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Chapter Six

Megan! I pound on her door. Are you ready yet? Our evaluations are in ten
minutes and Im the third person to go.
The door swings open and Megan walks past me. Well, you might want to hurry up
then. Ugh! Tyler told me that he was having as much trouble with his other tribute, Lea, as I
am with Megan.
I smile at Brutus when we walk past him, while Megan smiles at Lyme. I guess we
can see where our loyalty lies.
Well see you guys later. Dont wait up. I say as the doors of the elevator slide shut.
Then I turn to Megan. What are you going to show the Gamemakers?
She scoffs. As if I would tell you. Youd just copy me. She laughs, which I find
somewhat offensive.
Whatever. But what training score do you plan on getting? I ask. I know that theres
no possible way shes going to get a higher training score than me. Im a boy. Its just not
I plan on getting whatever the judges give me, she says as the elevator doors open
with a whoosh.
Megan smiles as she sees Lea, and walks over to greet her. Tyler sees me, and
motions me over.
Hi, I say. Someone taps me on the back and I turn around. Who are you? I look
the girl up and down but I dont recognize her. She must be from one of the lower districts.
Jessica, District Three. Youre in my seat. She points to the seat I am currently
occupying and then makes a move along motion with her hands. I sigh as I stand up and
move down one seat. Thank you.
Aww, did someone just get shown up by a girl? Tyler says in a baby voice and I roll
my eyes.
No, I chose to move. I couldve stayed there if I felt like it. I just didnt feel like it. I
know its a lame excuse but it is true.
I bet you couldnt even get that seat back if you wanted to, Tyler challenges me. I
look over to where Jessica is sitting and see that she is in a conversation with the other
District Three tribute. She seems annoyed.
I would, but theyre going to be starting soon, I say, pointing at the man who has
been standing by the door for about three minutes now. He must be waiting for everyone to
file in.
Tyler begins to say something, but the man cuts him off by blowing a whistle. Megan
comes and sits down by me. Tributes! You are here for your personal evaluation score.
The Gamemakers will watch what you have prepared to show them, and then they will give
you a score based on how well they think you will do in the arena. Alright? Everyone nods.
Good. Were going to start now with District One. Just a reminder, it goes boy tribute first,
and then the girl tribute. Enter the room when your name is called. He steps back up by the
Tyler deBeauclair. They call. The man opens the door for Tyler and then follows
him inside. I wonder how long he will be in there for.
After about ten minutes, Tyler walks out and then they call Leas name. Im so glad
that Im in the second District and that I dont have to wait here until everyone else is done,
like the girl in District Six has to do.
Finally, Lea exits the room and then my name is called. I stand up and then walk
over to the big metal doors. I take a deep breath before pulling one door open and then
entering the room.
I walk into the middle of the room and see the new Gamemakers sitting in a lounge
area above my head.
I walk over to where the spear display is and I grab three spears, whose length
range from short to long. I walk over to where the dummies are set up. I stand about five
yards away from the dummies before I stop.
I quickly rotate both of my shoulders to kind of warm them up before I throw. Then I
step forwards with my left foot and throw the longest spear. I smile as it hits the dummy right
in the middle of the forehead.
I move slightly to the right so that Im across from the next dummy. This time, I throw
the longest spear, and it hits the dummy in the left shoulder, cutting off the arm. Its not
exactly where I wanted it to go, but its a clean cut so its okay.
Then, I finally move to the last dummy. Taking the last spear in my hand, I take a
deep breath. This is my last chance to redeem myself from the last throw.
I close my eyes as I throw it, and when I open them, theres a spear through the
dummys heart.
I breathe a sigh of relief as I walk back to where the Gamemakers are seated.
Thank you for your time. I smile at them, before turning and walking back out of the door.
As I pass Megan, she smiles. Good luck. I say and she nods as she stands up to
enter the evaluation room. I take one last look at the remaining tributes before walking over
to the elevators.

Where is she? I ask Brutus and Lyme. They both shrug and I sigh. Its been forty-
five minutes! What could she possibly be doing? What time will we find out our scores? I
ask Brutus.
Probably after lunch, Brutus says. At first, I wonder how he could not know the
official time, having mentored for so long. But then I realize that the time probably differs
from year to year depending on what skills the tributes show.
The elevator doors glide open, and Megan saunters in. She stops halfway across the
room when she sees the looks were giving her. What?!
Its been forty-five minutes, Megan. Where have you been? We need to start
practicing for our interviews tomorrow night! I exclaim.
Oh, sorry, I got caught up talking to the girls from Districts Three and Four after their
evaluation. We were discussing our chariot costume, she says calmly.
I roll my eyes at her. How can she just talk and talk for forty-five minutes?
Whatever, can we just get started?
Howd you do? Lyme asks Megan, totally ignoring my question. Brutus nods
enthusiastically and I sigh.
I completely zone out as Megan begins a long description of her experience in the
presence of the Gamemakers.
Its not until someone jabs me in the side with their elbow, that I come back to it.
What? I ask.
Gosh, Joshua, cant you keep up? Brutus asked how your evaluation went! Megan
says, making sure to put an extra emphasis on the Joshua.
Dont call me Joshua, I say to Megan before turning towards Brutus and Lyme.
Okay, well, I threw three spears. The first and last one were spot on, but the second one
was slightly off and it sliced off an arm.
Thats still good, Megan says. I probably couldnt do that. Well I have to admit that
makes me feel a little better, even if its probably not true.
But a missing arm will not cause immediate death, I say before repeating my
previous question. Can we get started on the training for the interviews? I ask.
Yeah, sure, Brutus says, standing up. Are we going to train them together right
now, or do you want to work with Megan for her dress?
How about we do the separate ones right now. Im sure theyll be fairly quick. Weve
got a talented group here, Lyme replies and Brutus nods.
Brutus nods and leads me over to the other side of the living room. He begins to
coach me on what and what not to say. I listen, taking in everything he says.

When were done with the personal coaching, we come back together for the group
coaching. Megan walks in, still in her dress and heels, and I have to admit, she can walk
very well in heels. This kind of scares me, considering the fact that heels could potentially
be a weapon. Tomorrow, during the interview, Ill make sure to stay on her good side.
Okay, so basically, this training is going to be very short. Dont get killed, Brutus
says. I think we can go eat lunch now.
Sounds good to me, I say, walking over to the table. Lyme gives a knowing smile to
Megan, who smirks back. What?
Nothing Megan says. Whatever. Girls are stupid, so I really dont want to know
I cant believe we will be getting our scores soon, I say.
I know right! These scores will pretty much determine the entire Career group,
Megan says.
Why do you even I trail off, losing my train of thought.
Why do I even what? Megan asks, raising her eyebrows at me.
I dont know. I forgot what I was going to say.
Whatever. How about you just stuff your face because the food is here. That is the
first good suggestion Ive heard all day.
I quickly fill my plate with food. Im pretty hungry from all the training.
When Im halfway done with all of the food, I hear the sound of the Capitals music
playing and I realize that we are about to get our scores.
Everybody rushes over to the living room, where the flat screen on the wall is
showing the Capitol symbol.
Then the announcers, Caesar Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith, come onto the
screen and begin their usual talk.
Come on! Stop talking and start showing us the scores! I scream at the tv and
Megan looks at me as if Im crazy. What? I ask and she just rolls her eyes.
Finally, after what seems like forever, they stop talking and Tylers picture flashes on
the screen. Then, his score. He scored a 10. Oh thats a really good score! I hope I can get
a ten
Then Lea gets a score of 10 as well. I guess they really have trained well for these
Finally, my face comes up...and I get an 8. An 8? Seriously? Well, its not that bad.
Its still Career worthy. Plus, it makes sense considering my missed second spear throw.
Then, the unthinkable happens; Megan gets a 9! How in the world did she manage
to get a score higher than me?! Thats just not fair!
Megan starts laughing and I pick up a pillow and throw it at her face. What was that
for? she asks sarcastically before whipping the pillow back at me.
Whatever. Its only because I missed the second shot I say out loud. Megan
laughs again and I just roll my eyes.

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