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&-./.01. -.2 03&405

&042-3(6 If tiisecteu, which piece of a planaiian will iegeneiate fiist.

78&45739196 If tiisecteu, then the Niu Section will iegeneiate fiist.


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Ethridge, William Friday, May 9, 2014 8:19:11 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:04:e3


In this lab we tiisecteu a planaiian to obseive which piece woulu
iegeneiate fiist. I hypothesizeu that the miu section woulu iegeneiate fiist. Ny uata
shows by uay S theie wheie alieauy ghost cells on the miu section. Anu all the uays
leauing up to uay 1u showeu moie giowth. 0n the 1u
uay the miu section hau
giown a heau anu a tail. S7% 29 of 78 anteiioi pieces giew back anu only 14% 11 of
78 posteiioi pieces giew back, while 49% S8 of 78 miu sections giew back. In
conclusion, planaiian will iegeneiate the miu section fiist when tiisecteu.


Looking at the uata fiom all the classes anu oui class you can see that the miu
section giew back the fastest foi moie people then the posteiioi anu anteiioi. It was
uifficult uiawing some of the subtle changes in giowth among the paits anu when
one of them tail uioppeu, it was haiu to tell which was which. Anu I think that most
of my uiawing wheie uiawn coiiectly but theie might have been some flaws uue to
the tail uiopping. Bowevei I uiu captuie the blastemas foiming anu paits giowing
back ovei time.

When a planaiian loses pait of its bouy its Neoblasts(stem cells) migiate
towaius the wounu anu foim a blastema that eventually becomes the aiea of the
bouy that was lost, When a human loses pait of theie bouy its gone foievei. Buman
stem cells make up a much smallei peicentage of oui bouy's then planaiian. Even
though they both aie unuiffeientiateu cells that can become othei cells when
neeueu they aie only founu in ceitain aieas of oui bouy (skin, biain, heait, bone
maiiow, ect) some caiiy out a puipose eveiy uay anu othei aie useu only when

Anteiioi Niu Section Posteiioi



'V[\ 0<J<*<:,>#)* X,>,
2nu Peiiou
7th giaue
Ethridge, William Friday, May 9, 2014 8:19:11 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:04:e3
Theie is less contioveisy about stem cell ieseaich because they no longei
neeu to use embiyonic cells, which they have to get by killing embiyos. They uon't
neeu to uo this because they can cieate aitificial stem cells by taking common
somatic cells anu iepiogiaming them into aitificial embiyonic stem cells. Theie aie
two main ways of uoing this, one iPSC that is when aitificial stems cells aie maue by
putting ceitain genes into the common somatic cells. Anu two STAP, which is when
somatic cells aie exposeu to stimulus to make them become aitificial embiyotic
stem cells. Scientists still uon't know eveiything about these aitificial cells anu neeu
to uo moie ieseaich


M.D., Chris Centeno. "How Do Stem Cells Work? IPS and STAP Cells or How to Create
Artificial Stem Cells from Natural Ones." YouTube. YouTube, 31 Jan. 2014. Web. 09
May 2014.

Stem Cell Basics. In !"#$ &#'' ()*+,$-".+) |Woilu Wiue Web sitej. Bethesua, NB:
National Institutes of Bealth, 0.S. Bepaitment of Bealth anu Buman
Seivices, 2uu9 |citeu Fiiuay, Nay u9, 2u14j Available at

Ethridge, William Friday, May 9, 2014 8:19:11 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:04:e3

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