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Theme: Celebrating God in My Family

Scripture Focus: Luke 2:51-52 “He came down with them to Nazareth, and was obedient to
them, and his mother kept all these things in her heart.”
Mt. 12:46-50 “here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the
will of my heavenly Father is my mother, brother and sister….”
Target Group: Second year college students of SPUI, whose ages range from 17-19 years
old, have spent their first year college at St. Paul University Iloilo and
who have made a previous recollection focusing on the relationship of
the self with God. The student has a basic knowledge of the Scriptures.
Special care is given to transferees who are new to the Christian
Formation spiritual formation program.
Purpose: For the second year college students of SPUI to take time out of the
normal academic routine and to be with the Lord in order to strengthen
their family relationship and their capacity to relate with their family
through prayer, remembering and celebration.
Objectives: To lead the students into a deeper relationship with the Triune God:
Father, Son and Spirit, through their relationship within their family;
To enkindle in them a strong sense of appreciation of their family
uniqueness and family heritage through understanding of family
character, strengths, and weaknesses.
To model their family life after the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Time Course: One whole day: morning and afternoon sessions.
Materials: Gospel text on Powerpoint or Video
Attendance Sheet
Name tags
Wishes and Wouldn’ts Form
LOVE Window Form
Five images of the Holy Family/ or cross with candles
Linen and candle for the altar
Envelopes with names
Paper scraps
All the materials regularly prepared.
As participants arrive:
1. Ask them to fill out the attendance sheet;
2. Secure name tags and wear them throughout the recollection day; and
3. Proceed to the conference hall for briefing

1. Introduce the Team- the facilitators and the priest.
2. Give the house rules in a positive manner.
3. Present the theme and objectives of the recollection.
4. Organize for the mass and give responsibilities.
 Student coordinator
 Prayer leaders for meals and snacks
 Bell ringer
 Readers for the Mass and other responsibilities
 Rosary Leaders
5. Practice songs for the mass and other activities.


Things needed:
1. Paper and pens
2. Sheet on Wishes and Wouldn’t

1. Biblical Text- Lk. 2:51-52 “He came down with them and came to Nazareth, and was
obedient to them; and his mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus advanced
in wisdom and age and favor before God and man.”
2. Situate the text by relating the story of the Loss and Finding of Jesus in the temple.
Emphasize on the importance of each member of the family.
3. Each family has its own strengths and weaknesses. This was clearly shown to us in the
story of the Holy Family. The weakness of presumption.
4. However, it is also in the hands of the family members to make things meet and
5. Put emphasis on the obedience and submission of Jesus towards his earthly parents.
6. We bloom where we are planted.
1. Put the class in a reflective mood.
2. Allow them to remember their family members- their direct family members (parents,
brothers and sisters).
3. Lead them to think about what they wish their family could be, and what they would
not want their family to be.
4. In the activity sheet, make them check their Wishes and their Wouldn’t for their family.
Do this in silence.
5. When the student is done, the sheet is placed inside the envelope.
6. Try to maintain a certain degree of silence during the break. Have their break only
outside of the chapel so as to lessen distraction.

1. Divide the class into five groups and assign a place for each group wherein they can set
up their altar for the Holy Family.
2. Form a circle around the altar.
3. Each student is given a number of paper scraps equivalent to the number of members
in the group. The students signs his/her name at the bottom of each paper scrap and
puts the date.
4. Proceed with the sharing of their Wishes and Wouldn’ts.
5. After the sharing, allow a moment of silence. Each member writes a note for the sharer
and puts the paper inside the envelope of the sharer. No reading of note at this point.
6. They proceed with the prayer and the laying of the hands. They say their individual
prayer for the sharer aloud.
7. When the group is done, they submit their envelope to the facilitator.

1. Biblical text- Mt. 12:46-50 “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does
the will of my heavenly Father is my mother, brother and sister…”
2. The focal point of convergence of different people is the obedience and fidelity to the
Father. In the family the point of convergence among the members is the obedience
and respect the children give to the parents.
3. The focal point of family-ship in the classroom is the unifying influence of the teachers
and the unity of the students.
4. With the headship of the Father, all these “families” converse as one big family of the
children of God.






NOTE: After the talk, one group may start with the confession. They will do the activity as
soon as they are done with confession. Facilitator, see to it that there will always be
students for confession.
1. Have a moment of silence to internalize what was presented.
2. MYSELF box
a. Under LESS put the traits/characteristics that I lack. (ex. I lack the virtue of
listening patiently to others.)
b. Under OVERFLOW put the traits/ characteristics that I’m very good at. (ex. I am
overflowing with charity towards those who are needy.)
c. Under VULNERABLE put the characteristics that I am easily drawn to. (ex. I am
vulnerable to the pain of rejection.)
d. Under EFFECTIVE put the traits/characteristics that I am good at. (ex I am
effective as a group leader.)
3. Do the same thing for the family, this time taking the entire clan characteristics/traits.
4. You can put as many traits/characteristics in the box that you have identified. Do not
limit to one.
5. Remember to put the date at the bottom of the page.
6. When the group members have completed the boxes allow them to share with their
group members.

1. From confession, pick a message from the bowl.
2. Go and kneel and pray your penance and the same time ask the Lord what He means by
the message you just picked.
3. Write your resolution, sign it and put the date.
4. Put your resolution inside your envelope.

1. Offer the envelopes.
2. Before the blessing, allow the students to read the messages inside their envelopes.

1. Thank the students for their presence and participation.
2. Tell them that the Christian Formation Office is always there if they need any help in
their spiritual formation.




You have a list entitled WISHES AND WOULDN’TS. Read the list and check what applies to you.
If you have many more Wishes and Wouldn’ts that are not in the list – you can add them in
your list. Each item is followed by the question WHY. Silently answer it in your heart.

() 1. I wish my family would understand me. WHY?
() 2. I wish I could feel free to say what I want to say. WHY?
() 3. I wish we could be closer as a family. WHY?
() 4. I wish we could spend more time together. WHY?
() 5. I wish we had more common interest. WHY?
() 6. I wish our home was more peaceful. WHY?
() 7. I wish I could feel important to my family. WHY?
() 8. I wish we had more patience with one another. WHY?
() 9. I wish we listened to each other more. WHY?
() 10. I wish _________________________________________

() 1. I wouldn’t like my family to change me. WHY?
() 2. I wouldn’t want to feel pressured to be someone I am not. WHY?
() 3. I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone in my family. WHY?
() 4. I wouldn’t want to start fighting and arguing. WHY?
() 5. I wouldn’t want to be inattentive and uncooperative. WHY?
() 6. I wouldn’t want to be disrespectful or critical. WHY?
() 7. I wouldn’t want _________________________________________
() 8. I wouldn’t want _________________________________________
() 9. I wouldn’t want _________________________________________
() 10. I wouldn’t want ________________________________________

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