jupiter with lordship over Ascendant is standing in the 2nd with Mars, the
native will become wealthy.

Exchange of signs between lords of 2nd and 11th OR both the lords of 2 and 11
occupy quadrants, the native will be wealth and possess cattle-wealth.

Heavy Gains

Bhava Chandrika


Lord of 2 in quadrant and lord of 11th in trines thereto whilst the latter is aspected
or conjunct with both Venus and Jupiter indicates heavy gains. If lord of 11th is
conjunct with Jupiter and aspected by Venus or vice-versa, will also do.

Gains from Enemies

Lord of 2 standing in 6th in company of lord of 11 will give rise to heavy
financial gains through enemy.

Life long Poverty

If both lords of 2 and 11 occupy their debilitation signs conjunct with malefic, the
native will suffer from poverty throughout life and will earn his food through


Lords of and 2 & 11 in 6, 8 or 12, whilst Mars is in 11 and Rahu is in 2nd,
indicates that even a poor man will acquire wealth gradually.

Jupiter in 11th, Venus in 2nd whilst a benefic is in 12th indicates that the native
will earn well and will give away, most of his wealth, in charity.

Fluency in Talk

If lord of 2nd is a benefic and is in exaltation, moolatrikona or own house, the
native will protect his family, earn well, be prosperous and be fluent in talk.

Limited Wealth

If lord of 2nd is in extreme exaltation aspected by Jupiter, the native will earn a
thousand Nishkas - gold coins in use in Ancient India, and be valorous.

Bhava Chandrika


Unlimited Wealth

If lord of 2nd is in Parvatamsa whilst standing in own house or friendly house in
company of Venus/Mercury, whilst Jupiter is conjunct or aspected by lord of 11th
or benefic, without malefic aspects, the native will possess a thousand lakhs of

Jupiter in 2nd whilst Venus/Mercury aspect lord of 2nd (who is otherwise strong)
indicates that the native will possess good wealth. Malefic aspects thereto cancels
the Yoga.

Eye sight

Strong lord of 2nd indicates beautiful eyes. Lord of 2 in 6, 8 or 12 denotes loss of
eye or failure of eye-sight.


Malefic in 2nd whilst lord of 2nd is conjunct with malefic indicates that the native
will be uttering lies, suffer wind disorders, be stingy and of poor health.
3rd House


Birth and growth of brothers/sisters is assured if lord of 3 is in quadrant/trine
coupled with exaltation/own house or the lord of 3 is on larger friendly vargas
(classifications) whilst Mars is conjunct with a benefic.


Bhava Chandrika

If Venus is in 3rd, dispositor thereof in conjunction with Moon whilst the
significator for 3rd, Mars, is conjunct with Saturn, the native will have one sister,
then a brother and the third one born thereafter will die.

Number of Brothers

Mars in conjunction with Rahu whilst lord of 3 is debilitated indicates that three
brothers/sisters to be born after the native will die.

A native having lord of 3 in a quadrant and a trine thereto is occupied by Mars in
company of exalted Jupiter, will have 12 brothers. Of these :-
o 3 will die before birth or abortions
o 1st, 2nd, 7th, 9th and 12th will die after birth
o 4 will enjoy long life The 6th will be one of the twins.

7 Brothers

In company of lord 12, if Mars is conjunct with Jupiter whilst Moon is occupying the 3rd
house, the native will have 7 brothers. If Venus is also involved in this Yoga, 2 of the 7
will be lost.

Number of Brothers

The number of dwadasamsa (a classification or varga whereby a sign is divided into 12
equals parts of 2.5 degrees each) covered by the strongest amongst
o lord of 3
o Mars
o Planet posited in 3rd
will indicate the total number of brothers/sisters a native will have.

Divide the particular dwadasamsa occupied by the planet named above into as many
sub-divisions as the number of brothers indicated and determine how many such sub-
divisions the planet has actually covered and how many remaining to be covered. The
sub-divisions already covered denote the elder brothers/sisters and those yet to be
covered by the planet, younger ones.

Bhava Chandrika

Example : Assuming Mars as the indicator for brothers in a certain horoscope and that
Mars is at 26 deg. 16 mins. Capricorn. Since Mars
has covered 10 dwadasamsa, 10 brothers are indicated. In the 11th dwadsamsa
(wherein Mars is standing), 4/10th has already
been covered indicating 4 elder brothers and 6/10th yet to be covered, indicating
6 younger brothers.

As the procedure outlined above is something unusual and there may be orthodox
students of astrology who may want to verify the authority, we quote below the relevant
sloka, so that, in the event of a different interpretation being justifiable, those better equipped in
the field of astrology will be able to guide the public and researchers :-

Brathru nadha tad yukta kaarakaanaam balituyaha
Tad bukta dwadasamsena brathru sankhya vinirdiseth
jyeshta buktamsaka gneya bogyamsasthu kanishtakaha

The longevity and prosperity of siblings will be dependent on the nature of dwadasamsas
covered; sex is also determined from the same dwadasamsa.
4th House

Happiness & Conveyances

If lord of 4th is in vargothamamsa or exaltation whilst a benefic is posited in 4th,
happiness & conveyances are assured.


If lord of 4th is in 10th with pushkaramsa whilst lords of 9 and 10 are posited in
4th along with lord of Ascendant and the planets concerned are all powerful, the
native will have conveyances; great reputation; musical accompaniments;
paraphernalia; lordship or administrative authority; prosperity and enjoyments in
various directions.

Respect By Relatives

If a benefic assumes lordship over 4th as is aspected by a benefic, whilst Moon is
strong in the horoscope, the native will be respected by his relatives.

Longevity - Mother

Bhava Chandrika

Full span of life for mother is assured if lord of 4th is in exaltation while a benefic
occupies the 4th and the significator for 4th is strong.


If lord of 4th is in fixed signs and on benefic shad-vargas, the native will spend
his life time in the place of birth with a house and landed property and in
agricultural pursuits.
o In addition, if lord of 10th is in exaltation, the native will enjoy kingly

Longevity &c

Jupiter and Venus in the 4th of either the Ascendant or the Moon sign, whilst
Mercury is exalted or in own house, the native will enjoy a full span of life.
Higher education is also assured.

Religious Austerities

Sun in 4th, Moon in 9th while Mars is in 11th, indicates that the native will be
performing religious austerities.


If a malefic is posited in 6, 8 or 12, whilst a debilitated planet is standing in 4th or
the 4th lord is himself debilitated or associated with a debilitated planet, the native
will become a drunkard.


If both lord of 4th and Mars are in 6, 8 or 12, and are involved in an eclipse or are
stationary at birth, the native will become dumb.


Bhava Chandrika


Benefic connections in the above Yoga would result in the native stammering.


If both lords of 4 and 8 are in movable signs/amsas whilst lord of 12th is
aspecting these or the latter is himself in debilitation, the native will be travelling

If the 4th house happens to be a movable sign, lord thereof posited in a movable
sign, whilst lord of Asdt is posited in a Saturnian sign, the native will become a
constant traveller.


If lord of 6th is posited in 4th while lord of 4th is posited in a fixed sign aspected
by lord of 10th, the native will be enjoying life on borrowed money.


Even if the lord of 4th is very weak or posited in 8th or is past deep exaltation and
is heading towards debilitation, if the native has taken birth on a constellation
owned by lord of 11th i.e. Moon standing on a star owned by lord of 11th, the
native will build/erect a house for residence.

Note : Moon is the significator for 4th house which governs mother, house, happiness etc.
Therefore, such Moon standing on a star owned
by the lord of 11th should confer house/property on the native.


If lord of 10th is posited in a watery-sign, the native's happiness etc.will be through water.
If lord of 4th is in own house/navamsa/vargas, the native will do good to his community.

Bhava Chandrika

If lord of Asdt is in 4th, happiness from relatives is assured - depending on the strength of
lord of 4th, happiness and help from community to the native, have to be assessed.
5th House

Adopted Son

If the 5th house happens to be a Mercurian or Saturnian sign with conjunction or
aspect of Saturn/Gulika, the native will adopt a child offered to him as a free gift.

The native will have an adopted child if lord of 5 is in 6th, lord of 6th in 12th,
whilst lord of 12th occupies Ascendant.

Many children

Many children are indicated if a strong benefic stays in 5th whilst the lord of 5th
is equally strong.


Children & happiness through them is assured if Libra or Taurus happens to be
the 5th with fairly strong Venus in there, irrespective of malefic aspect(s) on it.

If Venus in the above Yoga has malefic connections and there is also a malefic in
the 5th of Jupiter, whilst there will be loss of some children, happiness otherwise
is indicated.


Venus in 12th of Moon whilst Jupiter is in friendly house, a daughter will be born.

Loss of children

Bhava Chandrika

Saturn in 5th, dispositor thereof in 12th whilst Moon is in conjunction of Rahu
indicates loss of children.

Birth of son outside wedlock

Birth of a son outside wedlock is indicated if lord of 5th is associated with Rahu
and both of them stand in 5th whilst Jupiter is NOT aspecting Moon.

Moon in 12th from Asdt whilst Jupiter is in 8th conjunct or aspected by malefic
indicates birth of a child outside wedlock.

Loss of children

Whilst lord of 5 is exalted, malefics occupy 3rd and 4th houses, whilst the native
will have a large number of children, in the end only one of them will be living.


Jupiter in 5th, Venus in quadrant thereof, whilst the dispositor of Venus is in Asdt
indicates that the native will beget a child in 30th year.

The 5th house, lord thereof, planets standing in and planets aspecting the 5th.
Such of these, as are strong, will be capable of conferring children on the native.
In their major & sub periods, birth will occur. Such of the above 4, as are
malefic(s), will cause death of children, in their periods.

According to the Sages, sons have to be ascertained from the 5th, planet standing
in the 5th and Jupiter, the significator.

Number of children

Bhava Chandrika

Divide by12, the number of degrees from the lord of Asdt to the 5th house; the
remainder indicates the number of children a native will have.


Lord of 5th in quadrants in company of significator for children, Jupiter, indicates
birth of a child in the 26th year.

Jupiter and venus in mutual trines or in trines from lord of Asdt, indicates birth of
a child in the 24th year.

Loss of children

Rahu exalted, whilst a malefic assumes lordship over 5th and Jupiter debilitated
indicates loss of child in 32nd year.

Mars in 5th of Asdt/Jupiter/Moon indicates death of a child in 26th year.

If Gulika is in Lagna (Asdt) whilst lord of 5 is debilitated, indicates death of a
child in 50th year.

A malefic in 4th and 6th simultaneously whilst the 5th lord is in 8th indicates
death of a child in 37th year.

10 children

If lord of 5th is in deep exaltation in company of lord of Asdt whilst the
significator for children is conjunct with a benefic, the native will beget 10

9 children

Bhava Chandrika


If Jupiter is exalted whilst lord of 9 is in 9th and Rahu is in 2nd, the native will
beget 9 children.

8 children

Jupiter in Asdt whilst lord of 5th is posited in 10th indicates 8 children.


Gulika in 9th, dispositor thereof in 5th, indicates that whilst there may be as many
as 5 conceptions, most of these would result in abortions and death on delivery. If
one of the survives, that child will enjoy longevity.

3 daughters

Lord of 2 in 5th, dispositor thereof in Asdt whilst Mars is in 12th, the native will
have 3 good daughters.

1 son

Jupiter in 5th, Saturn in 9th and Rahu in Asdt, the Yoga formed thus, indicates
only 1 son.


Rahu in 5th whilst Venus is in 11th indicates that there will be birth of a child
literally (immediately) after marriage.

Note : This Yoga seems to hint at cases where engagement takes place earlier in some
communities and marriage is rushed through
because of the expected birth of a child.

Bhava Chandrika

Malefic in 5th, Saturn in 5th of Jupiter indicates that there will be birth of a son after death
of first wife and that the native will have two additional girl friends.

Lord of Asdt in 4th whilst Mars is staying in 5th indicates birth of a number of children but
that all of them will be short-lived.
6th House

Continuous Suffering

If a malefic is posited in 6th whilst lord of 6th is united with a malefic and Saturn
& Rahu are together in the horoscope, the native will be continuously suffering
from diseases.


Mars in 6th whilst dispositor thereof is in 8th indicates that the native will suffer
from severe in his 6th/12th years.

Stomach disorder

Stomach disorders in the 22nd year are indicated if Moon and Jupiter are united in
the 6th.


T.B. is indicated if Rahu is in 6th, Gulika in quadrants, lord of Asdt in 8th whilst
Jupiter is NOT in quadrants.

Stomach Disorders

Exchange of signs between lords of 6 & 12 indicates generally sufferings from
rheumatic disorders whilst in his 3rd year, stomach disorders are indicated.
Stupidity on the part of native is also hinted.

Bhava Chandrika



Moon with Saturn and Gulika in 6th indicates leprosy in the 55th year.


Rheumatic diseases in 61st year are indicated if lord of Asdt is in 8th whilst Saturn is
united with his enemy.


Lord of 8th in 6th, lord of Asdt in 12th whilst Moon occupies a malefic shashtiamsa, the
native will die due to troubles from spirits/ghosts and OR quadrupeds.


Rahu in 6th/8th, Saturn in 8th therefrom, whilst Moon is in 8th from Asdt indicates T.B.


Sun in 8th from lord of 6th whilst Moon is in 12th of lord of 6th, indicates accidents in
water in 5th/9th year.

Poisonous diseases

Malefic in 8th whilst Mars is in 12th from lord of 8th, indicates diseases due to poison in
35th year.


Lord of 8th in conjunction of Rahu, dispositor thereof in 6th whilst lord of Asdt is very
weak, indicates that the native will be suffering from various diseases.

Bhava Chandrika

Exchange of signs between lords of 6th & 11th, whilst a malefic occupies the Asdt,
indicates that the native will be suffering from various diseases.


If both lords of 6th & 9th are conjunct malefic and are standing in 10th and 6th respective
OR lord of 6 in 10 and lord of 9 in 6th, both with malefics, the native will be sinful.


Lords of 1 and 9 (in conjunction or aspect of lord of 10th) in 6th whilst a benefic owns the
11th house, indicates that the native will meet with a peaceful death.


Lords of 1 and 6 in 6th in Leo navamsa, indicates fear from jungle beasts in the 21st
7th House

Family Happiness

If the lord of 7th is conjunct or aspected by a benefic, full family happiness,
depending upon the strength of planets involved is assured.

o If the lord of 7th is exalted/retrograde, the native will enjoy life as a full
householder, in addition to having some girl friends.

Venus in extreme exaltation or in Saturnian sign aspected by a benefic/Venus in
9th indicates that the native will be having a number of girl friends and
enjoyments, besides being highly intellectual.


Bhava Chandrika

Planets in the 7th house indicate contacts with various types of women noted
below :-

o Sun - Defeated by women, or inability to match himself adequately. This
author seems to throw a hint that the fir sex will have the upper hand.
o Moon Dreaming, illusions/imagining.
o Mars Contacts with women in menses
o Mercury Barren women
o Jupiter Brahmin women
o Venus Women of questionable character
o Saturn Women in menses & low class girls
o Gulika ............. do .................
o Rahu
o Ketu

Barren wife

A malefic in 12th whilst weak Moon is in 5th with conjunction of lord of 7th indicates that
the native will marry a barren woman.

Character of wife

Satunr and Mars in 7th whilst their dispositor is in a Saturnian sign indicates that the
native's wife will possess a questionable character and the cause of the native's death
will be due to his wife.

Sexual perversion

Venus in Martian sign/navamsa or conjunct/aspected by Mars indicates sexual
perversion on the part of the native.

Character of wife

Venus in Saturnian sign/navamsa or conjunct/aspected by Saturn indicates that the
native's wife will be cruel and of questionable character.

One good wife

Bhava Chandrika

One good wife is indicated if 7th lord happens to be a benefic whilst a benefic occupies
the 7th house and Venus is in quadrants.

Venus in movable signs whilst Jupiter is in 7th and the lord of Asdt is strong indicates one
good wife.

Loss of wife

Whilst Venus is in debilitation, if weak lord of 10th is stationed in 6, 8 or 12, loss of wife
will occur.

Mars in Asdt, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th generally denotes loss of wife.

Loss of Husband

Loss of husband should be considered from Moon & Venus i.e. if Mars is situated in
situated in 1/2/4/7/8/12 from either Moon or Venus, loss of husband is indicated.

Angaraka Dosha

If Venus, Significator for 7th) is unaffected by malefics (whilst there may be connections
with benefics), lord of 7th is strong and there is also a benefic in 7th, Angaraka Dosha
(the evil contributed by Mars by his stay in 1/2/4/7/8/12) will NOT affect the native.
In the face of a well-placed Venus (powerful) in the horoscope, Angaraka Dosha will pale
into insignificance. So also, if the 7th and its lord
are strong, Angaraka Dosha may not do any harm. Here the 7th/7th lord from Venus is

Jupiter in 7th indicates long married life.

The quantum of Angaraka Dosha in masculine and feminine horoscopes should be
assessed with reference to the strength of Mars in respective horoscopes.

Cancellation of Angaraka Dosha

Bhava Chandrika

If both the husband and wife possess Angaraka Dosha, no evil effects will arise, and
there will be no widowhood.
Failing availability of a horoscope with Angaraka Dosha for the boy or girl with this evil for
matrimonial alliance, appropriate shanti according
to Shastra for Kuja Dosha may be performed to ward off this evil.

Mars posited in Taurus/Libra will not cause Kuja Dosha, irrespective of the bhava occupied.
This needs checking up. Will researchers
help ???

If the 7th or the lord of 7th from Asdt, Moon or Venus is hemmed in between malefics, the
malefic effects flowing from there will have to be suffered by the native. Note : It appears
from the context and tone of this sloka, that the indicated malefic effects cannot be
escaped by the native even by performing shanties.

Gain of girl-friend

Gain of girl-friend in addition to company of wife will arise in the Prana Dasa (minutest
sub-division of a major period - see Brihat Parashara Hora) of lord of 7th in debilitation, or
the lord of 7th if a malefic or posited in a sign owned by malefic or aspected by malefic or
a malefic standing in 7th.

Three wives

If Moon and Mars are in 7th whilst lord of Asdt is in 8th, three wives are indicated.

Early Marriage

A strong lord of 7th standing in a sign owned by a benefic denotes early marriage.

If Venus is standing in quadratn/trine, marriage is likely in the 16th year of the native.
Note : The year of marriage indicated here, from the context, appears to denote early

Venus in 2nd whilst the lord of 11 is in 11th indicates marriage in the 10th year. Note :
Double or treble this figure as necessary according to times and community to which the
native blongs.

Bhava Chandrika


If Venus is unafflicted by malefic and is in a friendly sign which happens to be the 7th of
Moon, marriage is likely in the 12th year. Double or Treble as necessary.

Venus in quadrant of Asdt whilst Saturn is in the 7th of Venus indicates marriage in the
22nd year.

Year of Marriage

The slokas in transliteration read as follows :
Jamitraat Lagna Nadhasya, Lagnaat Jamitrapa_syacha
Paraspara_antara Amsanam Vargam Sukramsa Bhajitam
Labdam Sesha Vinignamcha Trimsata Vibhajeth Tataha
Sesha Sankhya Samaabdetu Vivaham Prapunyath Naraha

Note : The procedure outlined in these slokas for ascertaining the year of marriage of a
native, is under research.

Late Marriage

Late marriage or marriage after the native is well past his youth will take place if Asdt,
7th, their lords and Venus are standing in fixed signs whilst Moon is posited in a movable
o If the planets involved in the above Yoga are weak, marriage may take place
after 30 years of age.
o If Saturn is involved in the above Yoga, marriage is likely after 50 years of age.
o If Gulika is involved in this Yoga, marriage is likely after 60 years of age.

Loss of wife

Lord of 7th in debilitation whilst Venus is in 8th indicates early loss of wife in the major
period of malefic and in sub-period of a malefic therein.

Death of native

Death of native will occur in the year f his marriage if Rahu is standing in 2nd, Mars in 7th
whilst Venus is in dusthana (6, 8 or 12).

Bhava Chandrika

Dissolution of Marriage

If Venus in company of Moon and malefic(s) is standing in the 7th, marriage of the native
is likely to be dissolved secretly/quickly.


When making predictions or giving effects of Yogas, particular attention should be paid to
the strength of the planets involved.

The effects/Yogas/predictions concerning the 7th should be decided with reference to the
Asdt, 7th and their lords, and planets posited both in Asdt and 7th; their strength should
be considered with reference to the signs occupied. The Moon sign and its 7th, as also
Venus and its 7th, should also be considered.
8th House

Short life

Short life is indicated for one having weak lord of 8th in 8th or quadrants of Asdt,
whilst lord of Asdt is also weak.

The Yoga caused by lord of 8th being debilitated, whilst Saturn is weak and a
malefic occupies the Asdt, also indicates short life.

Madhya Ayush

In spite of indications of short life, if lord of Asdt or Moon is powerful, medium
longevity or Madhya Ayush would result, depending upon the strength of lord of

Short life

Bhava Chandrika

Even if a benefic occupies the 8th and the dispositor thereof is strong, if lord of
Asdt is weak, short life only should be predicted.


If the lord of 8th from Asdt, Moon or Saturn is strong, whilst the 3 planets,
Saturn, Moon and the lord of Ascendant are in :-

o movable signs - full span of life.
o common signs - Madhya Ayush of 60 years
o fixed signs - short life would result

A benefic in 3rd in exaltation or friendly sign contributes to long life.
9th House


If lord of 4th is in 9th whilst Venus and Jupiter are in signs owned by benefics
and lord of 9th is in trines/4th or 8th, the native will possess gold and precious

The native will enjoy full prosperity if Venus, Moon and Mercury are in
Jupitarian signs/quadrants.

Ancestral Property

Ancestral property and patrimony are assured if lord of 9th is strong, Moon is in
9th of Asdt and Jupiter is in 9th of Moon.

Father penniless

Bhava Chandrika

Moon and Mars together in 2nd/9th whilst lord of 9th is debilitated indicates that
the native's father was penniless.

Prosperity & Longevity

Good prosperity & full span of life are assured for a native with Venus in 4th
whilst lord of 9th is in extreme exaltation and 9th is occupied by Jupiter.

Father's Prosperity

Father's prosperity is assured if lord of 9th is in quadrant aspected by both Sun &

Reputed Father

Lord of 9th in 10th, dispositor thereof in 2nd indicates that the native's father is

Influential Father

Sun in extreme exaltation either in company of lords of Asdt & 10th OR lords of
Asdt & 10th are standing in 11th, the native's father will be a favourite of the

Respect to Father

Sun in quadrants/trines, with a benefic in 9th therefrom whilst Jupiter is in Asdt,
the native will adore his father.


Exchange of signs between lords of 9 & 11 indicates that the native will be
enjoying prosperity throughout life.

Bhava Chandrika

Exchange of signs between lords of 6 & 9 indicates that all the paternal property would be
lost and thereafter, the native will be inimical
towards his father.

Death of Father - when ?

Lord of 9th debilitated, dispositor thereof in 9th, whilst a malefic is standing in the 7th of
lord of 9th indicates death of father in major period of the malefic in 7th of lord of 9th.


Lord of 2 in 11, dispositor thereof in 9th and lord of 9th in Asdt indicates that the native
will become very wealthy.


Prosperity of a native would be dependent on the strength of lord of 9th from
Asdt/Moon/Sun, whichever is strong.

Future prosperity and luck which contribute to taking the native to Heaven are dependent
on the strength of lord 9th, lord of Asdt & Moon. If the said 3 planets are powerful and
stand in 9th, it can be taken for granted that a berth in Heaven has been reserved for the
native, whilst his prosperity on this plane will be much more than average.
10th House

Bath in Ganges

Rahu/Sun in 10th indicates not only charitable inclinations on the part of the
native, it also indicates that he will enjoy bath in Ganges at least once in hiss life


Saturn in 10th in Pisces, indicates that the native would take up the order of
Sanyasa or renounce the world.

Bhava Chandrika


Note : A similar sloka exists in Brihat Parashara Hora wherein the Maharshi says that the
native would suffer financial poverty. Two
horoscopes wherein Saturn in 10th in Pisces is posited, have gone through our
hands and the effects mentioned by Sage
Parashara came out correct in one, and in the other, the effects given in this sloka
are discernible as quoted below :-

Saturn Moon







Bhava Chandrika


Ketu Jupiter

In Horoscope #1, Saturn has no aspect whilst he suffers from Gulika-
bhavanadipathya in addition to his enemy Mars, lord of 6th posited in his sign. In
Horoscope #2, Jupiter - lord of 10th, aspects his own house. The reason why #1 is
suffering poverty whilst #2 is enjoying prosperity cum reputation with ideas of
renunciation could be clearly guessed.

Knowledge & Respect

The native will possess Gyana Knowledge, respect and wealth if Jupiter is in 10th
in company of Venus whilst lord of Asdt is powerful and Saturn exalted.

Professional Success

Lord of 10th in 11th in company of lord of Asdt aspected by Mars indicates that
the native will enjoy a large measure of success professionally.


The native will be following the tradition of his family and will increase the
reputation of his family if lord of 10th is in quadrant/trine, with Jupiter in trine
thereto, whilst dispositor of Jupiter is in Asdt.
The native will be charitably inclined and follow his family traditions if both lords
of 10 & Asdt stand in Asdt with Moon in quadrant/trine.

Ill-gotten wealth

Bhava Chandrika

Exchange of signs between lords of 8 & 10 indicates that the native will be living
on ill-gotten wealth.

Professional reverses

Weak lord of 10th in 10th with a malefic denotes professional failures/reverses.

Interest in profession

A native will be seriously interested in his profession and be engaged in more
than one, if lord of 11th is in 10th whilst lord of 10th is fairly strong,
conjunct/aspected by lord of Ascendant.


From the planet posited in the 10th, ascertain the virtuous or sinful deeds of the
native. Planet in 11th indicates the virtuous/sinful deeds performed in his family.
Planet in 12th indicates the inclination to commit son, troubling/satisfying others.
Note : Consider all planets in various houses, treating 10th as Asdt for this purpose.

A strong benefic in the 10th of Asdt/Moon/Sun indicates that the native will be
engaged in decent profession; a malefic instead denotes cruel/indecent professions
considered below dignity.

In the absence of planets in the 10th house, look to the 10th lord, the type of sign
he is in, and where his navamsa has fallen, and the lord of such navamsa; the
strongest among these will indicate the profession of the native and the channels
of his income/earnings.


A native will suffer bondage/imprisonment in his life time if Rahu is in 10th,
dispositor thereof in 12th whilst lord of Asdt is in Nigalamsa.

Bhava Chandrika


Sensual pleasures

A native having lord of 10th in 7th in company of Saturn and Mars whilst lord of
7th is conjunct with a malefic, will be more after eating and seeking sensual


A native having strong Ascendant, 10th house and powerful Moon will always be
keeping his prestige at a good level.


Lords of 9 and 10 conjointly standing in 12th along with a malefic indicates poor

Learning & Fame

If lords of 9 and 10 are standing together, in the major period of one and in the
sub-period of the other OR vice-versa, there will be reputation and learning; if
there is a malefic aspect or conjunction, loss of reputation & impediments in
learning will occur.

Dutiful Son

If the 10th house is strong, conjunct or aspected by lord of Asdt, the native will be
doing good to his father.

Raja Yoga

If lords of 9 and 10 are not subject to malefic connections and are strong whilst
lord of Asdt is strong and is posited in Asdt or standing with Moon, Raja Yoga

Bhava Chandrika


Whilst the lords of 9 and 10 are strong, if a number of planets are exalted and
stand in quadrants of Ascendant, Raja Yoga arises.

Punishment By King

Sun in 10th in company of Mars and Rahu aspected by Saturn indicates that the
native will be punished by King/Govt.

A native having weak Saturn in Asdt, 8th lord in conjunction of a malefic in 10th
whilst dispositor of 8th lord is conjunct with another malefic will suffer the
maximum punishment at the hands of the King resulting in his execution.
11th House


If lords of 2 and 11 are in own house or there is exchange of signs between them,
the native will be having gains in various directions and will be literally handling
much cash always.

Heavy Gains

Jupiter in 11th denotes heavy gains.

If lord of 11th is fast-moving planet (at the time of birth) and is posited in a fixed-
sign, the native will be earning secretly sometimes and possess satisfactory bank-
balance, native's financial status will be stable throughout.


Bhava Chandrika

If the Asdt, 2nd and 11th, their lords, are strong (or such of them as are strong)
according to the nature planets standing in these signs or the nature of the signs
wherein their lords are standing, income of the native will be accruing.

Moon in 2nd, Venus in 9th, whilst Jupiter is in 11th indicates good wealth.

The wealth and financial standing of a native will be fluctuating if 11th is a
movable sign whilst lord of 2 is fixed planet and Moon is in 2nd.

Benefics in company of Moon & Mercury standing in the 11th of lord of 11th
indicates gains in various directions and aample enjoyments.

The strongest from amongst :- the planet in 11th of Asdt/Moon/Sun and Jupiter,
lord of 11th or the planet posited in the 11th cause gains in the direction and by
the methods indicated by the planet.

The channels through which income arises through planets posited in 11th are as
follows :-

o Sun - Grass, gold, drugs/medicine etc.
o Moon - Agricultural pursuits, professions involving water and through ladies
o Mars - Professions involving fire, daring professions, war and connected
o Mercury - Writing, mathematics, poetry, work done by hands
o Jupiter - Religious pursuits, teaching, charities, educational/academic pursuits.
o Venus - Professions involving use of silver, pearls, cows, cattle, women
o Saturn - Service, gratitude, professions considered below dignity - involving
manual labour/work done by hands
o Rahu - Snake charmer, begging, work connected with low castes/classes of
o Ketu - Begging as a mendicant does
o Gulika - Killing animals/living beings and tades in dead animals/beasts etc.

Bhava Chandrika

A planet in 11th in Choramsa will confer gains through robbery, stealing etc. Likewise a
planet in 11th occupying Akaramsa confers gains through buried treasures being
discovered and lump sum gains of the sort.

Methods of Earning

There are FIVE methods of earning by which a native pulls himself through his
life span

o Business
o Agricultural pursuits
o Professions connected with King/Govt
o art work etc. done by hands
o by servitude like clerks, labourers etc. as indicated by the planets.

If the planet governing gains is involved in eclipse, the native will make a living
through begging.


Lord of 7th standing in 11th indicates that the native will start earning
professionally after marriage.

Earnings of a native should be particularly determined with reference to the 11th
house, lord of 11th and Jupiter. Gains are of a thousand kinds, these have to be
determined in accordance with the country in which the native is living, time and
community to which the native belongs.

The quantum of gain will be directly proportionate to the strength of lords of
Ascendant and 10th.

Bhava Chandrika

Malefic in 11th, lord thereof conjunct/aspected by a malefic whilst a malefic is standing in
the Ascendant indicates only minor gains; failing that, obstacles to gains; even if gains
occur, they will be lost too soon.
12th House


If Rahu/Mars/Saturn/Sun is posited in the 12th, whilst their dispositor is
debilitated, the native will go to Hell after death.


Jupiter in 12 th aspected by a benefic whilst Ketu is exalted, the native attains
salvation or goes to Heaven after death.

Quit Country

The native would quit his mother country ignominiously if lord of 12th is
conjunct with a malefic, whilst 12th is occupied by a malefic aspected by another


If the lord of 12th is in a sign owned by a benefic, aspected by a benefic, the
native will go about in his country happily.

Saturn in 12th aspected by Mars indicates that the native will spend a large slice
of wealth sinfully and extravagantly.

Exchange of signs between lords of Asdt and 12th indicates that the native's
expenses will be in charitable & right directions.

Bhava Chandrika

The planet posited in the 12th indicates the manner and directions in which
expenses occur; the sign in which lord of 12th is standing also gives similar

12th from Ascendant/Moon (whichever is stronger) its lord and the planet posited
therein, if benefic - benefic results ensue; and if malefic - malefic results follow.
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About the Author and Source
As usual, Kerala the state from Sage Parasara hailed has contributed one more great soul
in KKN. The translator after B Suryanaraha Rao, has been a great exponent and devotee
of Swami Sivananda. He donated the books to Sivananda ashram. Mr NN Krishna Rao,
though from Kerala, studied in Warangal and added the suffix Rao along with. VB
Choudry had translated a few of his works. His Brihat Parasara Hora was the 1st work
done in English in 1959. R Santhanam did meet his son U K Iyer in 1984 and started his
works which are now the benchmark in some of the titles.

U K Iyer had published some of the books from time to time like his sister late Uma but
as the only surviving member of the family and a good software programmer as well, has
been generous enough to publish these works on the net for the benefit of all Jyotish
lovers. The language used in these texts is very modern and apt for the time and has made
the "desha, kala, paristhiti" rule well a lot better than later work of sri R Santhanam. A
cursory reading will surely keep you using it for future readings. This online resource is
available at:
(From a mail posted in AIA Yahoo group by the Astrologer GB Prashant Kumar)

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