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Hello Shruti,

This mail is in regards of improvements that i have felt in english speaking and
writing after this training,
explaining it in some following points:
1. Writing & speaking Skills: To improve writing and reading skills need to wri
te and talk in English
every day more and more. It will improve our gramatical errors, vocab and pronun

2. To add phrases to vocab: By using phrase, speaking and writing can be improve
d in a expressive way.
3. Gramatical Errors: By writing mails and free speech, i found gramatical error
s where i have to work. I
also have practicises tenses, prepositions, verbs.
4. Call Ettiquette: I have learned how to behave on call like always introduce a
t the starting of call, use phrases,
be energetic and softonic.
5. Bridge Handling: I have handled mock bridges which helped to find out lacking
points during bridge handling.
At last, I would like to say that we not only learned so much in this training b
ut also enjoyed it and was helpful
to reduce work pressure in office.
And i hope so that such training programmes will be conducted once every year.
Interoffice Dating
DO be discreet. Date someone on an equal playing field or outside of your depart
ment. Be ready to accept the consequences. DON'T allow it to interfere with work
. DON'T make co-workers feel uncomfortable.
Dress Attire
DO pay attention to the FACS: the fit, the accessories, the color and the style.
Dress conservatively. DON'T go for the 'sexy' look.
Personal Problems
DO leave your personal problems at the door. DON'T overload listeners with detai
ls. Avoid the following topics: Divorce, childhood traumas, gross medical proble
ms, the history of your family's mental problems and prison activity.
DO realize that co-workers are gossiping about you and that gossiping does not l
ead to you fitting in. Instead, find a positive exit strategy and walk away. DON
'T start the gossip. If you are gossiping a lot, your job may be boring, and you
should find more productive ways to fill your time
DO follow the corporate culture, but be aware of your co-worker's perception of
you. DON'T show up late to a meeting or an appointment and appear ill-prepared.
Its always best to be five minutes early and prepared.
Making a Mistake
DO give an explanation, and collect the facts. Calmly address the problem with t
he proper solution. DON'T place blame or react in abrupt manner.
Sick Days
DO take a mental health day if one is needed. Consider the benefits compared to
your productivity as an employee. When requesting one, be honest with your super
visor about your mental wellness. DON'T call in sick when you are healthy, and d
o not post what you did on any social networking sites.
Sick Days
DO take a mental health day if one is needed. Consider the benefits compared to
your productivity as an employee. When requesting one, be honest with your super
visor about your mental wellness. DON'T call in sick when you are healthy, and d
o not post what you did on any social networking sites.
Instant messenger and E-Mail
DO be specific and clear. Pay attention the culture of your department, which ca
n cause these forms of communication to be laid-back or more formal. DON'T use a
bbreviations. DON'T assume that the responder has access to the background infor
mation on a project. Rather, brief them on the topic prior to asking a question.
Quirky Habits
DO accept yours and your co-workers' quirks. Calmly approach co-workers about th
eir annoying habits, since they are usually unaware of them. DON'T allow your ha
bits or someone else's to affect the productivity of the department. Be sure not
to be guilty of these top 5 annoying habits:
1. A demanding attitude
2. Consistently being late to functions

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