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Dua Zakhira Treasure (source Tohfatul Hashmiya)

It is narrated from the Infallibles (a.s.) that they said: Verily for all the Ah
le Bayts there is a treasure and our treasure is the following Supplication:
,In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful.
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O Allah, indeed I ask you, O One Who is what He is. And there is nothing like Hi
m except Himself. O One Who does not know what He is except that He is. O One Wh
om nothing can make helpless, and nothing is a replacement for Him, and He is th
e Creator of everything, and the One Who controls everything, and One in Whose c
ontrol is everything, the dominant One over everything, Who destroyed the tyrant
s by His power. One Who demands worship of the creatures by His power. O You are
the One for whom every forehead bows. And all the beings submit to Your lordshi
p, the closest and the distant ones
Allaahumma innee as-aluka yaa man huwa huw. Wa laisa shai-un kahu illaa
huw. Yaa mal laa huwa yalamu maa huwa illaa huw. Yaa MAlLAA yajizuhu shai-. Wa yata
azu alaihi shai. Wa KHAALiQu kulli shai. Wa mudabbiru kulli shai. Wa man fee qabzat
ihi kulla shai. Qaahiru likulli shai. Qama-al jabaabirati biba-sih. Wa astabadal k
halqa bi sultaanih. Antalladhee khashiat laka kullu naaseeyah. Wa adhanat biruboobiy
atika kullu nafsin daaniyatinw wa qaaseeya
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Talamus sirra wannajwaa. Wa maa huwa min kulli shai-in akhfaa. Yaa mayn yalamu laha
azaatil jufooni wa maa tukhfeehil quloobu min ghaamizil maknoon. yaa mayn yalamu maa
kaana wa maa yakoon. Yaa mam biyadihi malakootus samaawaati wal arz. Yaa badeeas
samaawaati wal arz. Yaa mam biyadihi malakootu kulli shai. Wa huwa laa yujaaru ala
ih. Ajirnaa bilutfika mimmaa nataqqaa. Wa ballighna biqudratika maa nartajee. Yaa
mal laa yukhfaa alaihid daqeequl khafee. Wa lal jaleelul jalee. Yaa maulaaya anq
ata-ar rajaa-u illa min-ka. wa khaabatil aamaalu illaa feek
You know the apparent and the hidden and what is there from everything more hidd
en. O One Who knows the blinks of the eyes and what the hearts conceal in the de
pths of the secrets. O One Who knows what was and what will be. O One in Whose c
ontrol is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. O One Who is the Creator of
the heavens and the earth. O One in Whose control is the kingdom of everything.
And He is such that nothing could oppress Him. Save us by Your kindness from wha
tever we fear. And convey to us what we hope for. O One on Whom is not hidden th
e most subtle and the most hidden and the most revered of the revered. O master!
The hopes are cut off except from You
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As-aluka bihaqqi min haqqihi waajibun alaik. Mimman ja-alta lahumul haqqa indak. An tu
salli alaa muhammadin wa aali muhammad. Wa an taqzee haajatee. Wa an tuballigahnee amn
iyatee. Wa tunjiza lee amalee. Fa-innee as-aluka wa aalamu innakar Rabbul azeem. Al
ladhee laa yujizuka shai-un idhaa aradtuh. Allaahumma innee asbiha wa umsee fee dh
imaamika wa jiwaarik. Fa ajirnee allaahumma wa ahlee wa wuldee mimman khalaqta w
a maa khalaqta. Yaa azeemu Innaa ja-alnaa mim baini aideehim saddan wa min khalfihi
m saddan fa-aghshainaahum fahum laa yubsiroon. Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem.
and the hopes are not reposed except in You. I ask you for the sake of those who
se right is obligatory upon You. Whose rights You have appointed worthy near You
. That You bless Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad and that You fulfill my ne
ed, and that You convey me to my safety, and fulfill my hopes, then I indeed ask
You and I know that You are the great Lord, One Whom nothing can make helpless
when You have intended it. O Allah, indeed I pass the day and night in Your king
dom and Your protection, then give me recompense. O Allah, and my family and my
children, whom You have created and what You created. O the great One. And We hav
e made before them a barrier and a barrier behind them, then We have covered the
m over so that they do not see. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful
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Allaahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyoom. Allaahumma fabihima wa bismikal aaza
mi minhumaa. ij-alnaa fee hirzinw wa junnatim min kulli maa nattaqeehi. Wa min sha
rris sultaan. Wa min sharrish shaitaan. Wa sharri kulli wahashinw wa dabeebinw wa h
awaaminw wa tawaarikil laili wa khawaarijin nahaar. Wa min kulli amrim makhoofil
laa aalamuhu fa-attaqeeh. Wa laa aamana ayn yahilla bee fa-ahtaweeh. Allaahumma inn
a aqeedatee tauheeduka wa hammati taa-meeluka wa muawwalee alaa an-aamika falaa tahrimn
ee maa irtajeeh. Bilaa ilaaha illaa ant. Yaa laa ilaaha illaa ant. Bilaa ilaaha
illaa anta ikfinee makhaawafee wa anilni mutaalibi
There is no god except Allah, He is the living, the eternal. O Allah then by the
m and by Your names greater than them. Place us in the refuge and shield from ev
erything we dread, and from the mischief of the ruler and the mischief of the Sa
tan and the mischief of all the beasts and quadrupeds and crawling creatures and
the darknesses of the night and the coming out of the day, and from all the con
cealed matters that I fear. And my courage is in Your hope and all my reliance i
s on Your reward, then do not deprive me of what I hope for. By there is no god
except You, O there is no god except You, by there is no god except You. Save me
from all that I fear and fulfill all my needs.
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Wa man zalamani au khiftahu min sultaanin au shaitaanin au kulli insaan. Faqad ja-al
ta laa ilaaha illaa anta alaa qalbihi. Kaaf haa yaa ain saad haa meem ain seen qaaf s
haahatil wujoohu faghuliboo hunaalika wanqalabu saaghireena fahum laa yubsiroon. Sa
h sah sah sah sah sah sah. Kataballaahu laghlubanna anaa wa rusulee innallaaha qaweeyu
n azeez. Fasayak feeka humullaahu wa hu was sameeul aleem. Hasbiyallaahu laa haula wa
laa quwwata illaa billaahil aleeyil azeem.
And convey to me by Your power what I hope. And one who has oppressed me or whom
I fear from the ruler or Satan or all the men, then is appointed there is no god
except You on his heart. Kaaf, Haa Yaa, Ain, Saad, Haa Meem Ain Seen Qaaf. All the f
aces were destroyed. Thus they were vanquished there, and they went back abased
while they did not perceive. Pst! Hush! Quiet, Pst Pst Pst Pst! Allah has decreed
: I will most certainly prevail, I and My apostles; surely Allah is Strong, Migh
ty.[2] so Allah will suffice you against them, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.[
3] Allah is sufficient for us. There is no power and strength except by Allah, t
he Exalted and the Mighty.

[2] Surah Mujadilah 58.21
[3] Surah Baqarah 2:137

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