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What are the talents that make you unique?

- As a person, the talents that I possess which makes me unique include my capability to be creative and
a good communicator. I can describe myself for someone who can create ideas and content. Also I find it
easy for me to relate to other people through being a communicator.

If you had illimitable power, how would you change the world in your own way?

- If I had illimitable power, I will never hesitate to create change and bring development in this world. I
would ensure that every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic background or geographical
location, has access to quality education.I would also prioritize environmental sustainability and work
towards promoting renewable energy sources and implementing eco-friendly practices. And lastly, I
would invest in medical research and technology to accelerate advancements in healthcare.

In your own way, how would you fight for your rights as a human being?

-In my own way, I will stand up to fight for my rights through speaking up with what I care about. I would
also include in my self in volunteering acts and promote fair trade and ethical marketplace. Lastly, I will
keep myself connected with social movements and make sure that I am knowledgeable enough of the
rights I deserve as a citizen.

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