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G 1393 (Pages : 2) No

Name ..
First Semester
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 marks
Section A
Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Write about space requirement for variables of different data types. (8 marks)
(b) Explain to down and bottom up approaches. (7 marks)
2. (a) Write a C program to enter two numbers. Make the comparison between them with conditional
operator. If the first number is greater than second perform multiplication otherwise division
operation. Print the results. (8 marks)
(b) What do you mean by type conversion ? Why is it necessary ? (7 marks)
3. (a) Write a C program to generate the first n prime numbers. (8 marks)
(b) Explain the use of a comma operator. (7 marks)
4. (a) How does a function works ? Explain how arguments are passed and results are returned.
(8 marks)
(b) Write a C program to evaluate the equation Y = x + x
+ + x
using function. (7 marks)
5. (a) Write a C program to delete duplicate elements in an array of natural numbers. (8 marks)
(b) Explain recursion with an example. (7 marks)
6. (a) What is an array of pointers ? How is it declared ? (7 marks)
(b) Write a C program to calculate the square and cube of an entered number using pointer of a variable
containing the entered number. (8 marks)
7. (a) What is a union in C. ? How is data stored using union ? (7
(b) Write a C program using structure to implementation a library database retrieval system having
details of bookcode, book name, no.of copies available and author name of 10 books. The user on
entering the author name, the program should display the book name, book code and no. of copies
available. (8 marks)
Turn over
2 G 1393
8. (a) Write short notes on :
(i) Command line arguments.
(ii) Register variables. (8 marks)
(b) Write a C program to write contents of one file in reverse into another file. (7 marks)

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