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Activity A.

Picture 1
In this photo, the given image shows a pattern of spiral and repetition. It shows the shapes of the
leaves having the same physical features and sharpness that movies in a single direction.




Activity B:

Give three examples of objects or animals in your house (within your locality) that depicts a pattern
similar to the three pictures above and discuss the pattern within each object or animal.

First object (or animal): Curling Caterpillar

Second object (or animal): Pinecone
Third object (or animal): Spiral Stairs

Make a short response or an essay for each of the following questions. After that, create a small
group of four members and share your answer or thoughts about the question. Then synthesizing the
answers of your group, choose one representative to present the answer to the class.

i. What is mathematics?
- Mathematics is the the study of numbers, measurements, quantities, sets, and symbols that imparts
a huge role in one’s life. Through Mathematics, we learn the basic and most important concept of life,
and that is being knowledgeable of how our world works as we co-exist with problems that includes
quantity, structure, space and change. Mathematics can be perceived through different aspects but
for me, mathematics is the one that fuels us to become logical, sensible and inquisitive individuals.

ii. Where is mathematics?

- Mathematics is everywhere. In school, at home, in the street, at the office or even at the park. Aside
from the fact that mathematics is a universal language, math is found all over the world. Even from
the tiniest piece of an object to the biggest entity existing. Throughout the years, math has been
constant in a person’s life. It goes wherever there’s life to exist, to keep it short, math is literally

iii. What role does mathematics play in your world?

- Mathematics is a substantial part of my world. Aside from the fact that it makes me knowledgeable
about how to live easily in my life, it has also made me become a sufficient and rational person.
Mathematics has been my fuel to

iv. Why is mathematics called a science of patterns?

v. Are the patterns that appear in the natural world a coincidence? Why or why not?
Activity 1:

1. Snail Shell

Snail Shell is coiled in a spiral pattern which follows the logarithmic

spiral. Through this pattern, it shows the ratio of the sides is equal
to the golden mean (phi) and can result in a process that can be
repeated into infinity - which takes on the form of a spiral.

2. Spider Web

Some spiders form their webs in spirals that suggest the repetitive
pattern of the golden spiral.

3. Roots System in Plants

The way the roots of the plant split or form can be compared to
the fibonacci sequene. Where it shows from the primary root, it
grows until is creates a branch, which also produces two growth
points. Then the other new root split in two while the other one
lies dormant. This pattern is repeated for each of the new roots.

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