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MAIN THEME: encourage the kids to share the gospel

VERSE: Acts 5: 17-42

MEMORY VERSE: Philippians 1:14
14 And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and
dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.

4 OBSTACLES the apostles faced
1. Religious leaders [V17-18]
- Jealous of the apostles as they were getting more popular
- Apostles got arrested/ thrown into jail
- Sadduces = religious leaders
Eg. A kid in school (guai kia) is your teachers favorite student (teachers pet) and she always
gives like sweets/stickers to that student making the rest of the students jealous this is
what the sadduces felt

2. Jail [V19-25]
- An angel opened/unlocked the cells & told the apostles to go teach in the temple
- Being thrown into jail was a choice made that happened to them
Eg. Friends criticize/ call you names when you try to share about Jesus to them. But continue to
share the gospel and have faith that God will make a way for you & you will be greatly rewarded
in heaven. (just as the way God sent the angel to unlock the gates for the apostles)
- But they were willing/ had the desire to share the gospel, so God made a way for them

3. Orders to be quiet [V27-39]
- The apostles were told not to share the gospel & accused of doing so too
Eg. (link to 2)

4. Beatings [V40]
- The apostles suffered beatings when the people were persuades by what the religious
leaders said
Eg. Some friend might even be mean to you, pushing you around, play rough with you during PE.
But knowing what you did is right, tell your teacher about this bullying
You can see in (V41-42) the the disciples were still rejoicing even after they have
suffered, for they knowing that they have done the right thing & will be rewarded for
doing so when they go to heaven
They continued to go around and share the gospel

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