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Since there was a need for training to a foreign language, there was also a
problem of search effective ways achievement of this purpose. A huge number of
teachers to aspire to create concrete systems of the training, capable to provide
each pupil successful mastering by a foreign language. However the difficulties,
getting in the way there is a lot of achievement of this purpose. One of difficulties
is connected with training oral speech. The methods, allowing to consider specific
features of trainees in group aren't developed yet. While methods are developed to
the teacher it is necessary to hope for the intuition.
We perfectly know, what even native speakers often commit mistakes in the
speech. The person speaking on second, not native to it language, it will be not
dependent on the desire to commit a mistake in speech. The teacher in turn should
warn, and if isn't present, to help to get rid of mistakes. It should define accurately
what reasons of mistakes, develop receptions of correction of mistakes, and the
most important to learn their forecasting and the prevention.
The purpose of this term paper is the analysis of various ways correction of
Tasks : Study of methodical literature, identification reasons emergence of
mistakes and definition possible classifications of mistakes.
Thus, object of our research is communication, and an subject of research
are mistakes arising at communication and ways of their correction.
Method: to study strategies work teachers by means of examples and
mistakes of pupils.
The structure of my work consists of two chapters. In first chapter I tried to
show that language is a communication medium and the main task of the teacher it
is involvement of pupils to studied language. Correction of mistakes at pupils is
one of the most important in foreign languages. In second chapter on the practice
by means of examples disassembled possible strategy of correction of mistakes.
"An errorreflects the competence of the learner." (Brown) "While
mistakes can be self-corrected" (Brown), "an error cannot be self-corrected."
(Brown) Student errors are an inevitable part of their learning process and need to
be treated as a teachable moment. There are many causes of errors including
"interlingual errors...from the native language, intralingual errors within the target
language, the sociolinguistic context of communication, psycholinguistic or
cognitive strategies, and affective variables."
When learning a second language it is natural for students to at first apply
their knowledge of their native language to the target language. Depending on the
similar or contrasting characteristic of these languages this may or may not be a
successful strategy for the student. "In the beginning stages of learning a second
language... (negative) interlingual transfer is a significant source of the
native language is the only previous linguistic system upon which the learner can
draw." (Brown) An example of this would be students applying their L1 grammar
structure to the target language.Errors also stem from intralingual transfer, which is
an indicator to the teacher that the student has moved out of the beginning stages
of learning. "Once learners have begun to acquire parts of the new system, more
and more intralingual transfer-generalization within the target language-is
manifested". (Brown) The field of corpus linguistics had amassed copious amounts
of data on this subject and provides a great resource to help teachers learn what
errors to look out for.A third significant source of student errors can be the result of
inferior classroom materials or from the teachers themselves, these are called
induced errors. "Students often make errors because of a misleading explanation
from the teacher, faulty presentation of a structure of word in a textbook, or even
because of a pattern that was rotely memorized in a drill but improperly
contextualized". (Brown)
When and how to correct errors. "While it is important to accentuate the
positive in learners' journeys to success" it's up to the teacher to discern when to
correct or not correct the student. One of the criterions when deciding when to
correct student errors is whether the error is global or local. A local error, at the
discretion of the teacher, can often be overlooked for the greater good of the
students learning process. This is because "Local errors do not prevent the message
from being heard, usually because there is only a minor violation of one segment
of a sentence, allowing the hearer/reader to make an accurate guess about the
intended meaning." (Brown) On the other hand when a student makes a global
error, this is probably an error that should be corrected. This is because "global
errors hinder communication; they prevent the hearer from comprehending some
aspect of the message" the student is trying to convey.There are many strategies
and styles of error correction that teachers use, this choice usually coincides with
the teaching method the TESOL professional is using. While early L2 teaching
methods that focused on rote learning and emphasized students creating perfect
output (for example the Audio-Lingual method) used error correction excessively,
newer models based on a natural approach emphasize communicative competence
and recognize that not correcting all student errors is more productive.A useful tool
for interpreting types of error correction is Vigil and Oller's affective and cognitive
feedback model. "Vigil and Oller's (1976) communication feedback model offered
one of the first models for approaching error in the language classroom". They
employ the simple concept of a traffic light and categorize teachers' styles of error











(correction)...allows the sender to continue attempting to get a message across; a

red light causes the sender to abort such attempts." (Brown p. 274) "A yellow
light ... causing the learner to adjust, to alter, to recycle, to try again in some way".
It is important to balance the types of error corrections. A consequence of the
excessive use of green light strategies may result in fossilization of the students
learning as the teacher has not provided a framework from which the student can
build. Superfluous use of red light corrections "often leads learners to shut off their
attempts at communication.
They perceive that so much is wrong with their production that there is little
hope to get anything right."Correction is necessary. The argument that students just
need to use the language and the rest will come by itself seems rather weak.
Students come to us to teach them. If they want only conversation, they will
probably inform us - or, they might just go to a chat room on the Internet.
Obviously students need to be corrected as part of the learning experience.
However, students also need to be encouraged to use the language. It is true that
correcting students while they are trying their best to use the language can often
discourage them. The most satisfactory solution of all is make correction an
activity. Correction can be used as a follow-up to any given class activity.
However, correction sessions can be used as a valid activity in and of
themselves. In other words, teachers can set up an activity during which each
mistake (or a specific type of mistake) will be corrected. Students know that the
activity is going to focus on correction, and accept that fact. However, these
activities should be kept in balance with other, more free-form, activities which
give students the opportunity to express themselves without having to worry about
being corrected every other word.
It is to S.P. Corder that Error Analysis owes its place as a scientific method
in linguistics. As Rod Ellis cites (p. 48), "it was not until the 1970s that EA became
a recognized part of applied linguistics, a development that owed much to the work
of Corder". Before Corder, linguists observed learners' errors, divided them into
categories, tried to see which ones were common and which were not, but not
much attention was drawn to their role in second language acquisition. It was
Corder who showed to whom information about errors would be helpful (teachers,
researchers, and students) and how.
There are many major concepts introduced by S. P. Corder in his article "The
significance of learners' errors", among which we encounter the following:
It is the learner who determines what the input is. The teacher can present a
linguistic form, but this is not necessarily the input, but simply what is available to
be learned.
- Keeping the above point in mind, learners' needs should be considered
when teachers/linguists plan their syllabuses. Before Corder's work, syllabuses
were based on theories and not so much on learners' needs.
- Mager (1962) points out that the learners' built-in syllabus is more efficient
than the teacher's syllabus. Corder adds that if such a built-in syllabus exists, then
learners' errors would confirm its existence and would be systematic.
- Corder introduced the distinction between systematic and non-systematic
errors. Unsystematic errors occur in one's native language; Corder calls these
"mistakes" and states that they are not significant to the process of language
learning. He keeps the term "errors" for the systematic ones, which occur in a
second language.
a. Errors are significant in three ways:
b. to the teacher: they show a student's progress
c. to the researcher: they show how a language is acquired, what strategies
the learner uses.
d. to the learner: he can learn from these errors.
- When a learner has made an error, the most efficient way to teach him the
correct form is not by simply giving it to him, but by letting him discover it and
test different hypotheses. (This is derived from Carroll's proposal (Carroll 1955,
cited in Corder), who suggested that the learner should find the correct linguistic
form by searching for it.
- Many errors are due to that the learner uses structures from his native
language. Corder claims that possession of one's native language is facilitative.
Errors in this case are not inhibitory, but rather evidence of one's learning
Corder introduced the distinction between errors (in competence) and
mistakes (in performance). This distinction directed the attention of researchers of
SLA to competence errors and provided for a more concentrated framework. Thus,
in the 1970s researchers started examining learners' competence errors and tried to
explain them. We find studies such as Richards's "A non-contrastive approach to
error analysis" (1971), where he identifies sources of competence errors; L1
transfer results in interference errors; incorrect (incomplete or over-generalized)
application of language rules results in intralingual errors; construction of faulty
hypotheses in L2 results in developmental errors.
Not all researchers have agreed with the above distinction, such as Dulay
and Burt (1974) who proposed the following three categories of errors:
developmental, interference and unique. Stenson (1974) proposed another
category, that of induced errors, which result from incorrect instruction of the
language. As most research methods, error analysis has weaknesses (such as in
methodology), but these do not diminish its importance in SLA research; this is
why linguists such as Taylor (1986) reminded researchers of its importance and
suggested ways to overcome these weaknesses.
As mentioned previously, Corder noted to whom (or in which areas) the
study of errors would be significant: to teachers, to researchers and to learners. In
addition to studies concentrating on error categorization and analysis, various
studies concentrated on these three different areas. In other words, research was
conducted not only in order to understand errors per se, but also in order to use
what is learned from error analysis and apply it to improve language competence.
Such studies include Kroll and Schafer's "Error-Analysis and the Teaching
of Composition", where the authors demonstrate how error analysis can be used to
improve writing skills. They analyze possible sources of error in non-nativeEnglish writers, and attempt to provide a process approach to writing where the
error analysis can help achieve better writing skills.

Corder elaborated on Carroll's work to show that the most efficient way to
teach a student the correct linguistic form is to let him test various hypotheses and
eventually find the right form (point 6, listed above). In these steps, Hagge points
out the importance of self correction (p. 82-83). According to Hagge, it is useful
to always perform an error analysis based on written tests administered by the
teacher, but without informing the student of the purpose of the test. On that basis,
self-correction is preferable to correction by the teacher, especially if the latter is
done in a severe or intimidating way. Self correction is even more efficient when it
is done with the help of children's classmates. According to teachers, the younger
the children, the greater the cooperation among them and the less aggressive or
intimidating the corrections. Hagge dedicates a section in his book to the
importance of treating errors in a positive way. In this section, titled "The teacher
as a good listener", he notes that it is useless, if not harmful, to treat errors as if
they were "diseases or pathological situations which must be eliminated",
especially if this treatment becomes discouraging, as occurs when teachers lose
their patience because of children's numerous errors. This, of course, does not
mean that corrections should be avoided; after all it is the teacher's duty to teach
the rules of the L2. But the correction of every error as soon as it occurs is not
recommended. The justification that Hagge offers is the following: the linguistic
message that the child tries to produce is a sequence of elements which are
interdependent; immediate corrections which interrupt this message tend to
produce negative consequences, even to the less sensitive children; such
consequences include anxiety, fear of making an error, the development of
avoidance strategies, reduced motivation for participation in the classroom, lack of
interest for learning, reduced will for self correction, and lack of trust towards the
teacher. Esser (1984, cited in Hagge) also made a similar point: repetitive and
immediate corrections, he noted, may cause sensitive children to develop
aggressive behavior towards their classmates or teacher. Thus, Hagge concludes,
correction must not be applied by the teacher unless errors obstruct
communication. This is the main criterion for error correction (i.e. obstruction of
communication) presented by Hagge; however there have been studies which
examined such criteria in greater detail, such as Freiermuth's "L2 Error Correction:
Criteria and Techniques" (1997). Freiermuth accepts Corder's view (point 6) and
proposes criteria for error correction in the classroom. These criteria are: exposure,
seriousness, and students' needs.
In the case of exposure, Freiermuth claims that when a child creates
language (for example, when he tries to express an idea by using a linguistic form
he has not yet acquired), he will most likely make errors; correcting these errors
will be ineffective because the learner is not aware of them. Thus, error correction
would result in the acquisition of the correct form only if the learner has been
previously exposed to that particular language form.
As regards the seriousness criterion, Freiermuth claims that the teacher must
determine the gravity of an error before deciding whether he should correct it or
not. Here Freiermuth sets a criterion which agrees with that of Hagge's: "the error,
he states, must impede communication before it should be considered an error that
necessitates correction". But what constitutes a serious error? Which errors are
those which should not be corrected? As an examples of non-serious errors,
Freiermuth mentions those errors which occur due to learners' nervousness in the
classroom, due to their stress or the pressure of having to produce accurately a
linguistic form in the L2. These errors can occur even with familiar structures; in
that case, they are not of serious nature and are similar to what Corder called
"mistakes". Here again we see Corder's influence in error analysis, and in
particular in the distinction between errors and mistakes. Freiermuth goes on to
suggest a hierarchy of errors (according to seriousness) to help teachers decide
which errors should be corrected: "Errors that significantly impair communication
[are] at the top of the list, followed by errors that occur frequently, errors that
reflect misunderstanding or incomplete acquisition of the current classroom focus,
and errors that have a highly stigmatizing effect on the listeners". He also clarifies
what can cause stigmatization: profound pronunciation errors, or errors of familiar
Another important criterion that must be considered by the teacher is
individual students' needs. The importance of this factor is mentioned in Corder,
who in turn notes that this idea had been suggested previously by Carroll (1955,
cited in Corder 1967) and Ferguson (1966, cited in Corder 1967). Each student is
different and thus may react differently to error correction. We infer from
Freiermuth's claim that the teacher must perform two main tasks: first, assess some
specific character traits of students, such as self-confidence and language
acquisition capability. Freiermuth agrees with Walz (1982, cited in Freiermuth) that
self-confident, capable students can profit from even minor corrections, while
struggling students should receive correction only on major errors. This claim
agrees with Esser and Hagge's claim that repetitive corrections are likely to
decrease motivation; it is reasonable to accept that students who lack selfconfidence will be "stigmatized" to a greater degree than confident students.
The teacher's second task, according to Freiermuth, is to listen to learners'
L2 utterances in order to determine where errors occur (i.e. which linguistic forms
cause students difficulties), their frequency, and their gravity (according to the
severity criteria mentioned above). Then the teacher can combine the outcome of
these tasks and decide on correction techniques for individual students.
A different approach to error correction was suggested by Porte (1993), who
stressed the importance of self-correction. Porte refers to Corder's distinction of
errors and mistakes and points out that many students do not know the difference.
It is important, Porte notes, that students know how to identify an error in order to
avoid it in the future. She agrees with Corder that it is more efficient for learners to
correct themselves than be corrected by the teacher, and goes on to suggest a fourstep approach for self-correction. This approach consists of questions that the
teacher provides to students. After writing an essay, students should read it four
times, each time trying to answer the questions included in each of the four steps.
Thus, in each re-reading task (each step) they concentrate on a different aspect of
their essay. In brief, the first task asks them to highlight the verbs and check the
tenses; in the second task students concentrate on prepositions; the third task
requires them to concentrate on nouns (spelling, agreement between subject and
verb); finally in the fourth task students should try to correct potential personal
mistakes. Porte also offers some clarification of what is meant by personal
mistakes, in order to help the students identify them.
The studies mentioned above are only a few examples that demonstrate how
S. Pit Corder's work influenced the area of error analysis in linguistics. The
concepts that Corder introduced directed researcher's attention to specific areas of
error analysis; they helped linguists realize that although errors sometimes obstruct
communication, they can often facilitate second language acquisition; also they
played a significant role in training teachers and helping them identify and classify
students' errors, as well as helping them construct correction techniques.

There is a set of the reasons why pupils commit mistakes in the speech. One
of the main reasons emergence of mistakes according to Natalyin V.P. is a
nesformirovannost of the corresponding speech skills and abilities. This reason can
be tracked on an example of emergence of grammatical mistakes in oral speech of
pupils foreign. So, for example: quantity of mistakes in the use and formation of
temporary forms, in particular, Present Indefinite and Past Indefinite, a verbal sheaf
of to be. Pupils commit these mistakes not because this grammatical structure but
because at them skills and abilities weren't formulated corresponding grammatical
speech both isn't familiar to them. If learning to specify a mistake, it in most cases
corrects it, and, thus he can correctly explain the grammatical phenomenon more
As before teaching there is a problem of psychological character: the being
trained are afraid to make a mistake (grammatical or in a word choice) that
adversely affects registration of speech, its fluency and, of course, not least on the
substantial party of the statement. Skill of teaching should prompt it the correct
approach to a correction of mistakes, and the most important to their forecasting
and the prevention.
According to Ivitsky the teacher of a foreign language should know N of,
why there are mistakes, what their sources, also should think over and find
necessary and most valid receptions of prevention of mistakes for the purpose of
their prevention.
As it established most the general reasons of emergence of mistakes. Unlike
Natalyin V.P. who considers that the majority of mistakes in English are the general
and their emergence in speech doesn't depend on features of the native language.
Ivitsky the N of finds the main reason interpretation of the native language.
In her opinion it is necessary to predict all types of mistakes, working over their
prevention and overcoming, it is impossible to give a priority any to one of below
listed aspects since they are interconnected.
- It is interesting that at the first grade level to the second foreign language
more considerable interference of the first foreign language which weakens at
more advanced stage is observed, giving way to an interference of the native
language. It is explainable from the point of view of psychology: subconsciousness
constantly reminds being trained that he speaks in a foreign language, removing an
interference of the native language on more background and later grade level.
Cases of the use of interrogative-negative offers instead of interrogative
utochnitelny definition are frequent, it is necessary to use a definite article with
nouns in shape both the only thing, and plural. However at this stage also there are
difficulties being trained not always can solve, whether definition is descriptive
or utochnitelny and, as a rule, descriptive definitions are accepted to the
utochnitelny. Here the feeling of language, and exercise to the aid can come to the
article use good assistants in its development.
A certain difficulty represent and the listed nouns which can be offered
being trained in the following look are lower:
Luck work time
Fruit fun money
Weather furniture progress
News advice information
Knowledge scenery success
The listed uncountable nouns can suggest being trained to be sung, using
motive of any popular song.
- An interference of the first foreign language (since now in many Higher
education institutions and schools study two, and there are more than languages,
gets a special urgency).

Ivitsky the N of gives examples of some mistakes connected with an
interference of the first foreign language (German) at training to the second
(English) language.
Avrora was a slavin (Germ. Sklavin), and anybody who had money could
buy her.
One more example: the student, having acquired that the English suffix ly
forms an adverb (a suffix ly forming adjectives, at that stage it was yet familiar),
It was ear (instead of early), i.e., correctly believing that the pledged word, is
an adjective, and remembering that in German the adjective doesn't differ in a form
from an adverb, further working over mistakes it assumes new not less
"interesting" option; it uses option without a suffix ly; He got up earlily (and
observing rules of spelling changes y for i).
Also Ivitsaya of N of revealed some other the reasons:
a. Insufficient possession of the first foreign language.
b. Linguistic incompetence.
c. Feeling of language.
Classifications of the mistakes:
There are some classifications of the mistakes offered by foreign and
domestic methodologists.
In the beginning we will consider S. N. Tseytlin's classification.
Depending on the reasons of emergence of mistakes they can be divided on
system, colloquial and composite.
Depending on the relation to two forms of speech oral and written,
mistakes are allocated:
a. speeches peculiar to exclusively oral form connected with a
pronunciation (orfoepichesky) and with an accent (aktsentologichesky);
b. peculiar to exclusively written speech (spelling and punctuation);
c. the speeches peculiar to both forms which more precisely aren't depending
on a form of speech.
Consideration subject in this term paper are only errors of the last type.
Depending on what language norms appear broken, actually speech mistakes
are subdivided into a number of categories. this classification is the leader in
practice of school training. It is possible to allocate mistakes:
a. the word-formation consisting in an unjustified slovosochinitelstvo or
modifications of words of a standard language;
b. the morphological connected with substandard formation of forms of
words and the use of parts of speech;
c. the syntactic - consisting in incorrect creation of phrases, simple and
compound sentences;
d. the lexical representing the use of words in substandard values, violation
of lexical compatibility, repetitions, a tautology;
i. the phraseological connected with not corresponding to norm use of
phraseological units;
f. the stylistic unities of style consisting in violation. Stylistic mistakes
take a special place in this system as don't correspond with a certain circle of
language and can be shown in the field of lexicon, morphology, syntax.
V. Lengo Nskal
Lengo Nskal offered the classification of mistakes. In his opinion, they can
be subdivided:
a. Admission of some necessary elements.
b. Addition of unnecessary or wrong elements.
c. Choice of the wrong element.
d. Wrong word order.
mistake correction pupil language
Correction of mistakes of pupils an integral part of educational process.
Efficiency is a kind of activity, finally, defines efficiency of educational process as
a whole. In practice of teaching of foreign languages the wide circulation was
received by a correction method by means of the mistake analysis. It is reception it
is successfully used at formation of skills of different types of speech activity in a
foreign language and at different grade levels.
In the most general view proiznositelny mistakes according to Dubrovsky
Pages of Century share on two groups: phonetic and phonologic. The phonetic treat
not the correct articulating of sounds. For example, in English a pronunciation
"dark" [L] instead of "light", an insufficient ugublennost [] or insufficient openness
[], violation of a rule of item duration of a verb, namely not observance of
gradation of duration public in a position of the end of a word, in a position before
a sonant and in a position before deaf to concordants (lay-laid-late). Sound
replacements belong to phonologic mistakes as in one sound system, and
intersystem. Applicable and situations of learning of foreign languages of
replacement in speech of pupils of sounds of studied language on sounds of the
native language is intersystem replacements. Erroneous transfer of an accent in a
word as belongs to a phonologic mistake. Thus, phonologic mistakes can be sound
and accent.To define proiznositelny mistakes for school audience it is necessary to
recognize that in the school program installation on formation of proiznositelny
skills isn't given. Skills of school students are formed by Proiznositelnye at level of
diaphonical compliances. It means sounds are replaced with sounds of the native
language. the pronunciation in a foreign language is estimated by diaphonical
replacements as quite satisfactory, so and correct. From this it follows that sound
proiznositelny mistakes in speech of pupils are reduced only to those cases of
sound replacements where diaphonical compliance is broken. For example,
pronunciations [ ] instead of [ ] in the word arrive, [how] instead of [hou] in the
word how should be estimated as erroneous.
Considering all this, terminologically correct will define proiznositelny
mistakes in school audience only as phonologic, and phonetic mistakes, i.e. the
wrong articulating of sounds to recognize as impossible because pupils use sounds
of only the native language.

Correction of proiznositelny mistakes is carried out by providing and display
of positions of the speech bodies, necessary for the correct articulation of sounds.
This way of correction is convenient and effective, and therefore is standard when
training students of language specialization. At school correction of mistakes by
this way in view of the called reasons appears unacceptable. In practice
proiznositelny mistakes are corrected by imitation: the pupil is offered to repeat the
correct option of sound sequence for the teacher.
The page of Century Dubrovsky suggests to use such method: if the sound is
mispronounced, the teacher prompts a corrected sound, 2-3 simple sound
sequences in which contains corrected public are said, and suggests to substitute a
sound from sequence in a word.
For correction of longs by such simple sequence the combination concordant
+ public, for correction of short vowels sequence concordant + public +
concordant is. These sequences can be monosyllables or it is simple combinations
of sounds. It is important only that one of them contained a combination
concordant + public, as a corrected word.
For example, for correction shock public in the word remain it is possible to
use monosyllables of may, say, way, and for correction of a sound by [L] in the
word courage it is possible to use the words cup, but, luck, but necessary and
obligatory for correction public in the word remain is the words may, and for
correction public in the word courage cup. For an assessment of efficiency of this
way pupils were offered to read lists of unfamiliar words. During the first reading
said mistakes were corrected traditionally by imitation; during the second reading
on the described way. Comparison of results of correction of mistakes showed
that the way offered correction allows to reduce quantity of mistakes almost in 2

The important place in the general to system of work on the prevention of
speech mistakes is occupied by special exercises. Exercises can be both written,
and oral. The formulation of tasks depends on that at what stage of training the
mistake prevention is carried out. There is a set of such exercises. To the teacher
the main thing to find and choose among them what will be more effectively, to
help pupils, to lower arising mistakes.
Currently at many schools, the general reception of correction of mistakes is
still used; when the class or the certain pupil, and sometimes and the teacher calls
structure misuse, and answering corrects the committed mistakes, such activity is
recognized for a long time as the defective.
The pupil knows that from it wait for mistakes and excessive concentrates
attention not on the contents, and on a statement form, all process of a conversation
brakes. Besides, work is conducted not over typical, and over the first mistakes,
which pupils caught aurally.
Because of insolvency of such way, we will try to find more effective
receptions of correction of mistakes.

Use of signs.

For this reception it is required big sheets of paper. On each of them that
mistake which most often meets in speech of pupils is drawn. For example, on one
leaf to draw a sound [s] for those who forgets to say it where it is necessary; on
other leaf a particle of "to" and to cross out it. Cards are shown necessarily, that
is at commission of mistakes. Mistakes fixed on a card, can vary depending on a
stage, education and level of readiness of a class.

Use of grants.

Many typical mistakes in oral speech of pupils can be prevented by use of

evident schemes and plans. They always find wide application and represent the
schemes defining the content of speech work of the pupil. For example,
message/composition scheme My working day. Here the scheme coincides with
plan points.

Use of directing teams

When pupils make this or that mistake, it is necessary to give to it
instructions to correct it, not to correct at all most. It is possible to tell, for
example, change the pronunciation change the verb, change the word. This way is
universal since is suitable for correction of errors of any kind.


While pupils work in groups or on pairs, the teacher should note mistakes,
bring them in a notebook. At the end of a lesson to write the wrong offers on a
board that pupils corrected mistakes during discussion. It can be done so: it is
necessary to make the list of mistakes which can be used in exercises for
homework; or two four pupils, having worked some mistakes, explain corrected to
all class; or are verified with other small groups.

Coding by means of fingers.

At performance of this way fingers of one or two hands symbolize words in

the offer and a question. It is necessary to stir those fingers which are representing
itself as a word in which the mistake was made. This way is suitable for correction
of the wrong word order, the admission of words, the wrong choice of words.

Use of gestures.

It is necessary to develop gesture which would serve children as a signal to

stop, consider the made mistake together with pupils, to correct itself before
continuing to speak. As the elementary gesture the finger lifted up can serve.


In the presence of the tape recorder it is possible to record statements of

pupils. Then to hear and specify erroneous words or designs. It is possible to make
text listing. from the tape recorder and to offer pupils those places which they
consider wrong.


One part of a class in the center of a room discusses any problem. Another
sits down round them, silently watches discussion and writes down all mistakes,
and the others should correct them. Then pupils change roles that all pupils could
execute both functions. In group of the discussing there should be no more than 520
6 people if a dictophone or the tape recorder, one group can carry out both tasks.
Sense of this exercise in that pupils learned to notice errors of another's speech and
independently to correct them.
All these methods can be used for the prevention, correction of grammatical,
phonetic, lexical mistakes. The main thing in them that they promoted
development of oral speech, and also were functional, and reflected novelty, a
situativnost, a personal individualization.

Research of the methodical literatures showed.Student error is inevitable and
a natural part of student learning. While the word "error" conjures up feelings of
negativity, we must not look on it as such. Student errors are not a negative
reflection on the student, but rather a critical pedagogical feedback tool. By
correctly interpreting the source of student errors teachers can gain meaningful
knowledge about the students learning process and knowledge deficiencies.
Successful training to a foreign language is allocation of educational difficulties
and development of the system of their neutralization.
In this work the reasons of emergence of mistakes at pupils at lessons of a
foreign language were established, considered classification of mistakes, from the
point of view of various domestic and foreign methodologists, receptions of
correction of mistakes and ways of their prevention are developed.
Correction of mistakes, this performance of work of editorial editing for
which certain skills are required. To help the pupil, the teacher should develop in
character of the committed mistake and should have the personal individualized
approach to each pupil.


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